Birthday: 89th Day of Fall, 589 AV
Age: 21 years old
Race: Ephyarian
Gender: Female
Height: 5' 8"
Weight: 117 lb
Character History:
Baby Steps Along the Sand
She was but a mere image in sand until her faced was carved among the others of her race. She was just a mere blur in Ahnatep, unknown to many until she rose from the burrows and emerged from hibernation. The first steps in her life, she came upon many cultures that her village had to offer.
She was five years of age when she started to use her voice as an instrument.
Hadiya conjured up an instrument through her voice, leaving her entire family dumbfounded. It moved to a rhythm in many ways, leaving everyone awestruck that such a girl at such a age had such a talent. Nothing crossed her mind that this was just a distraction, she was destined to be a herbalist just like her mother. It was a family tradition and her training was starting very soon. The Eypharian couldn't spend the entire day wasting it by singing to the ones she loved. When age comes, that's when responsibility came in.
She was five years of age when she started to use her voice as an instrument.
Hadiya conjured up an instrument through her voice, leaving her entire family dumbfounded. It moved to a rhythm in many ways, leaving everyone awestruck that such a girl at such a age had such a talent. Nothing crossed her mind that this was just a distraction, she was destined to be a herbalist just like her mother. It was a family tradition and her training was starting very soon. The Eypharian couldn't spend the entire day wasting it by singing to the ones she loved. When age comes, that's when responsibility came in.
What is yet to Come?
Her life had finally been published into the real world at the age of fifteen. She happened to be much more mature and more fuller than when she was a child. Therefore she knew better, sometimes at least. Her body lured itself to sing it's heart out but by then she had become a Beginner Herbalist, only for now. By the next year she would have become intermediate due to how she picked up quickly and understood the concepts. Her mother admired her for that, she thought it was because she had six arms instead of the typical four. Her mother and father both had six, making them rather intellectual as they told her as a child. She didn't believe them, but she did think she inherit some of their knowledge in some sort of way.
Her body was thirsting to be a great singer, but she had a life ahead of her. She had to make a living. Both her mother and father were clearly aware that she was doing this behind their backs. They thought it would be a good idea to leave her alone as long as she didn't trail of the path they were trying to direct her too.
Her body was thirsting to be a great singer, but she had a life ahead of her. She had to make a living. Both her mother and father were clearly aware that she was doing this behind their backs. They thought it would be a good idea to leave her alone as long as she didn't trail of the path they were trying to direct her too.
The More the Merrier
Finally, after a long year and training she had finally become a intermediate herbalist. Her parents were proud that she herself was going down their path. Truth was she wasn't, she was just trying to make her parents happy for that matter. It's all that seemed to please them, what they wanted her to be. Not what she wanted to be, the typical family expectations. It was a pain in the butt half of the time, but of course we had to love the good old times.
When Hadiya was 18, she finally performed infront of some of her friends. She needed to ask her peers for reviews, only in private though. She very well knew that some people had rather big mouth therefore she had to keep them shut. Those she had to be careful about, she made sure to play her cards right. It was simple logic, you just had to make sure that everything and she meant EVERYTHING was in place. Or else, everything would fall apart. And her parents would come to a realization that she is distracting herself from what she's so called 'supposed to love'.
When Hadiya was 18, she finally performed infront of some of her friends. She needed to ask her peers for reviews, only in private though. She very well knew that some people had rather big mouth therefore she had to keep them shut. Those she had to be careful about, she made sure to play her cards right. It was simple logic, you just had to make sure that everything and she meant EVERYTHING was in place. Or else, everything would fall apart. And her parents would come to a realization that she is distracting herself from what she's so called 'supposed to love'.
The Truth Needs to be Faced
Now in 510 AV, age 20... Her parents came over the case of their own daughter singing secretly for the public. One night, when she snuck out into the sea where her friends were waiting for her with candles to light their golden ways. Her parents waited until her return, then that's when everything came tumbling down. They forced her into her robotic ways creating her into a rag doll. Lifeless and hopeless. She was now a Expert Herbalist, by the age of 21 neither was she proud of it. But at least she could forget about the past, at least what was hidden in the past.
She wanted better for herself, but all she could do was wait for destiny to call her very name. Therefore the fair little lamb had one last trick up her sleeve. Not to sing in front of actual people, but in front of nature. But what animal would accept her? Think again... The dear Gardenia. A female baby panther that roamed the beaches, unknown to Ahnatep.
She found her alone in a corner where she shivered and yearned for her so called mother. Instantly the two became family, and Gardenia became her audience.
Character Concept
When we think of an Eypharian, we think of the typical everyday type of race. She wanted to stand out by being bold and being loud, as she attempted to break the rules with pleasure. While still maintaining her life and work as a herbalist. She finds herself baffled that her parents still haven't figured out her games. She must be a trickster of some sort, or that cunning. Or maybe! They were that gullible. Hidaya, is a very bubbly and happy person when she wants to be. Although she knows the difference between having fun and getting down to work, and so forth.
Sometimes it was confusing how she lived life because she took a different perspective on every aspect/situation. It was the big picture she had to look at sometimes or just flick somebody off as if a fly. Only person she could actually be straight with on the other hand was her twin brother. The only one who understood everything about her...
Cream sleeveless robe
Leather sandals
Cream collar
100 GM's
Vocals - 25/100 (Starting Package)
Herbalism - 15/100 (Starting Package)
Brawling - 10/100 (Starting Package)
Seduction - 10/100 (Racial Bonus + 10)
Singing to an audience
Keeping secrets behind family
Thread List
Coming Soon
She wanted better for herself, but all she could do was wait for destiny to call her very name. Therefore the fair little lamb had one last trick up her sleeve. Not to sing in front of actual people, but in front of nature. But what animal would accept her? Think again... The dear Gardenia. A female baby panther that roamed the beaches, unknown to Ahnatep.

Character Concept
When we think of an Eypharian, we think of the typical everyday type of race. She wanted to stand out by being bold and being loud, as she attempted to break the rules with pleasure. While still maintaining her life and work as a herbalist. She finds herself baffled that her parents still haven't figured out her games. She must be a trickster of some sort, or that cunning. Or maybe! They were that gullible. Hidaya, is a very bubbly and happy person when she wants to be. Although she knows the difference between having fun and getting down to work, and so forth.
Sometimes it was confusing how she lived life because she took a different perspective on every aspect/situation. It was the big picture she had to look at sometimes or just flick somebody off as if a fly. Only person she could actually be straight with on the other hand was her twin brother. The only one who understood everything about her...
Cream sleeveless robe
Leather sandals
Cream collar
100 GM's
Vocals - 25/100 (Starting Package)
Herbalism - 15/100 (Starting Package)
Brawling - 10/100 (Starting Package)
Seduction - 10/100 (Racial Bonus + 10)
Singing to an audience
Keeping secrets behind family
Thread List
Coming Soon