71st Day of Fall, 511 AV
The Ghost watched from a distance as darkness crept down across the many pavilions of Endrykas. The Drykas had gone about their day working hard, perfecting their crafts, and trading with various foreigners, just as they always had. Auldwin often watched those coins and goods transferring from person to person, but for so many years he had decided such material things were beyond his grasp. Or were they? His grasp was not so immaterial anymore, and through diligent practice and sheer force of will, the apparition had turned his barely functioning Soulmist into quite a useful tool to exact his own ends. There was so much more left to be done, however.
Auldwin had heard of the mystic art form of the Drykas called Webbing, now having been amongst there people for sometime. It was said that particularly skilled masters could gather nearly infinite amounts of information and track the movements of various things from afar. It seemed like the perfect answer to Auldwin's query, tracking down the Ghost that killed him. He needed to integrate himself further into the Drykas for that to happen, and to become further inaugurated with their Pavilions he needed capital to start something legitimate.
Floating toward the congregation of tents before him, Auldwin was satisfied with the cover of darkness, it was time to test his plan. In order to gain capital, Auldwin would need to retrieve 'donations' from the people, so to speak. More plainly, he was going to steal what he needed over a prolonged course of time. Not taking to much, and not striking the same tent in rapid succession, it was his plan to simply allow people to believe they had lost or misplaced some of their smaller coin denominations. To that end, Auldwin looked for coppers and silvers mostly, keeping away from the golden variations of currency unless there was a particularly large sum where one or two would not be missed.
Of course Auldwin knew to stay away from those with Spiritual sensitivity, whom mostly existed within the Opal Clan. Today, he moved toward the Diamond clan, particularly interested in striking members of the more transient population. A foreigner made for a particularly excellent mark, as they wouldn't stay long enough to cause much of a problem. "Don't keep too close an eye on your coins, they'll go to a good home." the Ghost thought, determined to make it through his first evening of petty thievery.
The Ghost watched from a distance as darkness crept down across the many pavilions of Endrykas. The Drykas had gone about their day working hard, perfecting their crafts, and trading with various foreigners, just as they always had. Auldwin often watched those coins and goods transferring from person to person, but for so many years he had decided such material things were beyond his grasp. Or were they? His grasp was not so immaterial anymore, and through diligent practice and sheer force of will, the apparition had turned his barely functioning Soulmist into quite a useful tool to exact his own ends. There was so much more left to be done, however.
Auldwin had heard of the mystic art form of the Drykas called Webbing, now having been amongst there people for sometime. It was said that particularly skilled masters could gather nearly infinite amounts of information and track the movements of various things from afar. It seemed like the perfect answer to Auldwin's query, tracking down the Ghost that killed him. He needed to integrate himself further into the Drykas for that to happen, and to become further inaugurated with their Pavilions he needed capital to start something legitimate.
Floating toward the congregation of tents before him, Auldwin was satisfied with the cover of darkness, it was time to test his plan. In order to gain capital, Auldwin would need to retrieve 'donations' from the people, so to speak. More plainly, he was going to steal what he needed over a prolonged course of time. Not taking to much, and not striking the same tent in rapid succession, it was his plan to simply allow people to believe they had lost or misplaced some of their smaller coin denominations. To that end, Auldwin looked for coppers and silvers mostly, keeping away from the golden variations of currency unless there was a particularly large sum where one or two would not be missed.
Of course Auldwin knew to stay away from those with Spiritual sensitivity, whom mostly existed within the Opal Clan. Today, he moved toward the Diamond clan, particularly interested in striking members of the more transient population. A foreigner made for a particularly excellent mark, as they wouldn't stay long enough to cause much of a problem. "Don't keep too close an eye on your coins, they'll go to a good home." the Ghost thought, determined to make it through his first evening of petty thievery.