Early Winter in the Year 509 AV: Sahova Island
In connection with Living Among the Dead
With her interrogation of the renegade nuit wizards progressing and her experiments and studies providing a wealth of new information, Ialari was nevertheless in need of a break. Her lab was currently occupied by bound prisoners however her meager living area containing a simple bed and wardrobe, was divided off by a stone wall. After a short but long-needed nap; thankfully the nuit didn't like to talk much, Ialari woke and left the lab. Not far down the corridor was a small forge designed for those skilled apprentices to craft their own materials for use in magecrafting. Ialari's purpose for the forge was two-fold. First, her idea of a break was immersing herself in working the forge and thus communing with Izurdin. Second, she needed to construct an item that she would then magecraft. She had pondered several ideas as to what exactly she would make. Her first thought had been to forge an item to aid her in her experiments on the renegade nuit. The problem with that was she still needed to understand the nuit physiology before she could design something effective and useful.
Instead, she decided to work on something more for her own pleasure. She wanted something that would help remind her of her true purpose; to restore greatness to her people. With such an item, she could then perform the Izentor ritual upon it thus giving the item a tiny piece of herself. With Izentor, not only would the object carry a sliver of her soul, it would also become gifted enough to receive the magecrafting that would come next. Although her knowledge of magecrafting and her skill with Izentor were limited, she possessed the drive and the focus she felt was needed to succeed.
It was after quite a bit of her own mental dismantling of the different ideas that Ialari came to a conclusion on what she would make, a simple iron snake coiled to fit around her forearm. The snake would remind her of her family and why she did what she did in life. Along with representing the Pythone family, the snake was something she found personal comfort in. In a place such as Sahova, comfort was fleeting at best.
Ialari's dark eyes gleamed as she stepped into the forge; the shape of her would-be work coming together in her mind.
OOCEdited to fit the evolution of her plans