"Yes, we should proceed, but first, I need to go get something." Alric stood where he was, continuing to try his best not to vomit. It was not easy, but he was doing rather well. He kept his posture in check, and his eyes facing forward. He only listened to about half of what Miro had said, but he got the gist of it. He fought back the urge to clear his throat, as it was still sore. Of course, his body was trying to make it better by producing mucus, but really he wished it would leave well enough alone. It just irritated him further. However, it seemed Miro knew exactly what he needed, as he came back with a water-skin. Alric desperately hoped that was for him, and he was not disappointed. Miro handed him the water-skin, saying... something. Alric didn't really catch it. He was to busy gulping down the water. As soon as he finished, Miro filled it back up, using that strange substance again. Alric's confusion was wearing away, thankfully, and he was able to actually comprehend what he was hearing as he downed his second helping of water. Miro seemed to be rambling some what, but Alric was able to determine several useful bits of information. The odd gas he had been seeing was called res. And it was most likely why the art was called Reimancy. Also, it could be transformed into the four elements that Alric was familiar with. And, of course, the ice that Miro was fond of creating. Alric continued to listen with rapt attention to soak up as much information as possible given his condition. Apparently, res was a physical manifestation of a person's Djed, making Reimancy extremely dangerous the more you used it. Alric was a bit disappointed at hearing that. However, that was also somewhat true of Hypnosis, so he supposed he was used to his limitations at least. He figured that would come in handy as he continued how to learn this new magic. Alric nodded through Miro's explanation, not needing to ask questions. Miro was quite thorough at giving explanations. That made Alric wonder if he might have taught others as well. In fact, he was quite certain he had. Miro was eager to forge friendships, and had a valuable service to offer. Put those together, and it was quite likely someone had (or would) take advantage of him. Alric would have to make sure Miro was aware of that fact. Even though there friendship was in is infancy, Alric was not the type to dismiss it solely on that fact alone. When Miro began to speak of choosing an element, Alric was given pause. Which should he choose? He was not too fond of fire or earth. However, he thought that both might be useful. Water and air were more appealing to him, but he didn't know if they could truly be used in a life or death situation. He pondered the question for a good long while. He did not bother asking Miro any questions, as he was under the impression it was mostly personal preference as opposed to any superiority of a single element. Finally, Alric came to the conclusion that air would be his best bet. It could come in handy in combat situations, and come in handy for escapes. “Miro, I believe I’d like to learn air first.” |