[Job Thread: Solo] Would I? Could I?

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Not found on any map, Endrykas is a large migrating tent city wherein the horseclans of Cyphrus gather to trade and exchange information. [Lore]

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[Job Thread: Solo] Would I? Could I?

Postby Auldwin on November 18th, 2011, 7:39 pm

81st day of Fall, 511 AV

It was another evening of petty theft for Auldwin. Some days went better than others, but in a place like Endrykas that was to be expected. The wealth and people moved through the mobile encampment, and it was hard to make any consistent determination of just where to go to make some decent coins. Auldwin had to fight for every silver he could get his hands on, but it was a work in progress. He made little improvements to his style that aided in his frequency and duration of thievery. He had found digging to be too cumbersome to do each time, and thus instead he would place his stash in a body of water, of which there were plenty within the Sea of Grass. This was an excellent decision on his part, as not only did no one meddle with his coins there, but retrieving them was as simple as could be.

He had to thank the sea-goers for this idea. The stories of buried treasure lost in sunken wrecks had him develop the theory of keeping his own 'treasure' beneath the water. There it only had to be covered slightly in sediment, if at all. Plenty more simple than having to acquire a body to do the digging for him. He didn't need to breathe, some lingering beneath the water to work was of no consequence, and most importantly in the night, even if someone did awaken his camouflage was almost completely impenetrable. Visibility underwater, at night? Almost non-existent for the typical person.

Auldwin found himself getting lost at times beneath the water, but for him it was much more simplistic than a Human. He didn't have to worry about keeping his lungs full of air, and the shifting sediment couldn't get into his eyes. Instead he simply had to take the time to find his coin stein with it's slowly growing mass of coins. He would count them from time to time, trying to get a handle on just how many he had to work with. Not enough, that was for certain. He needed plenty more to make his dreams come true. Could he even call them dreams? He didn't sleep anymore, perhaps instead they were simply goals.

Exiting the water he moved toward a nearby tent, prepared for another go at adding a few more coins to his collection. His approach, his entry was always the same. Stay low, keep out of sight, if seen blink out of there as quickly as possible. The tools to become a fine thief were there, he simply had to hone the powers of his Soulmist Projection, which at this point were starting to eclipse his abilities in Possession. It seemed that taking over the unsuspecting bodies of animals wasn't the only thing he was good at. Try as he might though, he didn't have the concentration to move more than one item at a time, and that meant he still needed a crutch when performing his thefts. The crutch was something to carry the coins in, this way he could focus all of his Soulmist on that one item until he could get his haul back to his hiding place.

As his Soulmist passed through the membrane of that fabric tent, he took a moment to look inside. Empty. Interesting. It made him wonder, just where was the owner? Were they out on a hunt, or slumped off somewhere after getting drunk? Or were they within the tent of some other romantic interest? Perhaps it was just a physical interest, who knew. Not having a person present typically meant there wasn't much to grab coin wise, but Auldwin took a moment to sift through the various objects present regardless. That was when he noticed something upon a small canvas table that appeared to have been constructed as if it was meant to fold up. He noticed a skinning knife. It was plain, probably not worth anything in it's current state. Still, it made him wonder, could he wield such a thing in his state?
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[Job Thread: Solo] Would I? Could I?

Postby Auldwin on November 19th, 2011, 8:01 pm

Auldwin hovered over that weapon for a moment, looking at it's form. It looked like, as well used as it was, it still held it's edge. Whoever owned it probably cared for it, at least enough to keep the blade from becoming dull. The last time Auldwin wielded something sharp, it was a scare attempt for a man that had stalled on his progression in life. If there was one thing Auldwin hated to see more than the remnants of his own wasted time with the living, it was others doing the same, but having more talent than he ever had to begin with. That man's touch with Spiritism meant a great many things for the world, not only could he have proved useful as an ally for Auldwin, but he would have genuinely been able to halt the thing that happened to Auldwin from happening to anyone else. So much for that now.

Reaching down his spectral hand gripped the blade, his Soulmist doing well enough to shape it's way around the hilt. With his decent knowledge and control of push, Auldwin took up that blade and held it in the air for a moment. It was light, perhaps not even a pound at most. It didn't strain his Soulmist at all. Interested he gave it a few practice swings. Here, the idea was to utilize not only push, but hurl in short bursts. A proper attacking slice would need some oomph behind it, enough to damage whatever it was stabbing at. The Ghost had to be careful though to keep control over the small object, otherwise the hurl would toss it's tiny frame right from his Soulmist.

Firing a blade like a projectile was fairly simple, it only required hurl to focus in one direction, but attempting to move it like a real wielded blade was extremely complicated. Auldwin found he had to compensate for trajectory or else that blade would spin off out of control as it did, striking the side of the tent at an odd angle and clamoring to the floor. Considering the failure a learning experience, he fired a Soulmist tendril back around the blade and pushed it back over to his main form. In the darkness of the night, inside of that tent it worked for a bit, losing sight of his original purpose.

It couldn't last too long however, as he heard footsteps resounding just outside of the tents flap and a man calling back to another man, perhaps an evenings goodbye. Auldwin looked and saw the flap beginning to move and thus, pushed the knife back where he found it and quickly floated out the side of the tent. Nothing gained on that go, best to try again with another tent, he decided. Or rather, the only thing gained was knowledge, the knowledge that it was possible to wield a weapon at least somewhat properly, but to what end? It left the Ghost to wonder, was there really anyone he needed to defend? Was there anyone he needed to attack? The thoughts shared space inside of his mind with the desire to gain more monetary surplus.
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[Job Thread: Solo] Would I? Could I?

Postby Auldwin on November 19th, 2011, 10:36 pm

Auldwin approached his next tent, this one far larger than the rest. Typically the Ghost focused upon singular tents, ones most likely to only house a single occupant. It made things much more convenient for him, and reduced the potential of being spotted when, if a person was present, he only had to dance about one living entity. This tent looked more like a tent made for storage however, perhaps the wares for some business. It's plain burlap colored outside was a bit strange compared to the often more colorful styles of the Drykas, but regardless Auldwin found himself curious enough to approach it and slowly enter.

His head popped through the ground of the tents edge, looking upward. He found his view immediately hindered by a large table that sat above where he had partly entered, and as such continued his entryway until his field of vision could peer upward. Therein, Auldwin found lots of items, mostly home stuffs as well as various pieces of personal wares made from what looked like bleached animal bone. Pieces of dried and salted meats hung from a rack nearby, and two bedding areas sat near the northern edge of the pavilion. Lingering for a moment, Auldwin hear nothing. Not the sounds of voices or the sounds of snoring, not even the sounds of movement.

Determining his presence would most likely be undetected, he entered the tent and raised his Soulmist up to a standing position. There he looked upon the table that had been obstructing his view and noticed a chest. The chest itself was almost two feet long, and upon it's front had a large cast-iron style ward lock. Auldwin thought about that for a moment, wondering what was inside of the chest. The thing itself was far too large to pick up, giving his Soulmist limitations, but Auldwin had an advantage that very few others could take advantage of, he could move past barriers due to his incorporeal nature. Moving his head past the outer most portion of the chest, he found that, while he could easily penetrate the outer shell of said chest, he couldn't exactly see what was inside of it due to the pitch black nature.

"Damn." he thought, pulling his head free and taking a moment to ponder exactly what he could do. It could be that the chest itself was filled with coins, which was most likely the case due to the lock employed, but Auldwin couldn't figure out if it was worth trying to find a way to get inside. Was it possible that the key was somewhere in the mess of things within the tent? Immediately Auldwin set about looking through the various objects within the tent, turning things over, sliding them aside if he had the strength. The potential for such an excellent cache of coins was hard to pass up, but the difficult in extracting them, now that was the limiting factor of just how successful this nights take could be.
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[Job Thread: Solo] Would I? Could I?

Postby Auldwin on November 20th, 2011, 7:09 pm

Auldwin looked throughout the area thoroughly, but could not locate a key. He was lucky enough to locate a stray coin here and there, most likely change from some prior interaction which had not yet been sorted out. Or perhaps with all of the stuff laying about, it had simply gotten lost in the clutter. He would remember those for later, but for the moment he felt himself focusing upon that chest. It gave him a new challenge. With the amorphous nature of Soulmist, would it be possible to essentially determine the nature of a lock and thus, open it from the outside or the inside, utilizing only his knowledge of Soulmist?

He looked down at his translucent hand for a moment, and then toward that pesky lock, the one thing that stood between him and potential monetary gain of much greater proportions than his typical evening. Slowly he maneuvered his hand forward, literally delving it into the locking area of the chest and began to manipulate his Soulmist. He had never thought about it, but using Soulmist without a line of sight to what he was manipulating was substantially more difficult than pushing or hurling an object. He could push the tumblers inside of the lock, but it was hard enough to figure out just how far they should go. From the outside he could hear the jingling of the inside of the lock as he juggled with it's contents, trying blindly to learn more about the structure.

That was the ticket though, if he could get enough practice and learn the insides of the lock with only his Soulmist, he possibly could unlock it. The problem came in not having any true sense of touch, he could only get some idea as to the strain on his Soulmist based upon the pressure he was exerting. After several long minutes of working with the lock he decided in the end that it was far beyond his capabilities, at least for the time being. Not only would he need a much finer tune of his own Soulmist capabilities, but he would need to learn to exert pressure with his Soulmist in more than one direction, and on more than one thing at once.

Pulling his hand free from the chest, he took one last glance about the tent before pulling forth one of the stray gold pieces he had found beneath a stack of cluttered papers and moved to the edge of the tent. Shoving it beneath the structures edge, he floated outward, retrieved it, and went back to his underwater hiding place to stow his take. It wasn't a bad use of his time, he had learned the limitations of his Soulmist when utilized in a way he had never even considered, and perhaps he would come back some other time, not even to thieve that which was present, but instead to work with that chest yet again.
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[Job Thread: Solo] Would I? Could I?

Postby Auldwin on November 22nd, 2011, 9:17 pm

Auldwin was feeling pretty confident these days after a few lengthy periods exercising the abilities of his Soulmist, but there was still so much more he could do. Even as he floated toward the basin where his coin cache was hidden he tossed that single gold Miza about, letting it arc through the night sky before retrieving it right out of the air. He could feel his own understanding of Soulmist growing with each passing day, as if a book was slowly coming into print and he was only now able to read its texts. From his time in Black Rock Auldwin knew of certain Ghosts that had the ability to lift a person up from the ground with the strength of their own Mist, although the once man couldn't imagine ever being able to achieve that kind of supernatural feat.

But then, perhaps his own self doubt was his most hindering road block? Back when he had first become Ghost, Auldwin had trouble simply opening a door. Now he could manipulate a quill to write a poem if he wanted to. Would it be the most legible print? No, but the fact that he could do it was something he would have never dreamed when he first gained the state of being as a Ghost. Many things he never thought possible were possible. He had Possessed creatures, fish, birds, even horses. People too of course, but the very limitations of a persistent Ghost seemed...well limitless.

As he came upon the watery grave where his cache sat, he lowered his Mist into the water, the only disturbance caused by the coin that floated serenely through the air, carried by the power of his Soulmist. Down he went, his eyes needed no adjusting these days, thus was the benefit of having a lack of iris's. After finding his stein he opened the top and allowed the coin to slowly drop it's way in, fluttering in a soft spin through the weight of the water. Finally a dull clank was shielded by the sound resistant barrier provided by the water and it came to it's final resting place.

For a moment Auldwin had considered going back out into the world of the Endrykas and making claim to more coins, but he couldn't help but realize that his Soulmist was particularly tired. Attempting to fiddle with the lock on that trunk had taken more precision than the Ghost was used to, and with more precision came more Soulmist expenditures. Even though the weight itself wasn't particularly heavy, just the constant use of his Mist in different directions while trying to overextend himself burned away a decent portion of his strength. Perhaps the next night then. The next night he could struggle with that box again, but only after seizing a handful of coins for himself so that he could continue his newest way of claiming income.
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[Job Thread: Solo] Would I? Could I?

Postby Lariat on January 15th, 2012, 2:03 am




Soulmist Projection: 3 xp
Observation: 2 xp


Working a blade with soulmist (Basic)
Working soulmist out of your line of sight (Poor)


Another good thread from our resident ghost. Apologies for it taking so long, if you have any questions don't be afraid to send me a pm.
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