Learning to Walk (Cora, Gian)

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Learning to Walk (Cora, Gian)

Postby Gian Marco on October 27th, 2011, 2:10 pm

Gian was sure of it now: the fish could talk. He took a single step back from the party and cut his eyes to the side.

"By Izurdin, a talking fish," he thought. Suddenly, and without warning, Gian Marco's concept of the world had changed drastically. "Animals are animals, they do not talk, especially not to beings of higher intellect." The Isur's steed, Baron, approached the party cautiously, also keenly aware that sea life did not belong on land and should not be able to talk.

Gian Marco heard Baron snort behind him and he turned quickly to face him. His eyes narrowed and he began to inspect Baron's features, first with his eyes and then with his hands. He felt the horse's face slowly and deliberately, then pulled its lips apart and yanked its mouth open. Gian Marco stared into the horse's throat and then snapped its mouth shut. "If fish can talk. . ." the Isur thought. "No, no. Certainly not horses." He patted Baron's nose affectionately and smiled a broad smile. The horse squinted a look of priceless confusion at its master.

Gian Marco turned back to face the girl and the fish, then grasped Baron's reins loosely. He wouldn't know where to begin communicating with a fish and, instead, looked at Cora. "I have crab at my camp," he pointed behind him. "Please join me if you like and, er-" he stumbled over his words "please invite your friend as well." He smiled at Eorar nervously and then turned, leading Baron back to his camp.
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Learning to Walk (Cora, Gian)

Postby Cora Greenberg on October 31st, 2011, 9:36 am

Cora nodded at the Charoda, who introduced himself as Eorar and as he straightened himself, she did the same. "Nice to meet you, Eorar. You don't have to be scared. I...we... will not harm you." She smiled at him kindly.

Then she watched curiously as Gian looked quite shocked that Eorar was able to talk. She had to admit that at first she was quite surprised too, because she didn't know much about the Charoda race, but she quickly got used to it. She supposed that it was quite normal for Charodae to speak.

She watched, confused, as Gian approached his horse who was standing behind him and started to look over him. 'What is he doing?', she thought. Then, when Gian looked at the horse's mouth she understood. She was able to keep a straight face until he opened the horse's mouth with his hands. Then, she completely lost it and started to laugh.

After a while she calmed down and looked appologizingly at Gian, still grinning. "Sorry, I couldn't help myself. You looked..." she giggled.

She nodded at Gian's invitation. "Thank you, that would be great. I would like to sit somewhere. I've been on my feet all day." She glanced at Eorar. "Well, he's not exactly my friend. I was just going to the beach, when I met him, but I'm sure he would welcome some food too."

Then she turned to Eorar. "What would you say to some food? I promise that we won't hurt you." she smiled at him encouraginly.
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Learning to Walk (Cora, Gian)

Postby Warden Thrice on November 2nd, 2011, 5:32 pm

The man's face twisted into an expression of sheer shock. Eorar's caution turned to curiosity as he turned to his approaching horse and proceeded to examine it as if checking for illness. He opened its mouth and stared into it with an intense face, and Eorar jumped as Cora started crying. He stared at her, trying to figure out what was wrong.

"C-Coura!" he said, her name sounding odd in his mouth. "What wrong? You alright?"


"Oh," he said dumbly after a few moments. "You laughing."

His cheeks gained a faint tint of purple, and a particular shell by his foot suddenly and inexplicably became the most interesting thing in the world. He almost missed it when she spoke to him.

"What? Oh, uh, food?" he wasn't sure what crab was, but was rather afraid that he might offend them if he refused, so... "Yes, that be nice."
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Learning to Walk (Cora, Gian)

Postby Paragon on February 16th, 2012, 4:41 pm


Eorar :

Skill XP Reward
Observation +1
Negotiation +1
Rhetoric +1

Lore: Learning to Walk, Speech Patterns, Cora (acquaintance)

Other: N/A

Gian :

Skill XP Reward
Riding +1
Observation +1

Lore: N/A

Other: N/A

Cora :

Skill XP Reward
Observation +1

Lore: Eorar (acquaintance)

Other: N/A

Shame this was cut short, but a fun read nonetheless - if you have ANY questions or concerns about this grading, don't hesitate to PM me.
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