{Evelyn's Scrapbook} Lamppost on the Street

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{Evelyn's Scrapbook} Lamppost on the Street

Postby Evelyn Harrow on October 24th, 2011, 4:45 am

A Lamppost on the Street


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{Evelyn's Scrapbook} Lamppost on the Street

Postby Evelyn Harrow on October 26th, 2011, 4:38 am

My Pet Peeves Run My Life...

I really hadn't relized until today just how bad my pet peeves get to me on a daily basis. I decided to write up a list of my daily encounters today and was pretty surprised.

Time Encounter
7:07 am Skipping breakfast/breakfast on the go. I absolutely hate not having enough time to cook myself a nice breakfast and sit down to eat. This one is pretty minor and my own fault so...no biggie.
7:13am Lateness. The bus is always late, leaving us students to suffer in the cold. Again not that big of a deal, it's only really aggervating when you forget your coat.
7:30 The squealing self claimed "friends" who come rushing toward me to tell me non important stories and to steal my food. Big irritation! I don't care if Charlie commented on your status give me the god-damn doughnut back!
First Period (German) Gum smacking. 'Nough said.
Second Period (Biology) Great class, it really is but unfortunatly one of my "friends" sits with me. She honestly has the whine of a toddler and never shuts up. "So-and-so doesn't like me!" "Kindra, do you love me?" No I don't you insufferable brat. Grow up.
Third Period (History) Nothing too big here. My friend (we'll call her C) never shuts up about politics. For our warm up we have to read an article and write a summery. C, within the first five minutes of class complained about how school water was bad for our bodies (why'd you drink it then?), the paper was liberal (get your nose out of the opinion section that you aren't supposed to be reading!), and that she wished the teachers would give us more homework. Which is fine but when your being bombarded with politics every day it gets annoying! So pet peeve = People who can't talk about anything but one subject.
Forth Period (English) Swallowing loudly. Gulping loudly. Invading personal space. Interrupting conversations. Butting in on my personal life. Let's use Luke as a name for this person. Luke is cast as a nerd. A geek. A totally annoying rat. He doesn't have any social skills really but feels the need to but into my personal affairs and judge me by my actions. He calls me out on things that really should be left alone and then pesters me to death to say, "I forgive you." Which I don't. I'm really accepting of others. I don't stay to a clique and I'm not ashamed to be seen with other people. But if you give me a reason to not like you then I'm not going to hang around.
Fifth Period (Choir) Nothing to complain about thankfully.
Sixth Period (Drama) Nothing to complain about.
Seventh Period (Math) Shutup. Shut the hell up. Using the name Jake this time. True he's more advanced in math than I am. We're ther top students of our class but he takes college level courses. And he gloats. All the time. Not only does he gloat but he's got a motormouth for the unimportant.
Bus ride Home Again my bus arrives to take us home after all the other bus's are gone. The boys in the back make fun of a mental kid who does a paper route near most of the stops. Many times have I snapped and whipped around to tell them just how vile they are being.

I feel like this was a very crappy way to start my scrap but I needed a vent. I'm feeling a lot of stress from all of the activities I'm getting involved in and that's probably what's keeping me all winded up about normal stuff. I feel like this wasn't really "pet peeves" but more along the lines of, "these are the quirks in people I despise." Anyways thanks for reading. I promise in the future there will be better stuff.
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