18th of Fall, 511 AV
It was a peaceful morning when Grim woke that morning. Much more peaceful then the sleep he had through the night. There were a few things that caused his sleep to be restless, the first of which was his mind reeling at the possibilities of the new world of magic that opened before him that day. It was all so fascinating and pulled him into it, urging him to learn more. The new strength and speed that he would be able to attain with the training of The Flux was enough to whet the appetite for violence of any fighter, and he was no different. He pictured the speed and strength of his blows destroying his opponents and nothing standing before him. This force was formidable in a fight, this much was proven to him the day he sparred with Miro. The fact that he could hold his own and force Grim back with this magic was enough to show that he would be able to accomplish even greater feats of strength then that if he trained enough. The other magic he was learning would open even more fascinating opportunities. The ability to create the elements from his own body seemed impossible to him. Yet he knew it wasn’t because it was performed before his very eyes. His friend Miro creating ice from nowhere at all was a surprising feat and definitely caught Grim off guard the first few times he had seen it. He couldn’t imagine the endless uses and possibilities of using these elements. This led to the next thing that caused his restless sleep. He had dreams of massive flames all around him. Not only around him, but he was the cause of them. He was creating fire and spreading it. The fire devoured anything in its path, including his friends and the innocent people around him, showing him to take care and remain control of the flames he used. This would take control and determination but Grim had confidence that he could take care of this. Besides these dreams making him toss and turn, he was very excited and ready to begin his training the next morning. There was much to do and learn and it would be no easy task. This thought urged Grim to get the much needed rest and so he tried his best to get a good sleep that night.
Now with the beginning of the morning behind him, Grim sat with his back against a tall thick tree. His palms had the scabbed over cuts on from where Miro sliced them. Thinking back to the intrusion of his master’s djed into his own body, the pain that was caused from it, sent a long shudder down his spine. The pain was like nothing he had ever felt before and doubted he would ever feel anything like it again. Pushing the thoughts from his mind, he opened the wounds again, using the blood that seeped through to draw the three triangles and circle that Miro had drawn on his hand. Hopefully it would help in this process. After taking a deep breath, he closed his eyes and began concentrating on that one spot, ignoring everything around him. The gathering of his djed started sooner this time and pooled quicker. He centered it in his palm and slowly gathered more and more. He would then sit there for a few bells concentrating, slowly moving the djed throughout his body, trying to gain more control over the ability. After he reached a point where he was satisfied for the time being, he started the next step of creating res.
Grim sat there concentrating on the djed in his palms, imagining sweating it out and pushing it out of his body like he was told. For a long time the only thing that seemed to be sweating out was the actual sweat that slickened his forehead as he concentrated, but before long, something slowly changed and he felt the res slowly seeping out of his hands. With a sudden flourish of excitement, he opened his eyes to see the hands in front of him covered in a thin coating of a thick, ethereal, golden res. He was fascinated and began closing his hands and touching the res, exploring its qualities. After doing this he tried using his mind to move it around and it worked to an extent. He was still inexperienced and the res moved slowly. Grim would spend the next few bells learning to move the res around more easily and with better skill. It was still nothing like he had seen Miro do but with time he knew he would get there. The next step would be to move it in the air. With a strong focus, Grim began concentrating on picking up the small ball of res with his mind. Taking control of it and moving it in a small circle above his palm. The excitement was great and he was ready to improve upon these skills. But the light was fading fast and before long it would be too dark for him to see to train. After standing and stretching out his stiff legs, Grim made the walk back and would sleep soundly through the night.
19th of Fall, 511 AV
Grim woke to a beautiful morning, fully rested after his long day of training. There was much he hoped to do this day. The first of which would be to see his master to show how much he had accomplished and to take the next step in his training and create fire. With these hopes in mind he would set out through Alvadas and search for his friend Miro’s home. Hopefully it would not take very long, but with an ever changing city such as Alvadas, there was no telling how long it would take. He could be there in ten minutes or wander around until noon before finally finding the house.