by Gossamer on June 1st, 2012, 6:28 pm
Here's the deal one more time.
I was hugely sick (and still am at the tail end of it) for most of the Spring Season with Pertussis. Its horrible and like the never ending bronchitis only you get fevers, vomiting, the whole nine yards. That means I didn't get anyone set up with jobs but you guys need the money. So everyone that has a 'job' in the works is going to get paid for that job because I don't want you guys poor because I was neglectful (even if it wasn't my fault). So, no you don't get seasonal XP unless you did threads. But if you're waiting on a job, you WILL get paid. But no XP without threadwork. Sorry! I also told everyone who had a job pending they could start XP Threads and most did. So when those are done, you can get XP.