Fall 37, 511 A.V. So he could start training today? It was far sooner than Xelhes had anticipated, but not something he disagreed with. The sooner he could learn the better. Simply the fact that he had found someone who was willing to try and teach him about being a healer was enjoyable, for he had believed it would be much more difficult. Now he could only hope to prove a competent student for Veldrys, as well as mentally hoping the Symenestra was a good teacher as well. Though it did seem odd that the man had nothing else to do. Surely there had to be something else to do during the day? What of the others who would come to the Chapel? Even someone like Xelhes had things to do during the day, be them trivial or important. Anything to fill up his free time. Having spare time was not always a good thing. It let the mind wander, and sometimes it wandered to places Xelhes did not like to go. "Later today is fine with me. I must be lucky to have met you on a day you were not occupied with other events and individuals. Hopefully I will be a competent student, since I have only really learned about herbs from various books, as well as some slight personal viewing. Normally though I find it inadequate. Some plants looks so similar, yet with a mere difference in the shade of the color they are, you can tell if it is edible or poisonous. My eyes are not yet trained to pick up on some of the subtle differences." There were simply too many kinds of plants. Most were safe, but of course there was always one lingering about that could prove toxic, be it through ingestion, or from simple physical contact. "Yes, prejudice is a problem I see everywhere, and I do not think it will every leave completely. Some fowl things told of others may be true, but there is normally always a reason, be it something that occurred in the past, or that the race is one that lives off pure instinct." The thought of Myrians seemed to visible darken Veldrys' mood. Could it be due to an encounter the man once had with a Myrian, or simply the tales told of them? Xelhes was slightly surprised to learn that the Symenestra ate fruits as well, but also had the thought in the back of his mind. It would make sense for a race to be able to consume both plants and animals, as sometimes you could only find one or the other, though obviously many animals in the world only could consume one or the other. The Symenestra could not properly consume solid foods... Interesting was the only word to describe it. Xelhes had yet to hear of such a thing. Yes, some animals could not eat plants, or meat, yet he had not really heard of a humanoid race that lacked the ability to consume solid food. It seemed odd as well. Veldrys had proven that Symenestra were hunters; yet they lacked the ability to properly eat most meat? The two facts seemed almost against each other. "Your culture weave silks?" Xelhes looked at Veldrys' robe once more, wondering. "Your robe, is it made of silk weaved by a Symenestra? It looks to be of high quality, or to my eyes it does, though sadly silk is not something I can afford that often." The concept that the Symenestra had literature did not come as a total surprise to Xelhes, though the fact that it was in the conventional human means was a bit. Most races must have some way of recording what they knew, be it on walls, flesh, or any surface, let alone using simple verbal transfer. "I would love it if you brought a book next time. It would be nice to see how Symenestra wrote compared to the books wrote by humans, let alone the chance of seeing what differences there were in written language." He was getting overexcited again, like a child who had been told he would be getting candy. How could he help it though; learning about new cultures and people fascinated him. When Veldrys mentioned meeting the Ethaefal, Xelhes almost instantly spoke, trying to remove the idea before it was further pursued. "Sometimes keeping distance is the best thing to do, for everyone." With the talk of repaying Veldrys, Xelhes gave a slight nod, though looked unsatisfied about it. "Very well. I shall try to tell you what I can, and hopefully be a student who is easy to teach." The Ethaefal was still unsure on what exactly he could tell Veldrys. If the Symenestra had already met others like Xelhes, who was to say he did not already know what Xelhes did. What if Veldrys knew even more? It was a sad thought, but a possible one. "No...like I said before, my knowledge on the deities is limited to Leth. I never attempted to learn about them, or those that had been blessed with a fragment of their power." With Veldrys' words, Xelhes began to quietly think before understand. It took a few seconds, but he understood quite well, or had an idea. "The memories are in by blood...which would mean you need access to my blood in order to find those memories." The idea of blood did not disturb Xelhes, as it was what sustained life to an extent. Instead it was what Veldrys would have to do to access the blood. Would he use magic to simply interact with it while it still flowed through Xelhes' veins? Would he have to cut himself so the the blood was released from his body? How much blood would be needed also was not said. "If my assumption is right...then I am alright with it. Having my blood used in some way to regain some memories sounds fine to me. I should have more than enough to survive." Judging from what Xelhes had observed about Veldrys, he did not think the act would be dangerous. It had already been performed on other Ethaefal, and Veldrys did not seem the kind of person to do a dangerous ritual in an open space, let alone a sacred one. So far the Symenestra seemed trustworthy, as well as acting rather polite, and maybe even kind. It was odd, the Symenestra was a hunter, and Xelhes knew he should hold some fear for that reason, yet he felt fine being around Veldrys. Would it be the same if any of the hunter in the man arose? With these thoughts Xelhes could not help but worry about what Veldrys thought of the Ethaefal. True, some effort had been used, but Xelhes had tried to be as social as he could, yet Veldrys had showed no sign on what he thought of him. The thought that Veldrys might think of him as a divine, like most people did of the Ethaefal, was the worst case scenario to Xelhes. Having one think he was divine was upsetting, for he was not close to any form of divine creature. To Xelhes, Ethaefal were simply lost creatures who had only a small light of what they once were, flawed just like all others, and maybe even more so than most. |