Abalia's voice was like water as she admitted her defeat, soft and yielding to her obvious sorrow. The Ethaefal's brow creased as he stared down at her, his form swept in shadow with the sun to his back, warm against his clothing. His perfect lips parted in want of something to say, though it probably looked like quieted dismay. Perhaps it was; Laszlo was relieved that she was intelligent enough to draw logical conclusions, to accept that her friend was gone and begin the process of moving on, instead of clinging hopelessly to a lost cause. Yet, he so badly wished she didn't have to. "Abalia," he whispered, the notes of his deep baritone somber and gentle. A pair of thick, able arms closed themselves around the girl's thin form, so much smaller than his, and pulled her against his warmth. His felt the wisps of hair on top of her head tickle the underside of his chin as he clasped her shoulder with one hand and ran his fingers up and down her back with the other. Laszlo parted with a slow sigh that rustled the dull brown hair that fell to her mid back, the same few strands becoming disturbed by the machinations of his trailing fingertips. "I'm sorry." Golden eyes flickered toward the sea, the place of his birth less than two years ago. The waters had been so cold, sapping every ounce of strength from his body as he struggled to swim to shore. Syna's love reflected so brilliantly off its surface now, as if the Suvan Sea were some placid, oversized lovable creature. Yet, just at the foot of the nearby rocks, he could hear the mad waves breaking against the walls that held the waters at bay. There was so much deception. "I…" He knew what happened to Roxanne. He knew who killed her. He knew why she died. For nothing. "I've never… had a friend like that. Not that I can remember. No one I hold dear. I sort of had a family in Kalinor but… they weren't really mine. I wish I knew how you felt." She was only human, after all, but these were bonds, Laszlo knew, that Vethis would have died for. This was some secret kept by mortals that made life worth living, that made these lesser creatures so much wiser than he was. Why this was their world, and why he didn't belong in it. "I get so caught up in my own problems that I forget sometimes… if there's anything I can do, I'll be here for you. I mean that." |