Completed The Sex Dream (Aidara/Mature)

Sira has a dream, wakes up, has Addy, and then they have a fight.

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The westernmost tip of Kalea, Wind Reach is home to an amazing group of people and their giant eagle mounts. [Lore]

The Sex Dream (Aidara/Mature)

Postby Sira on February 17th, 2012, 6:19 pm

Oh Priskil, what have I gotten myself into..

Sira was almost frightened by Aidara's sudden change in tempermant. She was frightened, and excited, though she tried not to show it too much. She didn't find their love life boring, really, not at all. It was rather exciting.. but it was usually the same. And Sira's dream had been an expression of her inner desire for something different, something more exciting than what she already had. Perhaps it was just selfishness, but Sira couldn't help herself.

"No, no, Addy! It's not boring, it's.. um. I mean, I love it, I really do. I don't know why I had the dream. I guess it was just something different from what we usually do.. yknow."

Of course Addy already figured that out, and now the game was on, though Sira had no idea what that meant. Challenge accepted.. that couldn't be good. Sira was going to regret this. Not really, because the mere thought of Addy doing anything Sai had done to her in the dream lit her up like a firework.

But what about all the other emotional stuff? Didn't they need to work things about about the Sai issues? Or would pushing that topic be pointless, and maybe ruin Sira's chance to see how exactly Addy would accept the challenge. In the end, Sira went with a joke.

"Oh gods.. should I be afraid?"
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The Sex Dream (Aidara/Mature)

Postby Aidara on February 23rd, 2012, 1:45 am

At first, Addy didn't answer. A heavy silence settled around the pair as they stood across from each other as if they were about to duel. With her arms crossed over her chest the little healer scrutinized Sira, her eyes like sharp emeralds as they trickled along the Kelvic woman's form. From top to toes, Addy leered until Sira began to fidget.

Having spent much time exploring, the women knew each others bodies as well as they knew their own. Familiarity, combined with their close partnership and the amount of time they spent together, had made them both soft. It didn't take long for them to discover the little things that made the other moan or squirm. In truth, while delightful, with each of these discoveries the women had grown more and more complacent. The relationship had moved from the sultry, wild affair it had been into an easy thing full of companionship and love. But, as Addy found out the hard way, that didn't mean the passion was gone.

On top of all that, Addy realized she hardly dressed up anymore. In the beginning the little woman would spend hours on her dark auburn locks, twisting or straightening before applying a layer of make-up that would, in the end, transform her into her desired look. From devilishly sexy to innocently seductive, Addy had worked them all. A glance down at her current outfit, a light green pair of bryda and vinati that she had now worn for the second day in a row, brought a blush to her cheeks that blossomed and spread down onto the lightly freckled skin of her chest. Complacent, indeed.

Primly choosing to ignore Sira's inquiry, Addy finally took a step towards the taller woman. It was a small step that brought them within centimeters of touching, though a small pocket of air hovered between them. The heat that radiated from Sira, enflamed by her discomfort or the wild chase Addy had lead her on, only deepened the color that stained the smaller woman's cheeks.

"I think..." Her voice had lowered to a throaty purr, the likes of which Sira had never been on the receiving end of. It was the soft, smoky tone that Addy used to lure in a hesitant suitor. The mysterious, sultry quality defied her rather innocent seeming, bubbly personality just enough to immediately draw her prey in. However, Addy and Sira's relationship had been built on an undeniable attraction to each other; there was no need for the silky, dark heat of seduction when they had more than enough raw sexual tension to feed off of. "... I have a lot of apologizing to do."

The air around them seemed to sizzle, the uncomfortable silence finally broken. It no longer mattered that they were hardly sequestered away in their aerie, but instead out in an open corridor. If passerby stopped to stare, Addy didn't notice. The light breeze that cantered around the pair raised goosebumps on the exposed skin of her arms and legs; it was also the source of the shiver that rippled from the top of her spine down into her toes, but Addy equated it to the fierce look in Sira's eyes when she finally lifted her own to meet them. How could she keep forgetting that this woman whom she so loved was as deadly as if she were to hug a sword.

Sira, however, made it clear that she was not always fond of being the predator. A flutter of nerves in the pit of her stomach were largely ignored as Addy held the gaze, her hand moving slowly towards the place Sira found most ticklish as she attempted to reverse their rolls. Reaching up as if she were going to gently cup her hand around the base of Sira's skull, a move Addy had used many times in junction with her fingers tangling into Sira's hair as she pulled them together for a kiss, the healer instead lightly trailed the tips of her fingers around behind the other woman's ear, down the line of her neck to trace across the top of her collarbone. The touch was just heavy enough that it wouldn't quite tickle, but light enough that her skin reacted as if it had been tickled anyway, catching Sira in-between sensations.

While Sira was distracted Addy caught a majority of her bright red hair in her other hand, pulling firmly so that she would have no choice but to bend in the direction of the tug. Holding the Kelvic so that their eyes were at the same level, the little healer displaced the pocket of air between them as she pressed herself flush against Sira's hunched form. Her hips rotated forward, her back arching so that her chest would press against Sira's own. With their lips so close, warm breath fogging the air between them, Addy couldn't help but smirk.

"Catch me." Never, ever had she ordered Sira to do anything, though their Bond as Endal and Eagle, Master and Kelvic gave Addy all the power in the world to do so. Those two words, soft and breathy as they hung in the fog of lust between them, was as close to an order as Addy would ever give. No doubt Sira felt the pull to obey, and that was the point; to infuriate and entice the other woman as the healer dropped all pretense of holding Sira close and bolted in the other direction. To remind Sira just how much power over her Addy really did possess; dreams of Sai with all the whips and chains in all of Mizahar couldn't compare.
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The Sex Dream (Aidara/Mature)

Postby Sira on March 7th, 2012, 9:31 pm

"Catch me."

No two words had ever been said that were more alluring, more enticing.. more irresistible than those two words.

"Catch me."

Oh, Sira felt the compulsion to obey. It stirred in her a feeling she had only ever felt a handful of times before, her instincts calling on her to do as she was told. Normally Sira resisted her instinct, but she coulnd't resist this.. not when it was something she wanted so badly, and of course the catching part, well that just played to her predatorial sensibilities as well.

Aidara fled and Sira pursued, more than willing to play their little game. The healer had a head start on her, in part because Sira had been so stunned by the erotic yet simple command, but also because where would the fun be in catching the healer right away. Both of them knew the pathways of their mountain home well, both knew which way to go to lead them on the most exciting chase. Aidara led Sira through twists and turns, through crowds of people, all the while they ignored the startled onlookers as they darted past.

Sira had an idea, but Addy needed to be in the right place first. They were heading in the right direction.. if she just went.. yes! Addy took a right that would lead them outside along a long pathway snaking up the side of the mountain. It was sort of a back door into the eagle aeries, one that Sira rarely had use for since she could just fly in at any time, but if one wanted to take the scenic route home there was no better way.

The path also presented the perfect setting for Sira's slowly forming plan to come into fruition. Sira ran along Aidara for a bit, letting her get a bit of distance. The stairway was narrow, but it didn't hinder either of the women. They were completely at home on the narrow mountain paths, despite the sheer cliff that fell beneath them just a few feet away. But up ahead there was a wide area, a look out for people to stop and enjoy the sunset over the valley.

Sira stopped chasing and instead jumped right off the path. As she did so she shifted, an explosion of smoke and clothing going everywhere as she did so. Shifting while wearing clothes could be painful sometimes, but luckily Sira was dressed very light. It was only a bit of a strain to shift and the clothes didn't hinder her much. They were ruined, of course, but she was an Endal and could get a new pair with the snap of her fingers.

Sira took flight, rising high into the sky. As Addy entered the open part of the path Sira dove, her claws reaching out in front of her. Addy noticed only a moment to late the shadow that covered her before she was snatched up in Sira's talons. For her part, Sira did it as gently as possible, though Addy was still jolted from the ground. Ignoring the healer’s protests and cries of "Cheater" Sira flew up into the sky, going higher and higher. She didn't answer Addy's mental shouts either until they were up very high. By then Addy should have made herself more comfortable, Sira doing her best to open her claws just enough for Addy to make herself at home.

Loose the clothes and I'll let you go, Sira said playfully as she looked down at her captured prey. Of course if Addy did take her clothes off, they would be lost to the wind, and that was indeed the point. Sira didn't really know what she had in mind at the moment, but a naked Addy in her talons was always better than a clothed one.
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The Sex Dream (Aidara/Mature)

Postby Aidara on March 29th, 2012, 7:22 pm

Addy foolishly thought that she was winning. Winning what? The race of course.

A few quick glances over her shoulder showed no hide nor hair of Sira, false confidence welling up inside the small woman as she ducked and weaved through the crowded hallways. The healer was smaller than her love; perhaps Sira had gotten hung up behind those two dek carrying what looked to be a half-completed bed. Either way, the lack of the pursuing kelvic boded well for Addy's plans, giving her the upper hand.

The breakneck speed at which Addy pelted through the corridors gradually slowed, confident that she would reach their aeries before Sira. Perhaps the woman was expecting Addy to go the normal route and was camped inside their front door, waiting to pounce. The thought sent Addy into a fit of giggles, causing a pair of Avora lounging against one wall to raise eyebrows at her as she jogged past.

With her little plan already richoetching around her head, preoccupying her as she exited the Courtyard onto the winding cliff-side path, Addy failed to notice Sira as she detached herself from the crowed to follow. Though she had seen Sira shift more times than she could possibly count, there was nothing to alert the little healer to the giant Wind Eagles approach until it was too late; the sun was suddenly blocked out by a shadow and Addy didn't even have time to cry out before talons curled around her waist.

"Sira! What! This isn't fair!" Winging her way upwards, Sira probably didn't catch the shout before the wind tore the words away from them so Addy repeated her outrage mentally as well, her face scrunched into a petulant scowl.

Loose the clothes and I'll let you go Oh how smug she sounded. Crossing her arms over her chest, Addy turned her face away from Sira in a lamely-defiant gesture of her displeasure. Her plans were ruined, shattered in a matter of minutes, all thanks to Sira's clearly superior Kelvic Planning skills.

Fat chance! Yes, this is how it was going to be. Crossing her arms over her chest as best she could, Addy continued to stare at Sira's tail; since she was held sideways in her talons, it was either look forwards or backwards and Addy already decided that Sira was not fit to look upon her face. Put me down right now! You totally ruined everything!

Addy was only partially aware of just how much she sounded like a child. She was stubborn enough that she usually got her way just by holding out and acting like a brat. However, Sira had the upper hand. Higher and higher they went, the cold air cutting like knives through Addy's single layer of clothes; it wasn't long before her teeth were chattering and she was rubbing her hands up and down her arms in attempt to warm herself.

Okay fine! But you put me down, Sira, I'm serious! The thought of losing even her minimal protection against the cold was painful, but Addy was getting the impression that Sira could hold out longer than she; there was no point in making this worse on herself, right?

Taking hold of the hem of her shirt, Addy started to draw it over her head, but Sira's talons held her tightly, and that included part of her vinati as well. The fabric tore as she pulled and Addy felt a pang of sorrow as she clung to the broken remains of her favorite shirt. The moment didn't last long, for as soon as the soft fabric was over her head, the wind bit at her skin with a vengeance. Letting out a yelp, Addy tried to cover herself with her hands, though only managed to lose her shirt in the process.

Please, it's cold. Don't make me do this! I'll do anything! Sira! Shivering so hard that it was almost possible to hear her teeth chattering in her mental plea as she curled her body up and around Sira's talons, trying to reduce her size and hopefully minimize the amount of skin the wind could whip to a bright red.
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The Sex Dream (Aidara/Mature)

Postby Sira on April 19th, 2012, 7:51 pm

Put her down? Well, Sira could do that, although they were awfully high up, and it was a long way down. And Addy wasn't even fully undressed.. though Sira could tell she was freezing, and she wasn't trying to be mean. She was just having a bit of fun.

Oh, alright. I guess I'll put you down. But this game isn't over, missy, you still have your pants on.

Sira started to descend.. she started to. But then a new idea came to her. It was a bit crazy, and Addy would still be cold, but it sounded exciting and.. well, crazy. Instead of heading toward the ground, Sira went higher. She climbed as fast as she could so Addy wouldn't have to suffer for long. After a few chimes she stopped climbing, stopped flying all together. For a split second it felt like they were sitting completely motionless in the air.

Okay, down we go!

Suddenly Aidara was falling. She couldn't see the smoke and sparkles that came with Sira shifting, because they were above her, but she did know Sira no longer had her talons around her. For a few seconds Addy was alone, and then suddenly Sira was there, smacking into her and causing the two of them to tumble over and over in the air for a bit before they finally figured out how to straighten out. Normally one wouldn't be able to hear the other very well falling like they were, but Addy and Sira could communicate with their minds.

Gods! You weren't lying about the cold. Get over here and warm me up!

Sira pulled on the probably terrified Addy's arm, which she was holding tightly so they wouldn't fall apart, and wrapped her arms about her, trying to give her a kiss if the healer would let her. It was more likely Addy would be too busy freaking out, but maybe not. She did fly for a living, afterall, and they were sort of flying. They still had a long way down, also, and plenty of time for Sira to shift back and save them.
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The Sex Dream (Aidara/Mature)

Postby Aidara on May 28th, 2012, 4:02 am

What had it been that Addy read in one of her books? It had been something about free falling… something… important.

Oh. That’s right. High fiving the ground with your face at stupid speed would kill you.

I.. Sira… This isn’t… The Kelvic woman had managed to pull her against her naked form, wrapping her arms tight and holding Addy there despite the winds that tried to rip them apart. Sira I’m, like, one-hundred percent sure that we’re going to die. The rush of adrenaline and sexual tension that had fueled both of their actions had quickly drained from the little healer the second the first lick of cold air went where no cold air should go.

Sira had pressed her mouth to the healers, skin cold to the touch, the bone chilling wind even making both their teeth chatter a bit. At some point during their fall, Addy had managed to get both her arms and legs wrapped tightly around Sira’s form, her fingers buried into the whipping red strands of her lovers hair for security as well as a desperate search for warmth. Any warmth.

She did find it in the kiss; despite everything else, their breath was still warm until the moment the wind whipped it away. Pressing her lips firmly against Siras, Addy sighed with the mixture of pleasure and fear. The moment caught her, instinct making her press the tip of her tongue past Sira’s lips and into her mouth… that is, until another chatter closed the kelvic womans teeth firmly over the soft muscle.

Petch! Drawing away, the moment broken, Addy bit off the rest of her curse. It hadn’t even been more than a chime since Sira had shifted, the time speeding up and slowing down simultaneously as they fell.. and yet the little woman already couldn’t handle it.

Dramatic as the last bell had been and as much as Addy wanted to preform such a daring and flippantly life endangering task in the name of love and sex…. She just couldn’t. Whether this meant admitting that Sai had a subtle, hard sexuality that Addy could never match… so be it.

Please, Sira… change back.. I can’t do this! I don’t want to die!
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The Sex Dream (Aidara/Mature)

Postby Sira on August 21st, 2012, 6:46 pm

The kiss was awesome, to say the least, but unfortunately the tongue biting part kind of ruined the moment. Addy cried out, Sira almost let her go in surprise, and basically the moment was ruined. So much for the daringly romantic stunt, Sira knew it was over before Addy even said it.

Yeah.. this didn't work out too well. Why do you let me come up with such bad ideas?

Sira let go of Aidara, pushing away as gently as she could. She knew about falling, although she preferred to think about diving, and she knew how to slow herself down. Spreading her arms and legs like she would her wings and tail feathers, Sira slowed enough to put some distance between herself and Aidara. They didn't have much more time to fall, so she shifted quickly, then went into a dive right away. Spread yourself out flat to slow yourself down and make it easier for me to catch you. We've talked about this, it's the same as if you fell off the saddle.

Whether or not Addy had the presence of mind to do as Sira asked, it didn't matter, the eagle swooped in and grabbed her out of the air. As quickly as she could she headed for the ground, holding Addy as closely as she could to her body. The landing was.. awkward to say the least, as she tried to do it with just one leg since she was holding the endal in her other talon. The result ended with Sira hitting the ground, then falling beak first into the dirt with a thud. Addy, however, remained mostly unscathed from the landing.

After a moment Sira got back up and shook herself off, sending dirt and grass flying everywhere. They were somewhere in the valley, near the river, but Sira wasn't worried about that. She was worried about Addy, because it only occurred to her after all her stupid antics the torment she must have put the woman through.

Addy! I'm so sorry! Come here, let me warm you.

The large bird hopped over to the healer and opened her wing, so Aidara could cuddle up underneath it. One good thing about being a wind eagle was that she was basically one giant feathery pillow for Addy to curl up under.

Okay.. so maybe.. I should leave the sexy ideas to you...
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The Sex Dream (Aidara/Mature)

Postby Aidara on September 14th, 2012, 12:52 am

"Maybe you should stop dreaming sexy things about my sister and then we wouldn't even have a problem." Exhausted now that they were both settled safely upon the ground, Addy's snappy response was out of her mouth before she even gave it a second thought. Her mind, still shocked from the recent events and struggling to catch up, alerted her to the mistake only a few chimes later.

Luckily for the woman, Sira had enveloped her with her wing, saving her the extra embarrassment of having her lover see her furious blush. They had both acted foolishly, that was for sure, to the extent that pride had nearly gotten both of them seriously hurt.

Sex in the air? After a few moments of silence, Addy asked the question that they were both thinking, but it was hard to keep the amusement completely from her voice. The only reason she used their mental link was because Addy didn't trust herself to keep from laughing should she open her mouth.

You know I'm never going to let you live this down... It was as close to forgiveness for the whole ordeal that Sira was going to get. Addy may be the more forgiving of the pair but the whole ordeal had hurt the little healer deeply. Nevertheless, there was no awkwardness between the two as Addy finally gave in to the persistant exhaustion that drew on all of her muscles, collapsing fully against Sira's side, dead asleep in a matter of ticks.
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The Sex Dream (Aidara/Mature)

Postby Sphinx on October 17th, 2012, 6:52 am



Skill XP Earned Lore Earned
Seduction 2 XP • The Sex Dream
Acrobatics 2 XP • The End of a Good Thing Isn't that Great
Persuasion 2 XP • Saying Before Thinking
Running 2 XP • Aidara's Thoughts of Sai (Influenced by Hurt)
Medicine 1 XP • Having a Bit of Fun
• Making Out in a Freefall


Skill XP Earned Lore Earned
Seduction 2 XP • Waking to a Woman in Need
Interrogation 3 XP • Sira's Sex Dream
Running 2 XP • Jealous of Dream Sai
Intimidation 2 XP • Pained by Sai
• Making Out in a Freefall

The Sphinx's Riddle
Aidara has some injuries to her feet for running barefoot through Wind Reach, but with her gnosis mark she can make short work of them. Nonetheless, if left unhealed they will last for ten days and Addy will be incredibly sore, and even a bit short tempered from the pain, on foot. As this thread occured some time ago, these injuries no longer apply.

If you have any questions or concerns regarding your grade, please send me a PM and we can figure it out. :)

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