Shadows flew across the deck on the edges of Sama'el's vision as three large figures carried a smaller one between them, disappearing off the side of the boat as soon as Sam's eyes caught the chance glimpse of the masked ones. For some reason the deck was quiet, even with the deck's figures trampling about, but these were padded steps and trained in the art of stealth unlike the three that pounded up from their quarters to investigate the screams of their missing companion. Before Sam could take even a step forward or any of the others for that matter, a figure leapt from the stern's railing behind them to flip silently in the air and land against the deck with a loud creak of the hardened wood. The figure was facing them, his shortswords gleaming in their sheaths in the brilliant moonlight, but his face was masked revealing only his pale blue eyes that seemed to stare at each of them unblinkingly.
In the next bat of an eye his swords were in his hands, but he didn't immediately try for them, the shade simply content to stand there waiting for them to make the first move. From behind the small party they could hear the crew stirring awake, and belting out rousing shouts for the rest of the men and women to wake and do so quickly. The ships design had put their quarter's oddly at the end of the ship, barring them from the rest of the crew that slept at the tip of the ship, mainly because the rooms the companions stayed in once not long before hadn't really been rooms at all but storage areas for the sailor's equipment. Eager to keep good quarters for his men and earn some mizas in the process for the accommodations he supposedly made, he found a way by sending the travelers to spend their nights in the storage rooms instead of with the rowdy crew that was well accepted he believed because it was best for the lady that way. However in this instance it prevented them from glancing at the large iron bar fixed across it's surface, keeping the sailors from coming to the groups aid anytime soon. The shouts of confusion, and surprise just below their feet would be the only telling clue to where the rest crew was presently. Across the deck just behind the man, was a fourth of the crew, bloody dismembered parts spread all across it, a macabre spectacle for the companions to view as the towering figure topping just a seven feet, loomed before the group, his stance revealing a trace of eagerness.
* * * * *
Off the side Denen went to slam on the deck of a much smaller boat knees first. Down came next the three men behind him, one pressing the healer fast first against the wood while the other's took up two large oars and immediately started powerfully stroking to propel the boat quickly and silently through the water. One mentioned something about the drykas's cries, and promptly the one holding him down raised him up only to smack his head against the hardwood deck, brining him into the comforting darkness of unconsciousness.