81st day of Fall, 511 AV
It was another evening of petty theft for Auldwin. Some days went better than others, but in a place like Endrykas that was to be expected. The wealth and people moved through the mobile encampment, and it was hard to make any consistent determination of just where to go to make some decent coins. Auldwin had to fight for every silver he could get his hands on, but it was a work in progress. He made little improvements to his style that aided in his frequency and duration of thievery. He had found digging to be too cumbersome to do each time, and thus instead he would place his stash in a body of water, of which there were plenty within the Sea of Grass. This was an excellent decision on his part, as not only did no one meddle with his coins there, but retrieving them was as simple as could be.
He had to thank the sea-goers for this idea. The stories of buried treasure lost in sunken wrecks had him develop the theory of keeping his own 'treasure' beneath the water. There it only had to be covered slightly in sediment, if at all. Plenty more simple than having to acquire a body to do the digging for him. He didn't need to breathe, some lingering beneath the water to work was of no consequence, and most importantly in the night, even if someone did awaken his camouflage was almost completely impenetrable. Visibility underwater, at night? Almost non-existent for the typical person.
Auldwin found himself getting lost at times beneath the water, but for him it was much more simplistic than a Human. He didn't have to worry about keeping his lungs full of air, and the shifting sediment couldn't get into his eyes. Instead he simply had to take the time to find his coin stein with it's slowly growing mass of coins. He would count them from time to time, trying to get a handle on just how many he had to work with. Not enough, that was for certain. He needed plenty more to make his dreams come true. Could he even call them dreams? He didn't sleep anymore, perhaps instead they were simply goals.
Exiting the water he moved toward a nearby tent, prepared for another go at adding a few more coins to his collection. His approach, his entry was always the same. Stay low, keep out of sight, if seen blink out of there as quickly as possible. The tools to become a fine thief were there, he simply had to hone the powers of his Soulmist Projection, which at this point were starting to eclipse his abilities in Possession. It seemed that taking over the unsuspecting bodies of animals wasn't the only thing he was good at. Try as he might though, he didn't have the concentration to move more than one item at a time, and that meant he still needed a crutch when performing his thefts. The crutch was something to carry the coins in, this way he could focus all of his Soulmist on that one item until he could get his haul back to his hiding place.
As his Soulmist passed through the membrane of that fabric tent, he took a moment to look inside. Empty. Interesting. It made him wonder, just where was the owner? Were they out on a hunt, or slumped off somewhere after getting drunk? Or were they within the tent of some other romantic interest? Perhaps it was just a physical interest, who knew. Not having a person present typically meant there wasn't much to grab coin wise, but Auldwin took a moment to sift through the various objects present regardless. That was when he noticed something upon a small canvas table that appeared to have been constructed as if it was meant to fold up. He noticed a skinning knife. It was plain, probably not worth anything in it's current state. Still, it made him wonder, could he wield such a thing in his state?
It was another evening of petty theft for Auldwin. Some days went better than others, but in a place like Endrykas that was to be expected. The wealth and people moved through the mobile encampment, and it was hard to make any consistent determination of just where to go to make some decent coins. Auldwin had to fight for every silver he could get his hands on, but it was a work in progress. He made little improvements to his style that aided in his frequency and duration of thievery. He had found digging to be too cumbersome to do each time, and thus instead he would place his stash in a body of water, of which there were plenty within the Sea of Grass. This was an excellent decision on his part, as not only did no one meddle with his coins there, but retrieving them was as simple as could be.
He had to thank the sea-goers for this idea. The stories of buried treasure lost in sunken wrecks had him develop the theory of keeping his own 'treasure' beneath the water. There it only had to be covered slightly in sediment, if at all. Plenty more simple than having to acquire a body to do the digging for him. He didn't need to breathe, some lingering beneath the water to work was of no consequence, and most importantly in the night, even if someone did awaken his camouflage was almost completely impenetrable. Visibility underwater, at night? Almost non-existent for the typical person.
Auldwin found himself getting lost at times beneath the water, but for him it was much more simplistic than a Human. He didn't have to worry about keeping his lungs full of air, and the shifting sediment couldn't get into his eyes. Instead he simply had to take the time to find his coin stein with it's slowly growing mass of coins. He would count them from time to time, trying to get a handle on just how many he had to work with. Not enough, that was for certain. He needed plenty more to make his dreams come true. Could he even call them dreams? He didn't sleep anymore, perhaps instead they were simply goals.
Exiting the water he moved toward a nearby tent, prepared for another go at adding a few more coins to his collection. His approach, his entry was always the same. Stay low, keep out of sight, if seen blink out of there as quickly as possible. The tools to become a fine thief were there, he simply had to hone the powers of his Soulmist Projection, which at this point were starting to eclipse his abilities in Possession. It seemed that taking over the unsuspecting bodies of animals wasn't the only thing he was good at. Try as he might though, he didn't have the concentration to move more than one item at a time, and that meant he still needed a crutch when performing his thefts. The crutch was something to carry the coins in, this way he could focus all of his Soulmist on that one item until he could get his haul back to his hiding place.
As his Soulmist passed through the membrane of that fabric tent, he took a moment to look inside. Empty. Interesting. It made him wonder, just where was the owner? Were they out on a hunt, or slumped off somewhere after getting drunk? Or were they within the tent of some other romantic interest? Perhaps it was just a physical interest, who knew. Not having a person present typically meant there wasn't much to grab coin wise, but Auldwin took a moment to sift through the various objects present regardless. That was when he noticed something upon a small canvas table that appeared to have been constructed as if it was meant to fold up. He noticed a skinning knife. It was plain, probably not worth anything in it's current state. Still, it made him wonder, could he wield such a thing in his state?