As Leto followed him into the Web, Ronan began travelled down the strand. Leto explained Origin's to him, and he realised that if they found something like that, they would know for definite where Sama'el had been.
Feeling as light as a feather, he remembered the directions to the Sanctuary. The strand was leading them in the route the Riverfall stranger had described. His theory was probably right... Sama'el would have left his horse in the Sanctuary if he had stayed here even for one night.
As they passed along, with one hand firmly on the strand, the other on Tairell, Leto touched him on the shoulder supportively. The moment was intense. A flurry of emotions passed through his body, and suddenly he felt closer to Leto. Suddenly he understood Leto.
He twisted his head round to smile at the Drykas. Sama'el was such a big part of his psyche... the feelings were so strong, and now he knew why Leto was on this journey. He was following his heart, wherever it might take him.
They had travelled along the Web for a while when a familiarity began to purvey the airy realm around him. There were traces here of someone who had passed through the Web.
It was unmistakeable.
It was Sama'el.
Feeling as light as a feather, he remembered the directions to the Sanctuary. The strand was leading them in the route the Riverfall stranger had described. His theory was probably right... Sama'el would have left his horse in the Sanctuary if he had stayed here even for one night.
As they passed along, with one hand firmly on the strand, the other on Tairell, Leto touched him on the shoulder supportively. The moment was intense. A flurry of emotions passed through his body, and suddenly he felt closer to Leto. Suddenly he understood Leto.
He twisted his head round to smile at the Drykas. Sama'el was such a big part of his psyche... the feelings were so strong, and now he knew why Leto was on this journey. He was following his heart, wherever it might take him.
They had travelled along the Web for a while when a familiarity began to purvey the airy realm around him. There were traces here of someone who had passed through the Web.
It was unmistakeable.
It was Sama'el.