[Kelp Bar] Bottom of the Glass (Ignasius)

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[Kelp Bar] Bottom of the Glass (Ignasius)

Postby Cora Greenberg on November 4th, 2011, 10:09 pm

26th Day of Fall 511

The cold autumn wind bit into Cora's cheeks, but she didn't seem to notice at all. She walked slowly, as if in dreams, there was hollowness in her eyes. In was late evening, so the world was slowly turning dark, but plenty of light still remained. Nothing showed that today was the worst day of Cora's life.

How?...How could this happen? It was not his time. Not yet.



She clenched her teeth, banished these thoughts that suddenly appeared in her mind and continued on her way. Soon, she will forget. This was all just a bad, horrible dream. Tomorrow she will wake up and everything will be as it should. Yes, she nodded to herself, but somewhere at the back of her mind she knew that nothing could change what had happened.

Once she reached the Kelp Bar, where she headed, she stumbled inside and immediately sat behind the bar table. She didn't care for reputation now and if someone recognized her. She didn't care about anything anymore.

"A beer. Quick." she glared at the woman behind the bar and drummed her fingers on the table.

The woman behind the bar looked at her strangely, but filled one glass and handed it to her. Cora snatched it from the woman's hands and started to drink one glass after another.
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[Kelp Bar] Bottom of the Glass (Ignasius)

Postby Ignasius on November 4th, 2011, 10:40 pm


Outside the tavern, on a thick iron chain, a wolf did lie. Appeared to be sleeping, curled into a ball. The little that the people knew, was that he belonged to a new visitor in the town. A visitor who got was in a bad mood for the whole day, due to the fact that no one really knew. Not that they really cared.

Ignasius sat behind a table, facing his back to the rest of the inhabitants in the tavern. His black leather hat was on his head, hiding his eyes and hair. His mask was pulled down, and now adorned his neck. His lips excused, so that he could sip from his drink. It was obvious that the man had a few too much, due to the fact he already downed a formidable amount of liquor.

His long, black coat waved lightly in the air, as he rocked from side to side, finally deciding to stand up, and waddle himself to the counter. Slow, but steady. He didn't really pay much attention to the rest of the tavern, but someone caught his attention. A woman downing a beer after another. In his lightly intoxicated state, he chuckled.

"Try not to get poisoned from all that." he said, as a witty remark, before placing the mug he had in his hands, on the counter, and looked at the woman behind the bar. Yet, the woman only shook her head. No way Ignasius would get any more drinks tonight from her.
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[Kelp Bar] Bottom of the Glass (Ignasius)

Postby Cora Greenberg on November 5th, 2011, 8:44 am

Not being used to drinking very much, Cora was completely trashed after three of four glasses, she lost count of them. At first she was feeling very happy. Everything around her seemed extremely funny to her. She almost forgot the 'thing' that happened. Almost.

After the hilarious period of being drunk, she started to feel sad and gloomy and angry at the whole world again. She sat there, contemplating about her wretched life, when she noticed a man in black clothes now standing next to her. Cora didn't pay any attention to him and she hoped that he would leave soon. She didn't want to have any company right now. Unfortunately he wasn't leaving.

He put his empty mug on the counter and then he turned to her and said something about her getting poisoned. She tried to ignore him, but the alcohol got the better of her and she turned to glare at him, or at least, in his direction.

"Wha's your problem, eh? Jus' leave me alone, mate." she frowned and tuned back to her glass again. She took a gulp and slammed it hard on the table, so that it spilled everywhere around.

"I think that's enough." said the woman behind the counter. She reached out and took the glass from Cora's fingers.

"Hey!" Cora protested loudly, then she felt the urge to blame someone for it, so she turned to the black clad man. "That's your fault! You told her to take it away from me, huh? Why won't all of you leave me alone?!" she cried out at him and stood up, swaying slightly.
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[Kelp Bar] Bottom of the Glass (Ignasius)

Postby Ignasius on November 5th, 2011, 11:31 am


Ignasius tried to hold his balance. Now, it wasn't too much for him, but he still felt the dizziness and bury thinking that comes with alcohol on it's own. He tried to say something, or maybe use his charm on the woman behind the counter, so he could get another drink, but before actually doing anything, the woman who was drinking the beer earlier, rather loudly stood up. The man in black leather gave her a judging glare. Who was she to talk, or blame anyone.

He gently placed his right hand on the counter, and then shuffled himself in the direction of where the drunk woman was, so he'd face her head on. His 6'1.2'' tall body now towered in front of her.

"Ey. Watch your tongue. And don't you ever start blaming me for any of your stupid reasons."
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[Kelp Bar] Bottom of the Glass (Ignasius)

Postby Cora Greenberg on November 6th, 2011, 8:30 am

He looked pretty tall, thought Cora as she squinted up at the man who now stood in front of her. And very dangerous.

'Don't start anything. Don't start anything. Don't...' chanted some rational part of her brain, but to no avail.

"My reasons are stupid you say?" she looked at him scornfully. "Well, I can say tha' more stupid was you crossin' my way tonight. It's your fault 'cause...Ah!"

In the middle of her very 'clever and mature' speech, one of her feet caught behind a barstool and she tumbled towards the man. Unfortunately, she put up her hands in front of her as she was falling and shoved him quite hard on the chest. She didn't notice if he fell, but she did.

The fall seemed to wake her up a little. She gulped. 'That's it. I'm dead...' she thought with dread.
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[Kelp Bar] Bottom of the Glass (Ignasius)

Postby Ignasius on November 6th, 2011, 9:07 am

He really didn't expect that. Now, he knew that alcohol made you do stupid things, but that? Starting a brawl? This girl was out of her mind. He got pushed back, and due to his slightly tipsy state, he stumbled back and barely, but only barely remained on his feet. A barstool caught his fall, and he leant on it, his right hand on the counter, pushing a glass and two mugs down the counter so they'd come crashing down on the ground. And shattered.

"You little..." Ignasius huffed, standing up the very moment he sat down, and made his way to the girl. His boots now echoing closer and closer to where the woman fell. He would reach down with his left hand, and try to grab her at the collar of her clothing, and pulling her up on her feet, and, if he would manage to do that, go on and push her against the wall near by.

"Crossing your path, huh? You're awfully brave for a girl with a drink. You want to accomplish something?"

he titled his head to the side, quick enough so his collar-bone cracked lightly. No real reason, but intimidation. He wasn't really the one to hit a woman. Drunk or not. That is, unless he got a reason. And that push just opened it up.
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[Kelp Bar] Bottom of the Glass (Ignasius)

Postby Cora Greenberg on November 8th, 2011, 8:41 am

Cora heard shattering of glass and then footsteps. She tried to crawl away but a moment later, she was lifted up to the air by collar of her shirt. She was a bit dizzy and disorientated and when her vision cleared up a bit, she realized that she was pressed against something hard.

"What the..." she yelped and tried to wriggle away from the grip but wasn't successful at all. "Hey, stop it! Let go of me! Now!" she complained and acted like she overheard his questions and the crack of his neck, which, in reality, unnerved her very much.

Even in her drunken state she recognized, that the man was very, very angry, dangerous and, of course, drunk, so if she provoked him a little more, he would do something very, very bad to her. She definitely didn't want to be beaten badly. Maybe she could just apologize to him and go away. But then again, she was not very good at apologizing...

Again, she started to struggle against his hold with more vigour then before. Then, she kicked up with her right leg, aiming for his shin hoping that somehow she would be able to broke his hold and get away.

OOCSorry for not posting yesterday. I was shopping for Christmas :) And in the post I used the word 'angry' because I wanted to use 'pissed' at first, but I wasn't sure if I could use it in a post, because in the dictionary it says that it is pretty bad word, so I wrote 'angry'... And about the last paragraph...don't make it so easy for her ;)
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[Kelp Bar] Bottom of the Glass (Ignasius)

Postby Ignasius on November 8th, 2011, 4:34 pm

The man wasn't in the best of moods. Specially with the wriggling woman in his grasp. Now, he tried to only hold onto her collar for the moment, not her neck, and lifting her a bit up. He had no real intentions of blocking her airways and letting her choke, but he was going to stand by his ground. No one should bark against him. Specially when he isn't sober.

She could note that he wasn't planning on grabbing her throat at any possibility at this point, but wasn't planning on releasing her either. He let her struggle around, and complain. Intimidation was a funny thing, actually. You get strangely brave when you are under the effect of alcohol. the effect, as the man seen, worked both ways.

But he was quickly cut off, and brought to reality after a painful shock entered his body. His right leg shook, and inched down, as he got kicked in the shin. And the initial pain was that strong, he had to let go of her collar, and step back, grunting. "That's it..." He spoke out, looking up at her, trying to regain his composure. "You asked for it."
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[Kelp Bar] Bottom of the Glass (Ignasius)

Postby Cora Greenberg on November 9th, 2011, 5:36 pm

'Now you've done it...' Cora thought as she felt that her foot found its target and connected with his shin. He released her and she fell on her feet first. She was balancing for a while flailing her arms around, but since she was quite drunk, she lost the battle with trying to regain her balance and fell to the ground on her knees and hands for the second time that evening.

As he was still quite shocked by what she had done, she tried to stand up, but her limbs didn't want to listen. So much for the plan to run away and disappear.

She heard him growl something. Clearly he had woken up from the shock she gave him.

'Oh, you're so dead and it's your damn fault.' she thought angrily, but then her sluggish and foggy brain produced an idea. Very humiliating one, but it was now or never.

She stayed on her hands and knees and started to crawl away from him.
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[Kelp Bar] Bottom of the Glass (Ignasius)

Postby Ignasius on November 10th, 2011, 12:02 pm

Ignasius tipped his hat a bit down, and then shook his head faintly. How unpleasant to get kicked that way. There was still an aching feeling on his shin, which made him difficulties to walk straight, but he forced himself to ignore the pain. With a quick gaze around the tavern, he realized that they were being watched. He knew that the barkeeper wont stand idle and watch for the whole evening, so he had to get out somehow. Taking the girl with him, though. That was certain.

He then returned his attention back to the crawling woman on the ground, and from that angle, he had to part his lips into a smirk. Of course he was still quite angry, but, the scene in front of him was just begging to begin laughing about it. But, he wasn't going to simply stand there and spectate. He began walking towards her, and he thought she couldn't get far while crawling on the ground. If he'd manage to get close, he'd grab the back of her upper garment with one hand, and her left hand with his other, and basically going to halfway carry, and halfway drag her across the ground, kick-opening the door, and if he would succeed, drag her outside the tavern, and around it, to find a place which wouldn't have curious eyes all on him. He never liked being watched.

Now, if she wouldn't resist or in any other way prevent his next action, he would simply throw her down once they got outside the tavern, and behind it, and let her connect with the ground. He'd then cross his arms on his chest, and look down on her. "Never do that again."
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