So, I've had a fun few days off work and Uni with cystitis and a possible kidney infection... the antibiotics have made me drowsy and weak, but I seem to be getting over the worst of it now. That's half the reason I've been so active on Miza the past few days!
In other news, I've just discovered Scrivener. It's a fantastic piece of software for writing. It lets you keep all your plans, notes, research, writing, maps e.t.c in one place, like a binder. It has a corkboard where you can stick notes. You can swap chapters and parts round with ease. It's a little expensive, but I got my copy for free because I had some 50 pound App Store voucher from when I bought my Macbook. Check it out at least - it makes organisation and planning so hassle free. I'm going to start using it for Mizahar