Basic Information
Name: Siofra
Race: Ethaefal
Sex: Female
Age: 0
Birthday: Spring 1st, 511 AV
Height: 5’11”
Weight: 90 lbs
Race: Ethaefal
Sex: Female
Age: 0
Birthday: Spring 1st, 511 AV
Height: 5’11”
Weight: 90 lbs
As an Ethaefal, Siofra’s skin becomes pale and shimmers as though Leth were under it. Her eyes become a breathless shade of indigo shattered by slivers of silver that are nearly impossible to see in artificial light. Her hair is long, but she enjoys wearing it in a knot or braid which, sadly, makes it much more difficult for people to determine her sex. Her face is fair and while she can appear both a beautiful woman and a lovely man, the way her body is shaped and her hair is worn leaves most in doubt of her having any sex at all.
Siofra enjoys a slender body that has been referred to as anorexic. Her frame is long, her limbs thin and sinewy as opposed to bearing too many muscles. She has nimble, quick fingers and in her depthless, impossible eyes flickers just a smidge of the love for illusions and trickery she was known for in Lhavit. Her smile tends to flit across her face in the most unlikely situations, and laughter comes quick to her. When she speaks, it should be noted that she has the voice of a young woman.
In regards to the thin stature Siofra bears in her true body, she can’t help but be slender. With little need for sustenance due to what Leth provides her with, she gains little to no weight. Her form lacks the cleavage some other women are known for, but she does have breasts. They are, however, usually concealed under her clothing.
Additionally, as an Ethaefal, Siofra’s hair changes colour as the Seasons shift and the proud horns that curve from her long, thick hair shift along with them. In the twilight between Seasons, her appearance becomes fey and much more mischievous. It is uncertain why, but Siofra does tend to get sly around these times.
In the Winter, Siofra’s hair becomes as white as snow and her horns turn black. These colours tend to bring out the silver as well as the indigo in her eyes and so, in Winter, she is the epitome of beauty and utter, terrifying, feyness.
During the Fall Season, Siofra’s long hair shifts into the colour of the ruddy orange Harvest Moon. Her horns become a bright yellow to rival Syna’s beauty in the daylight sky.
Summer colours for Siofra’s hair and horns are: midnight black and a lime green. These colours somewhat contrast her Winter ones, although she maintains a level of androgynous beauty rare in Mizahar.
Finally, in the Season of Spring, Siofra’s hair shifts into a pale silvery-blue colour and her horns become white. For some reason, it is during the Spring that Siofra becomes sad and tends to gaze at the moon rather than attend any of her usual activities.

As a Human, Siofra has dark, almond shaped eyes and a creamy olive complexion. Her face bears an exotic aura like that of the Dhani, and indeed... this is for a reason. Her hair is long and dark with highlights of a paler brown and even blonde and black. High cheekbones, long hair, and an obviously feminine build leave nothing to the imagination in regards to her gender, unlike when she exists in her Ethaefal form.
In this seeming, Siofra is formed much healthier than she is as an Ethaefal. She stands at a height of 5’8” and weighs merely 110 lbs. No one can mistake her for anything but female, and although she doesn’t mind being mistaken as a boy, she does find herself relieved to be known as a girl during the day.
As for the race of Siofra's day form, it is kept secret by Siofra herself. Some speculate she is Dhani, and others say she is Drykas. Siofra herself knows, and while she speaks with a slight accent in her day form that the knowledgeable can ascertain is from Taldera, Siofra doesn't shift into a Dhani nor a serpent form in the presence of others. Her accent is also hidden behind carefully spoken words. If Siofra is a Dhani, then she bites back her sibilant speech to sound human instead.

Character Concept
Siofra is an Ethaefal bent on making Mizahar a happy, cheerful, fun place. She is new to the life here (as her mortal seeming and her last life ended over 300 years before her birth), and thinks Mizahar is a dreary, miserable place. She is easily bored because of this and doesn’t “feel” very deeply about many things, thinking that what is happening at this time can be changed in the near to distant future. The past doesn’t really matter to her, although she does get a serious case of ennui when she gazes at the moon.
Siofra’s psychology and personality is a strange thing. She fancies herself to be the “Mortal” version of Alvadas as she continuously does her best to subtly influence the lives of those around her. She is curious, vain, an enigma, and eccentric. Alvadas, for her, is a playground. Since she doesn’t sleep (which may have had an effect on her body), she explores every winding path in Alvadas she can, seeking out the new places Alvadas has to offer every single day.
In the long run, Siofra’s goals include becoming Ionu’s Champion, finding a way to return the Ethaefal to their home, and reuniting with Leth and even Syna one day. Short term goals include bringing joy, laughter, and fun to Mizahar where it is least expected.
However, her sense of humour mirrors that of Ionu.
Siofra’s personality is, as stated, interesting. She is vain as well as unbothered by her appearance and what others perceive her to be. She both enjoys being female and looking somewhat male during the evening. The confusion makes her feel at home in Alvadas and a mirror of Ionu. She worships Ionu, Leth, and Syna and devotes herself to bringing light to the world where only darkness seems to rule, even though she has found Alvadas to be the perfect place to live in the entirety of the world.
Because Siofra has not yet encountered one of her kind (due to leaving Lhavit, her only other home, not long after arriving), she doesn’t know if any live on this world. She believes that the Ukalas can have dropped Ethaefal in any of the known planets, and is quite glad she turned out on an actual world she once lived on.
In terms of sexuality, Siofra herself is unsure. She has found herself interested in the male form, but finds women to be just as alluring as men. She has labelled herself “undetermined” until she decides she wants to bed someone. When this will be is a whole different matter, as Siofra has shown only little inclination to invite someone to her bed.
Siofra’s sense of humour is satirical as well as deliberately cheesy. When she goes out of her way to trick someone, she does it in either fashion. She speculates that she has no friends and that, since no one really knows her, she doesn’t care much either way. She does get lonely, however, and this is her major personality flaw (followed by her insomnia). It is loneliness that makes her gaze at the moon in loss on some nights and wish that she could change what happened in the past so she still exists in her Father’s realm.