Castle Commons Grounds...The time for Oktuberia was upon Sunberth again in all its wretched glory. Men and women feasted gorged themselves upon a whim, and hardened mercenaries let themselves go amidst the drunken revelry. It was all so disgusting to Darian, but then again he hadn't much come to drink himself into a drunken stupor to forget his childhood. He was here to look, learn, and see just who held power by the showy entrances that would inevitably involve lots of bodyguards and rich clothing. Power shifted with every season it seemed and Darian found himself clueless as to who exactly held what in the dangerous city, and that was precisely why he was here.
Leaning against the wooden stall, his body clothed completely as always, it might have seemed rather odd to passing peasants and the like but he figured they wouldn't quite remember a man wearing dark colors anymore than they would remember one another, and from the looks of things his outfit by far wasn't the most flashy out of everyones, quite the opposite. He held himself up easily on the stall as his hand worked furiously to scrawl out a note on the parchment with the cheap quill he had had gotten with the parchment from the woman, only bothering to write what needed to be written. Every once and a while a merchants guard would give him a odd eye, but didn't do anything about it for after all who would think to start something in the festival, especially so openly? Still he didn't much like such attention, and slamming a gold piece on the wooden table of the woman's stall, he grabbed up a mug of mead after folding the parchment and stuffing it into his pocket and started a leisurely walk, occasionally bringing the cool glass to his lips and pretending to drink the swill inside.
The silky feel of it on his lips, its sour smell staining his mouth, all made it rather revolting but still he kept up the charade, his eyes ever scanning from under the cowl of his cloak, hazel eyes finally focusing on a man. Before him a man possessed of a thick black beard, broad chest, and thick arms drank heartily with his fellows, a group that all rather resembled butchers what with their leather aprons stained with dried blood, and the leather gloves each decidedly wore on their hands. The group chanted as they joined in unison to cheer the black beared man on as he attempted to chug as many flagons of ale as he could before one of his friends. It was too bad the swill was likely watered down.
That will have to due. Mixed cries of joy, and anger echoed out as the bearded man won and bets where settled amongst the men.
His tongue presses against the roof of his mouth as he clicked loudly, drawing the eyes of the winner, his fellows quick to abandon him with fresh coin in their hands, and the losers too sore to stick around, likely off to console themselves at the hands of a hired woman. Drunkenly standing up, the man pointed a stubby finger at him, swaying where he stood as he slurred something incomprehensible out. "
My friend, it's been too long" Darian said, his hazel eyes shining from between the cowl of his cloak and the simple cloth he used to cover his mouth. The man smacked his lips noisily at that, and leaning forward peered to stare more as his arms drooped at his sides. "
Who be you?" The man slurred, looking almost as if he could barely hold himself up, much less speak. Darian only chuckled at that, and holding his arms out wide, moved as if to greet the man like an old friend. As he stepped in close though, his right hand holding the mug swung in as he attempted to dash it against the side of the mans face only to miss and end up overbalancing and falling into a table. He winced as his jolt upset more than a few drinks on the table and sent them clattering to the ground, only a few mugs breaking in the progress, but that was the least of his worries as the man, obviously not as drunk as he appeared, was now swiping at him with both fists. Throwing his weight to the side he barely got out of the way of the slamming fists, Darian slamming to the ground just in time to see the man's thick fists hit the edge of the table hard and splinter wood as the strike dented the cheap wood. The man seemed to be able to ignore the pain though, and eyes narrowed on the crawling Darian he started forward again, winding his arm back for another heavy slug.
He threw himself into roll after roll across the cool grass, the world spinning before him as he struggled to put distance between himself and the bear man. At last a few feet from the man, he jumped to his feet, and just barely managed to get his bearings when the man was swiping at him again, the heavy slug aiming to take a few teeth from him. Darian dunked reflexively under the heavy stroke, and moved forward to slam his shoulder into the man's portly stomach. He gasped as he came to a full halt against the man's bulk, and it was all he could do to wrap his arms around the man as the butchers knee came in hard to slam into his midsection, nearly doubling him over. Darian could feel the mans fists thumping against his back, but they had less power when he was as close as he was and for that he was thankful. Another kick knee slammed into his gut, knocking the breath out of him, and Darian struggled to keep his left arm around the man as his right hand rummaged in his pocket for the folded parchment. Again the knee thundered into him, and he could feel his ribs bruising under the blows that made his eyes clench shut, but at last between his two nimble fingers he had the note, and reaching up quickly to plant his right hand against the man's chest, he slipped the note into the aprons front pocket, even as he left arm let go of the butcher and he pushed off the heavier man to land hard on his back, the grass feeling none to soft after the punishment he had received.
Still the man came on, and even got a solid punch to Darian's face that snapped his head to the side, before he finally lost interest in continuing the fight and helped Darian up, even dusting his shoulders off. "
Ah, Craevan. It's been a while has it not" The black bearded man slurred, patting Darian roughly on the back before stumbling off in search of more mead most likely. His whole body ached with every movement, and his tasted blood in his mouth but taking the beating had been worth it, he'd managed to get the note in after all. Spitting out a glob of blood that had gathered in his mouth, Darian walked slowly back towards the stall he had come from, and underneath the simple cloth he wore over his mouth, he smiled.
oocThe note has this written:
Come by Stumble Alley, we'll have a repeat of the last performance in the house.