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In this forum, all the character sheets are kept for player characters. Feel free to come on in, browse the forum, look at what sort of characters others have created, and then begin your very own!

Moderator: Liaisons


Postby Gion on November 9th, 2011, 12:31 pm


“A dreamer is one who can only find his way by moonlight,
and his punishment is that he sees the dawn before the rest of the world.”

Oscar Wilde

Name: Gion
Race: Mixed Blood, Human & Symenestra
Age: 19 years (born Fall, 492 AV)

Being a mixed blood, his appearance is made up of human as well as Symenestra traits. His body is slender, yet not bony, and his limbs are long and somewhat awkward to look at, with skin as pale as white ash. The claws adorning fingers and toes create a shocking contrast, although he files them down so they look like human nails painted black. Facial features are somewhat soft and almost feminine which is partly due to lack of body hair. If he speaks or smiles, elongated fangs are visible. They contain venom, although it is weaker than a full Symenestra’s, forcing him to live off of juices, fruit and vegetables. His eyes seem to contain the molten color of sunset, a surprising sea of light among shades of grey. He keeps his hair cropped down to chin length, like a halo of pale blond it curls around his head. All in all, he appears soft and weak, standing at 5’4’’ (164 cm) and weighing 130 lbs (58 kg), yet there are cat-like muscles and agility hidden under white skin. His preferred clothing is of simple cut and monochrome, usually black, white or a combination of the two. A silver necklace always hangs around his neck, with a name engraved on the rectangular pendant.

He has grown into a hard worker, so much in fact that if he finds something catching his interest it absorbs his attention for hours or even days until he has reached a feeling of accomplishment and allows himself to go at a slower pace. His curiosity extends to many different areas and fields, including history, anthropology, meaning cultural and social phenomena, as well as literature. However, he avoids the Symenestra whenever he can, completely blocking them from his sight and thought. Despite being guided by emotions most of the time, he fills up his life with routine. Never will he forget to eat, drink or wash himself in between periods of studying and working, quite the opposite! Staying healthy and clean has high priority to him. Regarding social activities, he is almost as obsessive with himself: His facade is comprised of smooth manners and a polished smile that nobody can look through without his consent. It is a thick shell he has created around himself so that rejection and discrimination cannot hurt him anymore. Never does he appear rude or egoistic, although he tends to humor his opponent as soon as they turn their back on him. Deep down he is a pessimist and does not think good of mankind. Despite that he clings to the unreal hopes of becoming one of them – it is the goal he works the hardest for, the one thing he wants to accomplish no matter what.

Sleep and dreams have always been a source of consolation and help as well as a way to pass the time for him. Therefore, it is no surprise that he worships the God Nysel with all his heart. He has grown to believe that each dream holds a specific meaning that can be unlocked through the study of symbolism and often spends hours thinking about the dreams he had last night. At the other hand, his past has taught him a deep dislike of Viratas, the God the Symenestra respect above anything else. Blood ties and family are nothing but pure irony to him, instead he believes that every relationship must be earned and nothing taken for granted.

Growing up with his mother in Kalinor, he was never accepted or deemed equal by the other Symenestra. They looked down on him with disgust and scorn, making him as much of an outcast as possible. Despite that a full-blooded Symenestra girl showed interest in him and they spent a few seasons with each other. But she turned out to be just as much of a hater as the rest and used him as her slave and pet, hurting him at the slightest sign of rebellion. Only after having broken his will, she lost interest and abandoned him. First thing he did was fleeing Kalinor, crossing the Suvan Sea and the Syliran province until entering Zeltiva. When he tried to live among humans, they wouldn’t accept him either, this time because of his Symenestra blood, and his mother never told him who his father was or even spoke of him. Therefore he decided to concentrate on his studies and avoid social activities. He feels betrayed and left alone by both sides of his heritage which has caused him to turn away from the world of the living and drown himself in matters of parchment, dust and ink instead. Additionally, he has taken up magic as something that isn’t part of the Symenestra culture and deemed suspicious by most humans. Because it suits his personality and situation so well, he feels drawn to it.

20 Shielding
10 Anthropology
20 Dream Interpretation
10 Acrobatics (10 racial bonus)

Half Bloods in Symenestra Culture
Basic Interpretation of Dreams

Common (fluent)
Symenos (basic)
Fratava (poor)

1 white tunic
1 black pair of pants
1 pair of leather boots
1 black coat
1 waterskin
1 backpack (toiletries, eating knife, flint & steel)
1 blank book
1 ink vial
1 quill
1 silver necklace with rectangular pendant (engraved in the plate is a female Symenestra name)
1 single-room cottage (hearth, bunk, chest, chair, small table)

94 gm 9 sm 5 cm
“A dreamer is one who can only find his way by moonlight,
and his punishment is that he sees the dawn before the rest of the world.”

Oscar Wilde
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Milk Painted Black
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Joined roleplay: October 31st, 2011, 2:22 pm
Race: Mixed blood
Character sheet


Postby Gossamer on November 12th, 2011, 4:11 pm


Moderator Note: Hello there. It is my opinion, and the opinion of a great deal of the rest of the game that this PC is not an original PC but one heavily patterned after another PC currently in the game almost down to the last detail and the look of the CS itself. Since this has been a problem with you before, I am not going to allow this character without significant changes to its description, CS look, and even concept.

Also, Dream Interpenetration is not a skill.

Thank you for understanding. I will remove this moderator intervention when the entire game can't look at this CS and go 'Oh, wow, that's a clone!"
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