Caoin didn’t notice the environment around them as it started to change, transitioning from the beautiful, yet dangerous Sea of Grass to the sophisticated, and lovely setting of Lhavit. She didn’t see the rain become stars or the grasslands rise up into rocky mountains, the grass shifting its shape into buildings. There was a flash of lightning that lit up the surroundings around the pair and then the ground shattered beneath them as they found themselves standing in Lhavit. Sterling spun her around, one arm wrapping around her mid-drift and holding her close. Through her soaked dress, she could just barely feel the heat of his body beginning to warm her and it felt good. His pointed over her shoulder at the city before them and her gaze moved to where he was indicating.
He was right; it wasn’t Endrykas or the Sea of Grass. The mountains closed in around Lhavit, making it an environment completely different from the one she’d known all of her life, it was almost enough to make a person who had lived on the Sea claustrophobic… all those mountains separating her from the rest of the world. And yet, it could also be seen as a barrier to the rest of the world, shielding Lhavit. She listened as he spoke of the people who lived there, beautiful women who shimmered, women who were exotic in appearance compared to the women of Endrykas. There were men who were the same there. She frowned softly, how could such a common and plain woman like her compare to the exotic beauties that one must be able to find in abundance outside of Endrykas. “Surely one of these exotic women would be more desirable a bride than a woman as mundane as myself?”
Caoin leaned her weight against him, leaning to the side a bit as she turned to look at him. Their faces were so close and she couldn’t help but look into his eyes again. She’d always liked blue eyes, they reminded her of the sky and the ocean.
MizNo Word Count342
He was right; it wasn’t Endrykas or the Sea of Grass. The mountains closed in around Lhavit, making it an environment completely different from the one she’d known all of her life, it was almost enough to make a person who had lived on the Sea claustrophobic… all those mountains separating her from the rest of the world. And yet, it could also be seen as a barrier to the rest of the world, shielding Lhavit. She listened as he spoke of the people who lived there, beautiful women who shimmered, women who were exotic in appearance compared to the women of Endrykas. There were men who were the same there. She frowned softly, how could such a common and plain woman like her compare to the exotic beauties that one must be able to find in abundance outside of Endrykas. “Surely one of these exotic women would be more desirable a bride than a woman as mundane as myself?”
Caoin leaned her weight against him, leaning to the side a bit as she turned to look at him. Their faces were so close and she couldn’t help but look into his eyes again. She’d always liked blue eyes, they reminded her of the sky and the ocean.
MizNo Word Count342