Jet't of the Dhanis' Bane (WIP)

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Jet't of the Dhanis' Bane (WIP)

Postby Jet't on November 14th, 2011, 7:41 pm

of the Dhanis' Bane


RACE: Myrian
BIRTHDATE/AGE: Summer 1, 486 A.V./25 years old

Physical Description

Jet't is tall and of a lean, muscular build. He has long, dark hair and dark eyes and a tanned skin. Many tattoos decorate his chest and arms and there is one on his face.

Character Concept

Jet't is a very typical Myrian. He is a fierce and savage person, well trained and skilled in a variety of weapons. He enjoys hunting.

Character History

Jet't experienced the typical childhood and adolescence of a Myrian, learning combat skills and tactics, weaponry and receiving a basic education at the school in Taloba. His family were primarily hunters and he learned many hunting skills as well. He did his three years compulsory military service and became a hunter.

Training and Experience

tracking – 10 (racial bonus 10) [novice]
hunting – 26 [novice]
short bow – 8 [novice]
boomerang – 8 [novice]
blow gun – 8 [novice]

flora and fauna of Falyndar
natural poisons of Falyndar

Myrian (fluent)
Common (basic)

Equipment and Possessions (starting package)
1 set clothing
1 waterskin
1 back pack with comb, brush, razor, soap, flint&steel, eating knife, food for one week
one basic 20’ x 20’ single room cottage with hearth, bunk, chest, chair and small table


100 gm (starting package)

Thread List
Posts: 8
Words: 7649
Joined roleplay: November 14th, 2011, 7:29 pm
Race: Myrian
Character sheet

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