Oktuberia, Oktuberia:why am I seeing two of you? OPEN/Circus

[Castle commons]The oktuberia fest arrives and drunken mayhem abounds with entertainment.

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Oktuberia, Oktuberia:why am I seeing two of you? OPEN/Circus

Postby Archelon on October 25th, 2011, 9:09 pm

Inside the Circus Tent...

Inside the tent proper a few masses of shapes within the crowd rose at Essik's words. Their presence a clear sign of their strength and dominance at such an occasion. On one side of the stands, Robern's little darling of daughter, Libby sat bored within the fine draperies of an arnored stand, laying back against the grey frame of a dire wolf , she smiled boredly and wavied before raising her glass for a slave to pour her some wine. Dressed in black silks of a dress, and finery no other woman in Sunberth besides Brega or Ruby could afford it was obvious to anyone that the Festival was one of the few holidays (what at least could be counted as holidays in sunberth) she didn't mind being out and about in the company of her father's hired killers.

For indeed, surrounding her place of residence in the stand was a literal phalanx of about a hundred daggerhand, dressed and armored for the occasion. Tattoos proudly showing upon their arms as they leered and bristled at anyone who might get close enough to Robern's little princess.

On the other end of the tent, a hundred Dragoons and shopkeepers who formed their 'council' stood as well. All drawn from the merchants and guards of the Gated Community. Indeed, the wealthiest of all the parties of Sunberth were here tonight, perhaps willing to throw a token of their appreciation for the night's events, or even call anyone who caught their fancy up for a chat.

Indeed, Libby's eyes were wandering through the crowd now, and though the tales of how she tortured her ex suitors might hold a grain of salt, any man might give their life to lie a moment next to such a sordid viper... But would any of them benefit the troupe of circus goers?

Only time would tell.
Thank you all for the privildege of moderating, unfortunately with deaths in the family and ailing health I am retiring. All thread grades I had on my pc have been forwarded to founders and paragon, so expect them posted soon.
It's been a mixed bag at times , but with all the good and the bad and mixed signals, I can honestly say: Thank you. Please support the next mods of sunberth as well as you have done me.
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Oktuberia, Oktuberia:why am I seeing two of you? OPEN/Circus

Postby Essik on October 30th, 2011, 9:59 pm


Inside the Circus Tent…

Essik smiled broadly as the different patrons rose to their feet throughout the audience. At least the ones that wanted to be seen. Essik was fairly certain that there were a few others in the room who were of importance that wanted to stay hidden. Still, as the groups stood up, Essik called out to the crowd, “Let’s have a hand for our generous benefactors for, not only the circus being here, but the entire festival that they put on for us.” To ensure that the applause rose, Essik was the first to start the clapping to let the audience follow him if they didn’t want to start. He also carefully watched to see if anyone in the room wasn’t clapping, carefully picking out those who didn’t have “favorable” attitudes toward the leaders of the city. Or at least the ones who wouldn’t be swayed by their peers to join in the praise.

But after a few moments, the applause settled down once more as everyone took their seats once more. Essik, looked around again, “Now, without further adieu, Let us start the show!” Essik turned quickly, heading back to the middle of the ring. He drew two more blades with his hands as he stopped in the center, looking around at the different targets arrayed around him, concentrating on them, focusing his mind for a few moments. Absent mindedly, his fingers flicked the blades between them, his hands getting their feel down carefully. He waited for a few moments while the music started to play, letting the tones build up for a few seconds before he set to work. Once the perfect note was reached, Essik lifted his hands up from his sides and over his head before pushing them downward once more, his finger holding just enough pressure on the blades so that they slipped from his grasp without even having to let go. The two blades flashed through the air, glinting brightly in the light of the stage lanterns as they sped through the air, embedding themselves into two targets at either side of where Essik stood. They weren’t exactly center, but still good clean hits.

Before the audience could respond, Essik ran forward a few steps, building up some momentum before he planted his hands onto one of the crates that was set before him, carrying himself upward into a handstand facing where he had just been standing. Carefully, he focused himself once more, fighting carefully to hold himself upright. Slowly, he shifted his weight to his left arm before inch by inch bringing his right hand up to his vest once more. He gritted his teeth under tight lips as his arm started to protest from the strain from holding himself there. But his finger carefully wrapped around the handle of one more knife before lashing forward in te blink of an eye to release the blade toward another target. Granted, the motion of the throw threw off his balance, forcing Essik to let his body flip down to a standing position once more. He looked over his shoulder quickly to see the blade embedded in the target, just north of bull’s eye.

The performance went much like this for the first twenty minutes, Essik moving between obstacles, careful to keep his hood in place as he went, as he put the knifes into the targets. They were never true center, most of them would miss the bull’s eyes by a bit, but they always stuck and held firm in the wooden targets and there were no mishaps at all, thank the gods. But after the first portion of his performance, Essik moved back into the center of the ring, stopping for a moment and taking a quick bow, accepting any applause that was given to him for a few seconds. Once he righted himself again, he ushered for silence with his hands before speaking, “For the next portion of my act, I would ask for a volunteer from the audience. Just one right now, if you will.” Essik searched for a quick volunteer. Someone taller and sturdy for now. A male would do nicely. He picked out a man from the crowd, walking over to him, still smiling, “You, Sir. Please, come over here with me. And let the people know your name if you don’t mind.”

The man introduced himself as Warren as he walked over to where Essik stood. Essik patted the man on the back as he walked up, picking up a small plank of wood from one of the crates next to him, “Well, Warren, would you be a friend and hold this for me?” The plank had two different targets painted onto it at each end. Warren took the plank and Essik took a second to position the man to one side of the ring, joking with him a little for the crowd. But after a moment, Warren was standing with the plank held out before him, one target held in front of his face and the other over his chest. Essik walked a few paces away before turning to face the targets. His knifes were already in his hand after collecting them from the targets at the end of the first portion. He stood there for a moment, focusing his mind once more, meditating on the two targets before him. He smiled under the hood, letting his eyes burrow into the wood for a second as the music built once more. As it built to a crescendo once more, He raised his hand over his head and released the blade, letting it sail into the wood, sticking into the higher target. Warren started a bit, but held fast, and with that, Essik let off a rapid fire throw of knife after knife. The second knife went to the lower target and the rest went back and forth in the same pattern of high and low until each target had five knives sticking out from it. Once the last one landed, Essik walked over to the plank, letting Warren know that it was done.

Essik put the man through a few more tricks, holding the target lower, or out to the side, or across his chest. Each time Warren would flinch with the first knife, but hold steady after that. This lasted for about ten minutes before Essik walked over to Warren, placing his hand on the volunteers shoulder and looked out to the crowd, “Let’s hear it for Warren; A good sport and a brave man!” Essik let Warren take a bow before ushering him off to his seat once more. ”Now, one more volunteer for my final trick of the show. Please, someone very brave if you don’t mind.”
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Oktuberia, Oktuberia:why am I seeing two of you? OPEN/Circus

Postby Idue on October 31st, 2011, 8:13 pm

Inside the Circus Tent…

Idue watched with some interest as the man in the center of the ring spoke to all of them. Rather, he listened at the moment, instead choosing the time to look around at those in the stands. Most meant little to Idue, but the Benshira did look at some who stood up. He might need to remember faces in the future. But his eyes were drawn to a part of the stands where a woman leaned against a wolf with dozens of armored guards surrounding her. A few questions and he had learned she was the daughter of the leader of the Daggerhands. Why she was here to watch a circus was beyond Idue.

In reality, Idue was only here to see the show. They didn't have things like this among their tents, resorting to stories of the past. But as Idue had wandered this day, he had seen animals and performers warming up. It was a new experience to the Benshira, and he wanted to soak it in. This festival came once a year, and it might've been the only time he had ever lived it. If he even lived.

But as he stood there, Idue had no intention of getting in a fight. Sure his two handaxes were stuck in the blue sash around his waist, but his hands didn't even rest on them. He was merely there to enjoy the show, and whatever it had to offer. And so the show began.

The man speaking quickly threw two daggers that hit the target. This impressed Idue, knowing he couldn't do it, but the man wondered how this was going to impress the crowd. Some here probably hit moving targets like that. But the man then performed a hand-stand that ended up with a dagger being thrown at the target, followed by a somersault. And this was how it continued for the next twenty chimes, with the hooded man hitting each target with precision. They never hit the bull's eye, but it was good enough for Idue, who couldn't throw his axes to save his life. Granted he didn't need to throw them to survive.

After a little while, the man called a volunteer to the stage. Warren, his helper, then had to hold targets while daggers were chucked at him. He flinched sometimes, but didn't move, and the stunt was performec with success. It also caught Idue's attention. What if he wanted another helper? How could Idue make himself known to help? And sure enough, a second volunteer was asked for. This was Idue's chance, but how was he going to take it?

Shrugging, Idue ran forward. Up one of the crates on the ground Idue went at a sprint, the ends of his sash flying behind him. Overall it was a good leap besides his stumble on the landing, but Idue made it. And he caught the attention of the crowd. "I'll do it. Name's Idue, and I believe I'm brave enough."

But what if this man didn't think him brave enough? He would need proof. Thinking quickly, Idue stared straight at the woman sitting with her guards surrounding her, and blew her a kiss. If that wasn't brave to blow a kiss to Libby with her daggerhands, Idue didn't know what was. But it might just be stupid. But why would Idue know any different?
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Oktuberia, Oktuberia:why am I seeing two of you? OPEN/Circus

Postby Darik on October 31st, 2011, 10:25 pm

Inside the Circus Tent

Darik had passed the shorter man while he had been running. It wasn’t a surprise, Darik had the advantage of experience and longer legs.But, after one problem always comes another. There was an obnoxiously large tent in front in front of him. Bob was his passage into it, but he didn’t have the midget with him. He figured he was more than enough charismatic to get in without him though.

He walked up to the guards guarding the flaps and tried to plead his case. ”Can you let me in, I am one of the performers.” The man’s laugh rang loud and clear. ”That’s just what ten other saps said to avoid the fee.” Darik’s sigh was one of sorrow, he knew this wasn’t going to be as easy as he had originally thought. ”Seriously, I am going on soon.” His desperation in his voice must have arose a feeling of pity in the man. ”Fine, I will bite, what is your act?” This was exactly the chance Darik needed.

”I am a martial arts specialist. Follow me.” He gestured to the guard to follow him. One seemed hesitant though. He was much younger so he was much more attuned to do his job. ”Come on, it will only take a minute. It’s not like were walking a mile either.” As they walked about twenty yards away the young man kept his eye on the tent, if any one approached he would be able to clear the distance quickly. ”I am going to need this.” He pointed to a wood rod about six feet across that was resting in a merchant’s stall.

The older man acquired it from the merchant explaining the situation quickly. Darik took it and told both of the men to give him some room. ”Now rush me, both at the same time.” He held the wood to his side as if he had done this many times. The men just gave a shrug and started counting. 1,2-“ They rushed him at two intending to catch him off guard. It didn’t work. When they got within a feet he raised it so it would be parallel with his chin. Both of his hands were together near the center.

The guards hadn’t run side by side as a tactic. Yet in the end it actually ended up helping Darik. When they were about to barrel into him over he pushed the pole forward. Because of the weightlessness it was pushed forward by both of them. That could have hurt him if Darik hadn’t ducked down. As they tried to stop their momentum, Darik ran into the circus for free. “See ya suckers!” The young man angrily followed Darik intent on catching him while the older one gave the rod back to the merchant. He cursed under his breath complaining about children’s insolence. He then regained his post at the entrance. After that incident he wouldn’t let any more scoundrels pass him.

Darik was in a corridor running towards the actor’s room. At the last second he veered into a new entrance. He figured sudden turns would stop the guard. It did but for reasons Darik didn’t know. The younger man didn’t dare interrupt the circus otherwise his boss would be mad. But he would wait their till Darik came back and then he would have his revenge.

Darik ran with no idea he had just entered onto a stage with lots of spectators. He also didn’t realize he was running directly towards someone. At the last second, because he looked up, he quickly put his shoulder down so he wouldn’t get injured. He hit the man, Idue, straight on. The impact would most likely send the Benshira sprawling to the ground. However, Darik felt fine, he had great form.

As he raised his head again, he realized the extent of his situation. He also realized this would be a perfect time to get his name known. So they would never forget, Darik gave a obvious wink in the direction of the Sun Birth. It was so vague, any women could have received it in a personal way.”It seems like I have been volunteered for ahh…” Darik viewed the objects the ringmaster was holding. ”knife throwing. Very well, let’s make this interesting.”

He had to clear up one problem though. “And what about this...this...this... thing.” He said it as if he was talking about something undesirable, like a really fat, ugly woman. ”Can someone please take out the trash? It's not nice to have it in polite company like this.” It was obvious he was referring to Idue.
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Oktuberia, Oktuberia:why am I seeing two of you? OPEN/Circus

Postby Bob Barton on November 1st, 2011, 4:21 pm

Castle Commons Grounds...

Relying on people in Sunberth was a foolish thing especially when the only people you know who are around was a mental case named Darik and an incarnation of violence named Craevan. Two very, very volatile elements in any event in Sunberth and it was up to a surprised Bob to wonder why the Oktuberia has not exploded yet especially with all the cheap booze going around. Darik was right about two thing back at Killroy's. Bob Barton was undoubtedly the the main attraction in the circus, at least currently for the three men bounding towards him and he could use a bodyguard right about now. Instead he had with him a stupid boy who was screaming his name to the heavens. Hopefully when they are sober enough, they will retain anything BUT his name or are too dumb to put together what Darik spelled out for them.

They could use a little nudge on the head to forget as well and Bob ever accommodating to the needs of others kicked at the chair in front of him to propel it forward and smashing it into one of the man's legs and forcing him to topple over another. That one moment of chance was all it took to make Bob get out from under the table to face the last man. He might be small but it was only one drunk man who could barely even run towards him without the risk of tripping over himself. So "I will give you one last chance to walk away" out of the goodwill of his heart and self preservation instinct.

But as always, these people don't know a good thing even if they were told about it as nicely as Bob offered. In fact, he returned Bob's nice words with a vulgar and disgusting loud burp. He was close enough that Bob could smell the reek of cheap booze in him. Not comfortable with the lack of personal space and the horrid smell, Bob swung his cane at the drunk's head but the man must not be as drunk as he thought. Suddenly his arm was up, in between the cane it caught and the head which was its target.

Like others who would not allow themselves to be beaten by a midget, it was a matter of pride for Bob to not be beaten by a drunk especially with all his experience in bar brawls he was pulled into by some of his friends. He pulled his cane more hoping to smash the drunk's hand together with his head at the end of the cane but with one flick of the arm, the cane was thrown off along with Bob who slammed on the floor.

All that gave the drunk enough time to give Bob a kick at the stomach and he gave a yelp as the hot, acrid breath asked for the money along with his companions which were already back up. Bob pretended to fumble in his pockets as he got up because he knew he had no way of winning them but as soon as he was on his feet, he darted off towards the Big Top at the middle yelling to "Jinsen!" to "follow" him or be left behind.

Bob never looked back to see the chaos that Darik did but he did pass by those that Darik would soon annoy. Lyth however had no recognition because he was the kind of person Bob would not like to meet unless he had to. For Darian, Bob shook his head as he ran in disappointment because Craevan had to be too hammered to offer any assistance. Leiwinn however was special because she got the most charming smile Bob had to offer and a thumbs up which flashed past only noticable if she was not too busy wrestling with other men who was not Bob. Everything else was just a blur of brawl noises as it was common in any bar in Sunberth. That was what Oktuberia was, a big giant bar but where everyone else was enjoying the drinks, Bob was far too busy running for his life.

He ran all the way until he reached the entrance to the Big Top where he was forced to catch his breath. He looked back and laughed the remainder of whatever was left in his lungs after that long and wild run. It seems that the three drunks had too much to drink because he can't even see them anymore. The only ones left with him from the beginning was Darik who already got through the guards with a pretty cunning but unnecessary method if he was with Bob and Jinsen who was waiting by his side.
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Oktuberia, Oktuberia:why am I seeing two of you? OPEN/Circus

Postby Bob Barton on November 1st, 2011, 4:36 pm

OOCI split it into two posts because its pretty long and in two different places. Sorry.
Inside the Circus Tent...

After he recovered, Bob made his way to the guards. That was very unnecessary Darik because "I am a performer as well as an investor you petching idiot! Now let me in or I'll have your head on a platter by tomorrow morning for interrupting me!" along with various other profanities which were shouted by the guard who tried to stop him as with Darik earlier. Bob could already guess that this man was not hired by Essik because he seemed unfazed by Bob's threat.

This meant that Bob would have to get in by force. Like Darik he asked if the guard would "want to see my act?" Just another simple "animal act which can be shown by Jinsen here." While the guard's attention was on the dog, Bob did his usual trick. An attack at the spot where people don't normally look at. The bigger they are the harder they fall as they say, but Bob said "Jinsen, its your new best friend!" That dog was always looking to make a new friend and it was Bob's best way to get it to "attack" as the furball bounded for the guard's face. While the guard was surprised, Bob swept his cane at the legs at the bottom and combined with the force of Jinsen from the top the guard tumbled on to the ground.

"Next time, don't waste my time and get your work details properly" Bob told the guard before tapping the tip of his cane at the guard's head while calling at "Jinsen! Its time to meet the rest of the gang" to get his dog off the guard. He has helped in setting up the Big Top before so he knew where to head to to wait for Essik and the rest of the performers. On his way he passed through the opening into the stage area and since he was not due that fast...he took a peek to see what acts were going on. Some of the perks with helping the circus was getting to see the acts being practiced for free but watching them during the real thing was a different thing entirely.

What he saw forced him to wipe his face in frustration hoping that all this was a bad dream and he did not make a mistake in bringing Darik but that was how it always will be with Darik. The biggest mistake was that boy ever being born so the one at fault was not him but rather, his parents. "Dammit Darik! You'll have your chance at the spotlight later!" Bob yelled out as he headed over to the stage but his words would only be drowned out by the cheering of the spectators over this strange new but entertaining interference.

It couldn't have happened to a better person really. Idue was not one of Bob's most favorite people in Sunberth which Bob now only gave an uncaring glance. Even if Bob did keep the company of nice and honorable people like Zenai, Idue was the same but in a different sense if that would make sense. The benshira was way too innocent for Sunberth. Looking for a mother he never knew...really? The only way he'd find his mother in a place like Sunberth would most likely be at the slave market or the Dust Bed unless she was a lot more smarter at handling herself compared to her son.

But this happened at the worst of times. Bob made a grab at Darik's collar announcing loudly to everyone that they can "put your worries to ease. I will take this trash with me and make sure he gets his just desserts" in his performance later because Bob had some pretty wicked ideas in store for his assistant. Getting closer he would whisper to Darik to "follow me, or else you will not get a chance at the easy money." If Darik followed Bob after being persuaded by easy money, that easy money will be used as a leash to control him. Controlling Darik like an animal...now this was good practice for his act.

Whether or not Darik would follow, Bob tell Essik that he was "sorry for my friend's stupidity here but he is needed since you wanted more help in the acts. If you don't mind I will take him with me to wait in the preparation area so we can further discuss the act, Essik" and head off to the exit telling Jinsen to "follow behind Darik. You like Darik don't you boy?" Actually not. No animal would like Darik after a short while with him but Jinsen knew Darik and reluctantly followed its master's command but it was something that Bob could use as he reminded it to "remember, be angry" because he hoped that Darik would not risk an angry dog at his heels and just oblige to follow.
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Oktuberia, Oktuberia:why am I seeing two of you? OPEN/Circus

Postby Jerico on November 2nd, 2011, 12:43 pm

Inside the Circus Tent...
Following Essik's example Jerico clapped along with the rest of the crowd. He was outside of the ring along with the rest of the musician's that had been hired for the show. He had seen Essik practice with his knife throwing, but today he seemed much more focused and ready for it. As soon as the first target was hit the group started to play.

Jerico had initially wanted to play by himself, though the added sound from the others where now welcome as they played along with Essik's performance. While he was not throwing a knife they were soft and almost silent, yet as soon as one left his hand the music picked up. It would continue like this for Essik's entire performance.

That was until he asked for a volunteer. They quickly changed their playing and went for a more dramatic tone. The tempo rose and rose as Warren took the plank and Essik positioned him. Everything was on track and going correctly, the musicians would build to a crescendo and then Essik would throw.

Once more they focused on a dramatic, rising tone as Idue leaped from the stands. This too was seemingly going as planned, until Darik suddenly appeared and slammed into the man sending him into the dirt. Jerico paused for a moment as well as the rest of the group. They had planned for something like this, but until it was sorted out Essik's act and their music could not continue.
Last edited by Jerico on November 3rd, 2011, 12:36 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Oktuberia, Oktuberia:why am I seeing two of you? OPEN/Circus

Postby Idue on November 2nd, 2011, 10:19 pm

Idue didn't know what hit him, but whatever it was, it hit him hard. The Benshira flew onto the ground, stunned from the blow of something new. Had those armored men attacked him so quickly. He had only blown a kiss at one of the dangerous women in Sunberth. Nothing major, and especially nothing big enough to attack him from behind. Who did that these days?

But when Idue rolled onto his back, he saw a pale human standing over him. He mentioned some thing with an odd tone. The tone reminded him of one he would use when he saw something ugly. But the Benshira saw no mirrors, so this man couldn't have possibly have seen his reflection. And besides this man, Idue saw nothing else ugly.

Standing up, Idue faced the man. This Benshira wasn't what you called intimidating, and he doubted it would have any effect on this man. Sure, his axes would teach this man a lesson, but he didn't want to be thrown out. So instead Idue did what every other man did when he could use violence. He used his words. "I agree completely. Something get this piece of shyke who just tackled me out of this tent. He is truly total trash." Idue looked around, hoping someone would come and rid them of this man. The Benshira would've done it himself, but he really wanted to do whatever the ringmaster wanted. He wanted to be a part of the show. And not the comedy this scene was slowly turning out to be.

And if the scene couldn't get any more odd, Bob Barton suddenly showed up with his dog. Idue wasn't on the best terms with the short man, having fought a while back which included some sand throwing at rear kicking. But the Benshira was glad to see him when he said he would take the trash away. Idue laughed out loud at this, pointing at the man. "You see, Bob think's your trash too." Ah well, it felt good to hear it from someone else. Idue opinion didn't matter to many people, but everyone listened to the midgit. And if not him, then the slobbering mutt named Jinsen made people listen more often than not.

Bob then turned to the ringmaster, saying how sorry he was for his friend's stupidity. Idue placed the names Essik and Darik in his head for later. Essik would be used very shortly. And Darik? He'll be sure to add that in his little monologue after he stood over the man's body after the beating Idue was going to put him through. Idue could promise that this wouldn't be the last time Darik saw him this night. And the next time, Idue would be doing the colliding. Where had yet to be decided, but Idue only knew that it was going to hurt this Darik.

Turning to Essik, Idue tried to put his best smile on. He didn't care if Darik left with Bob or not. This was Idue's time to shine, not his. "Sorry for that, even though I had no say in it whatsoever. Care to finish your act?" And with that, Idue waited for Essik to tell him what he was suppose to do.
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Oktuberia, Oktuberia:why am I seeing two of you? OPEN/Circus

Postby Essik on November 6th, 2011, 11:24 pm


Inside the Circus Tent…

OOCSorry for the delay. My life just gets fudged up sometimes, apparently, and it takes a moment to settle it all out.

Essik wasn’t sure at all what was going on at the moment. Everything had happened so quickly. He had called for a volunteer, but he hadn’t expected someone to rush into the ring to offer his services. The crowd had laughed and cheered as the man moved up from behind here Essik had been looking for the moment, and up onto one of the crates. Essik turned to look at the man as he announced himself, curiously looking over the volunteer. He looked well enough, really, dressed in the manner of the Benshira. Essik started to bow his head toward the man to accept his help when someone else came bursting out of the performer’s access, straight into the ring, and straight into the Benshira, knocking him off the crate. Essike took a step back, watching this newcomer trounce around the ring as if he owned it. At least he wasn’t letting his blunder run the performance. Still, Essik had to fight back his ire, his fingers reflexively wrapping around the hilt of one of his knives as his eyes narrowed a bit.

Essik was about to say something when there was yet another disturbance. Bob came walking down the access to the ring as well, followed by a dog. Essik clenched his teeth tight for a moment, taking a dep breath to relax himself as he smiled under the hood. Bob was taking care of it. That was always a good thing. Essik nodded to him as he turned back to the crowd, “Let’s hear it for our other performers! They always know how to keep things lively around here. And let’s hear it for our volunteer as well. Not only is he brave enough to face these blades, but also a good sport for taking it all in stride! Give him a hand!”[color=red] He turned and walked to Idue, waving Darik off the stage if he seemed reluctant to leave, that way the dog would leave as well.

Essik walked over to one of the crates, opening it and taking out two small watermelons from inside and walking them over to Idue. He held them out for the man,[color=red] “Take these, and go stand in front of that board.”
Essik moved to a position a distance away from the board that Idue would be standing in front of and took up position. Once idue was in place, Essik smiled, “Alright. Now, hold your arms out to the side with the melons and hold them there for just a moment.” Essik waited for the man to do as he was instructed, watching carefully as his arms stretched to either side. The melons were not too large, so they wouldn’t be too heavy for him to hold for a second while Essik concentrated once more. After a moment, his hand flashed into motion, flipping the first two daggers which embedded in the board behind Idue, one into each watermelon. But he didn’t stop there. Before Idue could react, Essik continued, placing knives above each arm, alternating from his left side to right side, each dagger embedding into the board behind him and each time getting closer to his face. A knife was sticking out over each watermelon, wrist, forearm, bicep, and shoulder, near his ears on each side. Essik made a quick motion as if he were going to throw one more that would surely strike Idue in the face, moving to toss his hand forward when he stopped, “realizing” that he had run out of knives. He watched to see the reaction of his volunteer before doing anything else.
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Oktuberia, Oktuberia:why am I seeing two of you? OPEN/Circus

Postby Idue on November 8th, 2011, 9:34 pm

Inside Circus Tent

Idue was relieved to see the ringmaster take action after sitting back while a midgit with which Idue had trouble with handled this man named Darik. Was he glad Bob saved him? Yes. Was he glad that Bob saved him? Not really. There were some thing that couldn't be forgiven and the constant thought of the short man humiliating him was too much to bear. At least it was too much until he learned what Bob had to go through that fateful day in Stumble Alley. If he ever did learn.

The ring master shooed Darik off the stage with a wave of hand, expecting him to leave with Bob. And he had mentioned Idue as his volunteer. Idue could pump his fists with victory. He got the last words in with that horrible little human Darik, and that little human Bob would be out of his hair. And he got to perform with this man in front of so many people. Daggerhands, beautiful women, and a beautiful Daggerhand woman. Idue scanned his eyes around the tent, bringing everyone in attendence under his gaze if but for a moment. And he stopped at the woman sitting with her guards, holding his blue eyes on her the longest, before turning back to the ringmaster.

By now the man named Essik held in his hands two small melons. Were they going to have an eating contest. Idue was hungry and he really didn't want to buy his food that night. Maybe he could outeat this man. Alas, the man handed him both melons and told him to stand beside the board hanging horizontally in the air about shoulder level. It was hammered on a post with a nail where Idue figured his body needed to be. Dead center like a target.

Walking over to the board, he stepped up and but his back to the post, watching Essik. He smiled, and Idue felt the need to swallow his saliva. Something in that smile unnerved him. Why hadn't he paid attention much to this man's act? He had just thrown daggers at someone else, yet Idue was so eager to jump up and try his hand. Essik seemed good at what he was doing, but one slip of the dagger, and he would be the target. And Essik could say he meant to do it. Idue began what almost ruined the man's show. What if he was paid back by a dagger through his ribs. Idue was sure Essik could slide it between two ribs from that distance. But Idue held his hands up, making sure they hung under the board even when the melons didn't, and lifted a pray to Yahal. The flash of steel, and the act began.

Idue heard a sound similar to a skull getting cracked open, and he bit his lip. But he was relieved at first when he felt the juice of the melon dripping on his sleeves. But then he was angry. Couldn't Essik have waited until his shirt was off. But the knives kept coming, and Idue grew less nervous. First the melons, and then slowly up his body. Wrists, forearms, biceps, and finally his shoulders. Coming so close to his ears caught Idue off guard, and Essik probably saw him flinch. And Idue saw Essik wind up for one last throw. He had nowhere else for the man to throw. At least without hurting him. Idue closed his eyes, waiting for the knife to pierce his face.

But it never came, and Idue opened his eyes to see Essik watching him. He didn't hold any knife, and hadn't thrown one. What if that was only a joke? What if he did it for fun? Idue should've brushed it off, taking it as getting even. But Idue didn't like getting played like that. He just got joked on in front of hundreds, and Idue couldn't stand for it. Dropping the melon his right hand, he didn't pay attention to the juice splatter on his sandals. He ripped the dagger out of the other melon, and chunked it at Essik. Idue had never even held a dagger before that day, and expected it to fly way off. He just wanted to frighten Essik. But for some reason, Idue found a good throwing arm. Why did he have to get lucky this one time?

The dagger flew in the air, its route near perfect. If Essik didn't move, he'd soon find his dagger sticking between his own ribs.

Hope you don't mind me doing that even without any dagger skill. Just snatch it out the air and we can act like it was a part of the show.
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