This bluster and chaos seemed entirely unnecessary to Alistair. These people did not seem real to deGrey. It was all immensely strange to him. It appears as if acting and lying are not quite as synonymous as I previously believed. Regardless, he would do his best. He saw Karona’s swaying form approach the back stage, he eyed her warily. The man drew his legs in and moved into a crouching position, leaning against the wall. Karona moved into the back stage area and made an offhand comment about Alistair arriving late. At first he was torn between ignoring her and responding, but then deGrey spoke regardless, ”Late? Late is an exceptionally subjective term, what is late for you may be on time for me. In any case, even if time was a completely objective topic, a clock maker would indubitably be better informed than a dilettante.” Alistair’s eyes turned back to the spectacle at hand. A wan, pale man had just entered from Team Dusk’s side of the stage. Upon his face was a purple mask with the face of tragedy etched into its porcelain features. deGrey stood as the purple masked man began to speak, intently listening to his words. I believe this may be my queue. Alistair quietly moved over to his pack and dug out one of the eggs from his pack. deGrey scrawled a message onto the egg, What challenge awaits the players of this game after the play? Taking the egg in his right hand, deGrey snatched the cane laying by his resting position and hobbled onto the stage. He was now Rodosius ”Cease! Cease! What farce do I see before me?” Rodosius spit on the stage to emphasize his disgust, and hobbled to the congregation. ”I do detect a foulness on the breath of the friar and a venomous tongue on the princess; for these wise eyes tell me stories of their tainted egg.” With that the advisor rapped his cane loudly on the floor and moved his eyes to each of his Team Dawn companions. ”Who is to trust the tongues of reptiles? Only a fool.” The old man man a slight flourish with his cane, and raised his own egg ”But I do declare my companions, there is no cause for worry or fear. For here lies an egg of unquestionable validity.” Rodosius paused for a few moments, stroked his smooth midnight black face and glanced at the egg that lay with Queya. However, this matter arouses a curiosity from deep slumber. I would be honored to investigate the nature of the fraudulent symbol presented by the princess. If my good madame Queya would only be so kind as to relinquish it.” With that, Rodosius hobbled past the priest, clearing the few steps from him to Queya. He tucked the cane under his arm, leaned on his good leg, and held out his hand expectantly for the egg. |