Edward Lee Stine

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Moderator: Liaisons

Edward Lee Stine

Postby Ed Stine on November 23rd, 2011, 8:57 am

Edward Lee Stine

Physical Information
Race: Human
Birthday & Age: 22nd Day of Summer 492AV 19 Years
Gender: Male
Physical Description
Standing at 5’5” and weighing 125 lbs. Edward Stine is on the smaller size of an average young-adult human. His light brown hair whimsically flowing all over his head. Edward has a slinder face with raised cheek bones that curve around to his strong jawline down to a small rounded chin. Beady dark green eyes and ears that are slighty larger unproportional to his head.His body is lean containing a significant less amount of fat compared to muscle however due to his stature it’s still a small frame. His normal attire consists of black leather boots, black cotton trouser, leather belt, white tied cotton blouse, wool cloak.

Character Concept
Personality – Edward is an energetic and enthusiastic individual. Usually attempting to be what is needed of him in a situation using the best judgment he has. At first he is reserved, witty, sarcastic, and hard to handle just attempting to stay distant and cautious of others newly meet.
Ethics – Edward has good intentions, however they are based on his human judgment.
Likes – blades, birds, night time, starring at the stars, listening to the natural sounds of the world (wind through trees, ocean waves crashing ect.)
Dislikes – mornings, gross bodily fluids other than blood, cocky attitudes

Character History

Post Creation

Training & Skill Points
Starting Skills
Double-Bladed, Dagger 10/100
Throwing, Dagger 10/100
Acrobatics 15/100 racial
Running 10/100
Wilderness Survival 10/100
Climbing 10/100

Earned Skill/Points

Small Cottage normal posessions
Clothing leather boots, trousers, blouse, cloak
1 Backpack which contains:
1 Set of Toiletries (comb, brush, razor, soap)
Food for a week
Eating knife
Flint & Steel
Double-Bladed, Dagger
10 Throwing, Daggers

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"Today I do what others won't, so tomorrow I can do what others can't!"
Ed Stine
Posts: 7
Words: 3293
Joined roleplay: November 21st, 2011, 6:47 am
Race: Human
Character sheet

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