Date: Fall, Day 07, 511 AV (Evening)
Caoin walked along the outskirts of the moving city, her gaze on the stars above her, her two quarni wolfhounds at her side. She had decided that a nice quiet walk and maybe some meditation might be a good way to end the evening, and that’s why she found herself walking along the outer edges of Endrykas, where the city and the Sea became one. It was a little dangerous to be walking there, but there was usually help close by, whether it was a member of the Watch, or someone from one of the family’s that lived on the outskirts patrolling their pavilion’s campsite. Between her dogs and the close proximity of people, Caoin felt safe enough, even with evening having descended upon the city.
A stiff breeze brew across the grasslands, creating a ripple across the top of the grass that drew Caoin’s attention. The breeze passed by her, catching her hair and blowing it out to the side and, much to her annoyance, into her face. Caoin sighed as the breeze moved on and she pulled the stubbornly clinging strands of her hair from her face and tucked it all back behind her ears. She couldn’t stand to have it in her face because hair tickles when it’s in your face. Her walk and thoughts having been interrupted by the sudden gust, she took a look around herself. She could see the light of campfires coming from between the nearest pavilions, and could just barely hear the laughter and talk of those who sat around the fires. After a moment, Caoin gave a curt nod. “This looks like a good place, dears,” she smiled at the two quarni before settling herself on the ground with her legs crossed.
It was a beautifully, calm night for the most part. Only the occasional strong gust of wind made its way across the grasslands to crash against the walls of the city tents. The skies were clear and the stars, easily seen in the cloudless sky, were like lanterns in the night. Caoin took another look at the stars before her gaze turned to the ground and she started to try and concentrate. The dogs, Sealgaire and Bree, circled around their mistress, their noses to the ground as they sniffed at the various scents that had been left behind by everything that had recently passed. They were good hounds, loyal, and they never strayed too far from Caoin. Were they any old untrained dogs, they likely would have taken off into the grass with the least bit of provocation, and in that case, Caoin likely wouldn’t have felt as comfortable trying to work on her webbing. As it was, she knew the dogs wouldn’t leave her and that they would warn her of any danger.
With this in mind, Caoin sat in the grass, dirtying up her leather pants with grass and dirt stains. Before she could get too far into her meditation, she reached up to pull her cloak around her, in case the temperature started to drop a little with the loss of Syna’s heat, though she doubted that would be the case. Still, one could never be too careful. Finally, Caoin settled down completely and returned to her attempt at concentrating.
MizNo Word Count544
Caoin walked along the outskirts of the moving city, her gaze on the stars above her, her two quarni wolfhounds at her side. She had decided that a nice quiet walk and maybe some meditation might be a good way to end the evening, and that’s why she found herself walking along the outer edges of Endrykas, where the city and the Sea became one. It was a little dangerous to be walking there, but there was usually help close by, whether it was a member of the Watch, or someone from one of the family’s that lived on the outskirts patrolling their pavilion’s campsite. Between her dogs and the close proximity of people, Caoin felt safe enough, even with evening having descended upon the city.
A stiff breeze brew across the grasslands, creating a ripple across the top of the grass that drew Caoin’s attention. The breeze passed by her, catching her hair and blowing it out to the side and, much to her annoyance, into her face. Caoin sighed as the breeze moved on and she pulled the stubbornly clinging strands of her hair from her face and tucked it all back behind her ears. She couldn’t stand to have it in her face because hair tickles when it’s in your face. Her walk and thoughts having been interrupted by the sudden gust, she took a look around herself. She could see the light of campfires coming from between the nearest pavilions, and could just barely hear the laughter and talk of those who sat around the fires. After a moment, Caoin gave a curt nod. “This looks like a good place, dears,” she smiled at the two quarni before settling herself on the ground with her legs crossed.
It was a beautifully, calm night for the most part. Only the occasional strong gust of wind made its way across the grasslands to crash against the walls of the city tents. The skies were clear and the stars, easily seen in the cloudless sky, were like lanterns in the night. Caoin took another look at the stars before her gaze turned to the ground and she started to try and concentrate. The dogs, Sealgaire and Bree, circled around their mistress, their noses to the ground as they sniffed at the various scents that had been left behind by everything that had recently passed. They were good hounds, loyal, and they never strayed too far from Caoin. Were they any old untrained dogs, they likely would have taken off into the grass with the least bit of provocation, and in that case, Caoin likely wouldn’t have felt as comfortable trying to work on her webbing. As it was, she knew the dogs wouldn’t leave her and that they would warn her of any danger.
With this in mind, Caoin sat in the grass, dirtying up her leather pants with grass and dirt stains. Before she could get too far into her meditation, she reached up to pull her cloak around her, in case the temperature started to drop a little with the loss of Syna’s heat, though she doubted that would be the case. Still, one could never be too careful. Finally, Caoin settled down completely and returned to her attempt at concentrating.
MizNo Word Count544