Timestamp: 59th Summer 511 A.V.
The man was furious. He stormed down the dimly-lit hall with the hard stride of his people, the weak light glinting off his massive, dark grey, arm. Clean-cut black hair, streaked with blue, fell down the man's thin, rugged face. The robe the man wore was a deep shade of grey, with a silver flame stitched into the heavy fabric.His fellow isur traversing the underground hallway noticed the symbol; they moved to the side, making room for him. But the man paid them no heed; his attention was focused only on his destination, and what awaited him there.
The twisting corridors of the Pitrius citadel were not exactly friendly to tourists, but then, neither was Sultros itself. The man managed the tricky turns and twists with a ease that only comes with being born to such a thing. Within minutes, he reached a door, in which one simple word was inscribed, in the language of isur; Steelrune.
The man barely paused to open the door, flinging the heavy aperture open with his ponderous left arm easily. He flowed into the main chamber of the Steelrune household like an angry storm, approaching land.
A woman was sitting at the dining room table. The man's eyes flickered over her with barely a glance, obviously looking for something else. Without a word, he passed by the woman, striding into the rooms that lay behind; when he returned with a frustrated look on his face, it was clear his search had yielded no results.
"Where is the boy?" he spat out, in the harsh language of the mountainfolk.
The woman looked up. Steady black eyes looked out from a face of classic beauty, noble cheekbones thrust forward. Her head was framed by delicate strawberry-blond locks, cascading down to her shoulders. A gigantic right arm, as large and as dark as the man's left, marred her appearance somewhat, but she nonetheless maintained a fierce beauty about her figure.
"Not here." she responded, in the same tongue. "Down in the practice room, I expect."
The man snarled. Turning on his heel, he made to leave the room.
A hoarse shout was torn from the woman's lips. "He's told me about his plans, Klaldir." she cried. "There's nothing you can do to stop him. He had your stubbornness."
Klaldir Steelrune paused, one hand on the door. He looked back, and said, "I can do something, and I will, Elianel."
"So you'll beat him into staying, is that it?" his wife replied bitterly.
Klaldir's face was stony. "If a beating is what keep's that fool from leaving..." the man said, "...So be it."
The Pitrius training grounds were not frequented much during the night. Not that telling night from day was particularly easy inside a mountain, but the mountainfolk's ways of timekeeping tended to distinguish between the two, even if the daytime and nighttime hours were skewed in terms of the rest of the world. In any case, the atrium was near-deserted at that hour. The practice dummies laid untouched, the targets were unmolested; no cry of joy as one landed their victorious blade split the air, nor did the sound of despair over having been beaten. However, one still prowled the large room, battleaxe in hand.
He was young, or at least for an isur, probably being of fourty years of age, but having only matured half of them. The blue-black hair and dark eyes he possessed bespoke of his father, while the noble lines of his face bespoke of his mother. A battleaxe, painstakingly crafted from isurian steel, hung loosely in his right hand, head tilted to the side as he considered his targer; a straw practice dummy, clad in iron.
Rorugir spent a moment examining his target, eyes looking for the weak spots in the armor. He had tried beforehand to pierce the armor, failing to do so not only once, but twice. His arm still hurt from the jolt of pain he'd felt on both occasions. Now, he examined his target with a healthy amount of wariness.
A minute or so passed, and then, Rorugir struck. Like a wild cat, he leaped forward without a moment's notice, hand swinging to bring up the axe in a vicious arc. It collided with the dummy with a passion, hitting it with a loud clank that-
"You petching idiot."
The soft words, laced with poison as they were, made the young isur jump. He turned, instinctively bringing the axe to bear against this new foe.
A grey hand, webbed with silver veins, intercepted the deadly weapon, one hand coming around the grasp the hilt (and crushing Rorugir's fingers) while a knee was brought up to hit Rorugir in his solar plexus. The young isur fell back, letting the weapon fall into the hands of his enemy.
Klaldir grimaced. Eyebrows jutting, he approached his son, one hand gripping Ror's axe. "What do you think you're doing?" he spat. |