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In this forum, all the character sheets are kept for player characters. Feel free to come on in, browse the forum, look at what sort of characters others have created, and then begin your very own!
Moderator: Liaisons
by Gracen on October 30th, 2011, 10:47 pm

human man born on the forty-eighth day of summer, 480 a.v. i'm the hunter; i'll bring back the goods.
physical description A man in the summer of his life, rather strong and moderately tall at six feet and an inch to spare. The weight of the world seems to fall on his broad shoulders, but he gives a sense of solid capability -- someone has to be able to hold up the sky. His is a charisma that one might call royal; one might trust him to lead people into battle and fight shoulder to shoulder with those who follow. His eyes recall the summer skies, and when days are long, sandy hair alchemizes to true gold. Fair skin earns the golden kiss of the sun, rarely burning, rarely returning to the lily white of his infant hide.
character concept You can run, but you will only die tired.
character history I have been a sword, narrow, variegated, I will believe when it is apparent. I have been a tear in the air, I have been in the dullest of stars. I have been a word among letters, I have been a book in the origin. I have been the light of lanterns, A year and a half. I have been a continuing bridge, Over three score river-mouths. I have been a course, I have been an eagle. I have been a coracle in the sea. I have been complaint in the banquet. I have been a drop in a shower; I have been a sword in the grasp of a hand. I have been a shield in battle. I have been a string in a harp, Disguised for nine years.
-cad goddeu, rev. robert williams translation
skill list
Mental Skills
Skill | Score | Level | Addt’l Notes | Leadership | 11 | Novice | 10 SP/1 XP | Intimidation | 5 | Novice | 5 XP | Composition | 2 | Novice | 2 XP | Interrogation | 2 | Novice | 2 XP | Observation | 3 | Novice | 3 XP |
Physical Skills
Skill | Score | Level | Addt’l Notes | Katana | 30 | Competent | 30 SP | Wakizashi | 9 | Novice | 5 SP/4 XP | Riding | 17 | Novice | 15 RB/2 XP | Wilderness Survival | 1 | Novice | 1 XP | Hunting | 1 | Novice | 1 XP | Unarmed Combat | 3 | Novice | 3 XP |
Skill | Score | Level | Addt’l Notes | Flux | 10 | Novice | 5 SP/5 XP, Personal Magic |
God | Gnosis | Level | Addt’l Notes | xxx | xxx | x | xxx |
Language | Fluency | Origin | Addt’l Notes | Common | Fluent | Starting Package | - | Pavi | Basic | Starting Package | - | Ancient Tongue | Poor | Starting Package | - |
- Martial Strategy
- Socio-economics
- Hai: Entrance, Safe Route
- Basic Unarmed Defenses Against Eypharians
equipment & possessions
- 1 Set of Clothing
- 1 Waterskin (SP)
- 1 Backpack which contains: (SP)
- 1 Set of Toiletries (comb, brush, razor, soap) (SP)
- Food for a week (SP)
- 1 eating knife (SP)
- Flint & Steel (SP)
- 1 Steel Katana (purchased at creation)
- 1 Steel Wakizashi (purchased at creation)
- 2 Leather Vambraces (purchased at creation)
- 1 Zavian Stallion (purchased at creation)
- Family Heirloom - tbd
ledger + 100 gm (SP) + 500 gm (Housing Cash In) - 100 gm (1 Steel Katana) - 100 gm (1 Steel Wakizashi) - 20 gm (2 Leather Vambraces) - 100 gm (1 Zavian Stallion) + 20 gm (Where to start?) = 300 gm
thread list  winter 511 01 - chimera * loot ?? - succubus/incubus 20 - the prologue 20 - cobwebs
spring 512 13 - knives out 16 - where to start? * loot 50 - free running 63 - brews and bouts * complete
summer 512 25 - road less traveled * loot
fall 512 01 - A broken weapon. * loot 01 - A broken weapon, ii. 02 - An unwilling partner. 10 - climbing. 20 - one of these doesn't belong. 60 - try not to fall.
winter 512 03 - inspired. 10 - warrior's pride. |

Gracen - You can run, but you will only die tired.
- Posts: 124
- Words: 50800
- Joined roleplay: October 30th, 2011, 8:57 pm
- Race: Human
- Character sheet
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