Nice Aaeesha, looking forward to reading up more about Alekto and rp'ing with her ^^
Vatkir, your CS is starting to shape up really well, can't wait to know more about him. The added mystery of how he'll react in the thread, since we don't know how his twisted his personality is yet, makes me want to create a thread with you as soon as possible.Which is exactly what I'll do actually, Yeva and me wanted to make a thread with an Archer-NPC as support, but since you're ready to go, and I still have to create a Leader NPC and then submit all of the NPCs in the Help Desk, we'll instead go with a Scout-Scout-Warrior set-up and create a thread for us 3, without any NPCs participating in it.
Aaeesha, as soon as your character is ready to rp, we'll create another rp-thread that has you participating in it aswell, sounds good?
I'll send you a PM with information about the thread that Yeva and I had in mind, let me know what you think and as soon as everything's good to go, I'll create the thread.
Cheers everyone. ^^
Edit: The NPCs ( Leader NPC & Grunt NPCs ) have been submitted to the HD, hopefully everything is done properly so that they'll be approved, if not, I'll edit them and resubmit them. |