Basic Information ![]() Name: Sutekh, from the tents of Elchanuah, of the sons of Hirem. Race: Human, Benshira Birthday & Age: Fall 477, 34 Hair Colour: Brown Eye Colour: Blue Gender: Male Height: 6’3” Weight: 260lbs Physical Description I stand at a good six foot three, taller than my father and brother both. I am not sure why my height varies so greatly from the two men in my family but I take pride in the fact that I am both taller and stronger than they both were. If I had to describe my face (which is something I can do ever so easily) its hard lines and strong jaw make me look like the epitome of manliness; it was almost as if the gods had used the exact template that they used to form man when they made me. Now you may think this is an egotistical remark but I assure you, this is the statement that has been directed to me on numerous occasions. I should have written testimonials down as proof as to deflect your wrong assumptions to the size of my ego. Regrets... I dedicate as much time to my body as I do to my mind and thus my body is strong, lean and ready for a fight whenever it is required. While most religious officials I have met outside of the deserts of Eyktol do not share the same need for physical readiness as I do, they have never been forced to live in the extreme conditions that I have been through with my people in the desert. There, you are never certain what is around the corner; but being prepared and able to defend yourself with bare hands is a sure fire way to guarantee your continued good health. My body is free from any hideous scars that would affect the beauty of my form. It is not, however, free from marks that I have placed upon myself in order to remember past sins. There are seventeen marks along the inner left arm, little marks to denote wayward acts and behaviours that have been corrected. It is a constant reminder of my duty to Yahal and my place within the world, and the reason why I live and breathe for my god. Character Concept ![]() I have remained true to my god and my people as a Son of Rapa – I teach those that seek to learn and improve themselves. With the support of my family and community, I greatly enjoy teaching my fellow Benshira what I have learned. My only allegiance in life is to my god, Yahal, and his teachings. Ever since I had seen Yahal in a vision, my purity and clarity of heart somehow became even clearer to me. That moment that was only available to me from the pain and torture that my captors inflicted upon my body and soul. My values are, of course, in line with my god – I value truth and dedication. The truth is sometimes difficult for followers of Yahal to interpret – his commands do not always translate, even to those that have dedicated their lives to Yahal and his teachings: the Benshira and the noble knights of Sylrias. I put my trust, one hundred percent of it, into Yahal and know that wherever he leads me will be the right path. I never question my god, and will never question what he told me. Those that question my beliefs and dedication to Yahal are corrected on their unfitting views of my religion and my god; but I do realize that those that question my god and my beliefs are indoctrinated by the false words of the wicked gods, and thus are doing nothing more than speaking the propaganda that they have been taught. It is my life’s work to help those that seek the right path, and I will gladly do so for someone with an open mind and an open heart. Character History I grew up just like any other child of Yahal in the deserts of Ekytol. My mother and father were both supportive and nurturing of my brother and I as we grew up and learned the ways of our people. This thirst for knowledge and for seeking out new things is what drew me to become a Son of Rapa – a priest, to those that do not fully understand us – while also desiring to learn the taboo of magic. Learning any form of magic is something that Benshira do not do, as I found out as a child, and was discouraged from those thoughts. I was to focus my attention on whatever my father told me I should focus my attention on: studying, helping with the tent and also being as productive as possible. However, my father’s paranoia about magic did not stop me from wanting to learn everything I could about Flux, a very powerful magic to those that know how to wield it properly. The tents of my people in the desert are welcoming of strangers and those that have, for whatever reason, lost themselves in the desert. We always thought that maybe they escaped from Hai but that is a near impossibility; it is but a story said to children to scare them from the dangers of interacting with strangers without an adult present. One of the strangers that I met was very fluent with magic, and that reveal of his secret made my people give him the cold shoulder, but he was still welcome to travel with us until he got to where he was going. I was curious about what this man could offer me and asked him about what “type” of magic he could use, because I wanted to see for myself just why it was something that was so feared. The man excelled at a form of magic called Flux and I can remember to this day the simple demonstration he showed me of his hand not being able to punch through a wooden board, and then when he used his knowledge of Flux to control the Djed in his body, he was able to smash it to pieces. ![]() He taught me everything I needed to know in order to learn Flux on my own, and had given me all the literature (in Common, sadly) that he had on his person in regards to learning more about Flux once I was of the proper age and body condition in order to receive such knowledge. The training with the stranger lasted for more than five years before my encounter with the Eypharians; these multi-armed people have distaste for my people that goes back centuries. While we are normally on tense terms when we are around each other, a certain group of them decided to abduct a small group of us and experiment and find out just what their ancestors did in order to break a Benshira’s strong will and strong body. This event did not last long, however, as I able to make my escape from those prisoners in a most hasty manner and get back to the safety of the desert under Yahal’s watchful eyes once more. His guidance led my people to my broken body in the middle of the sands and saved me from a most certain death. However, what happened during that event was something that changed my life forever. When I was being tortured by beings with three whips – so they could keep a constant stream of pain along my back, tearing the flesh from bone – I had a dream. A vision – Yahal came and visited me. The pain from my torture was enough for me to break away from the deceit of reality and experience a truth with my god that I have yet to recreate. He told me many things that I could not remember but the one thing that was as clear as daylight was his purpose was for me on the mortal plane. During this pain-induced vision of my god, he told me that the other gods were false – not that they were unreal, but that they were not the true god as Yahal was to me. He instructed me very carefully that I, on behalf of Yahal, must help those that have been lured by the false gods. The priests of the other gods are killing people by making them convert to their cult, to their supposed “religion.” The meeting with my god was brief but succinct; I got from that meeting what many Sons of Rapa had only dreamed of – an audience with their god. Thus I had my life’s work ahead of me and that work could not be completed by remaining in the deserts with my people; I needed to take the word of Yahal from the sands of the desert and to the masses of the world that need to be saved from eternal damnation. I could not let people falsely worship the wrong gods when the right god was right in front of them. Therefore, I departed the sands of my people and traversed around Mizahar to spread the word of Yahal to those that would hear my words. I was not a “crazy preacher” on the street, mind you, as I was officially “ordained,” as they say, and thus I was able to venture forth into the safety of towns and cities and safely join my brothers and sisters in the church and share the knowledge that I had of Yahal. It was blasphemous to hear others preach of the false gods’ words and convert the masses to their beliefs, and due to that, I had to go under the guise of wanting to learn all I could about the other gods by attending those churches and learning their customs. I also became acquainted with those that were participating in these wrongful acts, but I could not correct them on that behaviour… just yet. I took it upon myself to question them, and thus question their own beliefs in their gods and what their god had personally done for them on an individual basis. My attempts at subtle conversion were not always been met with gentleness, even though I had professed my undying desire to protect them and make sure that they were safe from harm! I wish they would have understood me and what I was trying to do, but alas they were lost to the propaganda of their god and thus they were lost to Yahal and I. There is no room in this world for the misguided believers of wrong religions and wrong gods. I understand the numbers of living beings is still recovering, but it should not be filled with the vapid and simple minds of those that cannot pull themselves away from the indoctrination of false gods. ![]() One of the first places I visited was one where I managed to acquire the skills of Hypnosis, a very useful skill – I have found – when dealing with certain people that do not share the same mindset that I do. Unfortunately, there are those that are able to resist those tricks of the mind and thus my paltry skills in Hypnosis are wasted upon them. I strive to perfect this one skill of mine whenever I have the chance, but the short introduction I received from a teacher was limited to nothing more than the basics of this skill. One of the many things I must accomplish in my life is the further myself in this area, for the weak minded have fallen prey to the false gods and thus, I should be able to persuade those same minds to the right god with whatever tools necessary. |