Shai should have seen it coming, but of course her mouth was too busy getting her in trouble to let her sense tell her brain to watch out. If she had been less busy smarting off she might have gotten more than one little scratch in. She hadn’t been expecting to be thrown like a rag doll though; Shai always forgot how little her weight was to the humans. The Symenestra weighed less than several types of armor or weaponry and so tossing her really wasn’t an enormous feat. As soon as she began to get her bearings and would have righted herself, he was busy pinning her down. Antar was just too fast. The moment this encounter turned back to the force Shai had lost. This petcher is getting bit the first chance I get, and I take back what I said about not consuming humans. For him I’ll make an exception. She began to struggle to get free as soon as the implications hit her, with whatever magic he had he could do whatever he wanted and she couldn’t stop him. The gag that followed when she tried to scream for help did absolutely nothing to help her opinion of him in this moment. And then he spoke. Really he had to gag me to speak to me? Very well male get your piece in while your company cannot speak.
The little spider listened, he clearly wanted her to hear what she said and for all that her pride had dulled her sense her indignation couldn’t seem to drown out the sound of his voice no matter how much it tried. Lecturing? That was the point of all of this? To give me a sermon on my attitude?! But as his speech progressed it hit a phrase he couldn’t have intended, a phrase that would change their strange dance. ‘I have stolen lives while I’ve been naked as the day I was born.’ She figured he didn’t know what he had reminded her of and it had just been an attempt at an impressive turn of phrase. But with that simply sentence he brought her races greatest lamentation, and it is the exact line that Shai conceded his victory.
Now she listened quietly, without giving struggle or even dirty look. She just looked exhausted; he had managed to remind her that in her first breath she had killed her mother. Symenestrans belief that they were superior was really the only shield they had against this specific matricide, without it Shai was forced to look at it for what it really was. When his hand moved to hover over her body she watched in horror as her body changed color, Shai didn’t understand enough about magic to know what was going on. To her this strange transformation of her body’s color could be as permanent as the burning of the towel.
Shai gave him her quiet attention; she could only hope that he would return her to her original form if she complied with him. Antar had managed to force his position in her complicated social hierarchy, she couldn’t pin point an exact moment but now she didn’t watch a mere human speak. No, she listened to Antar speak. The ideas were too immense for the Symenestra to stomach in such a short time. These revelations would take hours to set in and when they did they would create an inherent contradiction in the way she judged people. When his proposition finally came Shai no longer struggled against her magical bonds, instead she studied him. If he was going to be her equal she needed more information about him, what tools were in his arsenal? She would figure it out because for all that he might have climbed her internal social ladder, he had still made a fool of her and that couldn’t be let go.
She clutched at the robe to cover herself, say what he will about nudity she preferred to be clothed. I can move again? she hadn’t even realized how odd that was when she first reacted, she snuck a peek beneath the robe; to her great relief her body had returned to normal color. She would accept his deal, she wanted to know more about him and the more she knew about his abilities the more she could do to counter them in the future. Pinching a copper mizas was usually no difficulty but if he was watching for her she’d need to pull off something spectacular. The task gave her a cold focus; whenever she had a specific job to do she could discard any other complication and concentrate on the problem before her. She pulled the robe on properly. Oh yes she would do it, but he would get a piece of parting information. The information was just as valuable for her as well. She spoke just above a whisper, her mind running to fast to come up with more appropriate tone of voice. “I accept. But you failed to mention an important point in your lecture. When you assume you are always already incorrect. It is something both of us could do well to remember.” She didn’t feel the need to explain the nerve he had hit, she preferred he knew as little about her weaknesses as possible. Shai tugged the robe firmly around her and collected her items from the corner before following him back out into the public.
Her first order of business was to secure one of these loincloths and go find a place to change. After that task was complete she moved her thoughts to how she would steal from someone who knew she was coming. As Shai exited the room the first noticeable difference about her was she was wearing a man’s robe. The second was that her expression was distant and contemplative in a way that implied that whoever first approached her might lose something vital. And finally the fact that she reappeared with a Antar with scratches on his face. She deposited her goods safely within her own private bath which she had paid for but went and eased herself into the common pools so she could watch for Antar and his petching miza. Her eyes followed him as he moved, trying to glean every scrape of information she could.