[Temple of Nikali] Dusk (Lucette)

Veldrys and Lucette meet again.

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A village cut off from the rest of Mizahar by the Valterrian, slowly reestablishing contact with the outside world.

[Temple of Nikali] Dusk (Lucette)

Postby Tabarnac on April 9th, 2012, 2:39 am

Justus was immune to Veldrys' anger, but there was a moment where his face faltered, when his knowledge of the Symenestra was challenged. His hazel gaze dropped to the woman crouching beside him, eyes wide and tender. There was no end to his concern, but Veldrys would not know that. Lucette might sense it, but she was so primal in nature, that such things might never touch her mind.

"It is your choice, Lucette," he affirmed quietly. She was his slave, but he was chained to her service by his goddess. Veldrys would not understand the nature of her slavery, how Roland had trained her so well, whether on purpose or through bungling good luck, to need a master even more than the average Kelvic. She would never be completely out from under her submissive nature; it went against the way the archmage had created her race. But Justus was slowly unraveling the more unhealthy manifestations; she would learn that her wants and needs mattered too, and then Justus would ask Astrid to offer her citizenship and her slavery would come to an end. Manumission would not mean she had to leave, or even that she had to stop serving in the Temple, but she would understand what freedom was when it was offered to her, and that she was worthy of it.

"If you do not wish to risk it, we have herbs prepared for us by Master Jarret that will kill the child, and your body will deal with it. If you do wish to risk it, you will have all of Denval cooperating to see you through it safely. That is how things are done here."

With that, he glanced at Veldrys, who yet had much to learn of the place he called home.

"But there is always risk in every action, and great risks in great actions. I would suggest you speak to Master Cian and to Master Jarret and see what they have to say. Veldrys wants a child desperately, but as you can see he also wants you to be safe."

Safe, her favorite word.
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[Temple of Nikali] Dusk (Lucette)

Postby Lucette on April 16th, 2012, 3:39 am

Without apology Lucette looked to Veldrys. She saw his hurt, his anger, and the she smelt his fear. She was Kelvic, yet she was a slave and as such, she did not move or speak, or go to him. Only her intent eyes followed the Symenestra. From the beginning Lucette had responded to Veldrys’ words and mannerisms, but now she retreated into feline coldness. The more human aspects of her personality slid away, even though it was the human form she still wore. “You want the baby…” she whispered with her voice silky, but it was a statement. “Denval wants them…too. I have heard the talk” the Kelvic’s head swiveled to look up at Justus as if she sought confirmation.

“But I…” she shook her head sadly as she looked down at her belly. She did not want it! Not for any of them... not for Veldrys, or Justus or Denval! They would be disappointed – for Lucette was not one of Nikali’s chosen; she had no wish beyond instinct and training to follow the wishes of others. No strength of the goddess guided her… to want the monstrous thing! No matter that she cared deeply for the man who had laid it upon her… She did not want it! But after a lifetime of subservience she could not say it aloud. Even as Justus urged her to choice and self-confidence, she could not speak her heart upon something she knew others felt strongly about.

Face set and eyes distant, Lucette picked at a speck caught upon Justus’ pant leg. The Kelvic retreated from them the only way in which she knew. “Veldrys wants a child desperately, but as you can see he also wants you to be safe…” Safe. The word brought her back to them, and Lucette cried as Justus again knew her thoughts. Her nails tightened through the fabric at his calf. It was too much to ask of her! Only now was she becoming used to making the smallest of decisions. But this? Too much! Lucette was trapped and cornered... Stiffening under the perceived threat, and bound by Roland’s invisible chains, she knew… she should never have been asked to make such a decision!

She glared at the wall… why did they torment her! Breath came but it was labored and heavy… she panted… Veldrys wanted her safe… and she wanted to feel safe - to please him. Yet she could not bring herself to agree to keep the baby… or even to say aloud that she would defy their wishes. Her back stiffened and tightened, as her body twisted as she blurted out, “I will see them… the physicians!” And she hung her head in sorrow, but agreeing to see them put the moment of choice further from her… and that was all she could hope for now.
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[Temple of Nikali] Dusk (Lucette)

Postby Veldrys on April 22nd, 2012, 5:46 pm

Justus really didn’t seem to have been aware that Lucette’s child would be a full Symenestra until now. For a moment Veldrys felt the anger rise again, but what use would be talking about it now? What use would be telling the man that he should have informed himself better? It was too late, so he just stood there and waited and tried not to think about the way she acted around the human too hard so that he wouldn’t lose control. He would leave the choice entirely up to her, as it should be. He wouldn’t force her to have a child that might kill her.

„I want it, yes“, he whispered. Some part of him felt as if there was no point in life if you didn’t have a lover, a family, if you didn’t leave anything behind when you died. He understood the desperate struggle of his people better now that he was in this situation, understood why they resorted to abducting women from the surface, even though he would personally never go that far. He wanted to be a father, but at the same time he was nearly mad with worry.

As she cried again, he finally came a bit closer to her even though he didn’t know what he was supposed to do and what he was supposed to say to her. There was no way he could make it any easier for her, and all his attempts to comfort her would likely seem ridiculous. In a way he was almost afraid to touch her, afraid that he would do something wrong.

„I think that will be for the best. Let’s talk to them“, he agreed as she stated that she would see the physicians. He put a hand on her shoulder, embraced her briefly as if to comfort her, even though the gesture wouldn’t make anyhting better. „I’ll help you, Lucette. I’ll be there for you, no matter what happens.“
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[Temple of Nikali] Dusk (Lucette)

Postby Tabarnac on May 5th, 2012, 7:47 pm

Justus nodded, his hand stroking Lucette's hair. It seemed they would all have to speak to Cian and Jarret to see if anything could be done. Perhaps the physician could sing down Rak'keli herself from the Ukalas to keep Lucette alive. He didn't know.

But he was proud of Lucette, that she had managed even this delaying action. The choice would come, more stark and all, but now she was choosing to educate herself, which could only be for the best. Baby steps for the girl who would be free, he hoped. There was a sacredness to his own bondage, but it was not the same for everyone. The goddess didn't bless all such people with her mark.

"Good," he almost cooed to her, his voice rumbling in the lower baritone range. He had to reinforce her good choices with approval, that she might have more courage to continue in that direction. "Between Cian, Jarret, and Veldrys, you will be well counseled, Lucette. Do you wish to speak to Veldrys now, or would you like to rest?"
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[Temple of Nikali] Dusk (Lucette)

Postby Lucette on May 15th, 2012, 5:46 pm

Veldrys’ consoling hand lay on her shoulder, and the Kelvic’s eyes closed tightly, her desires torn. It would be easy to let the Symenestra soothe her, easy to listen to his gentle words, easy to forget the hurt he had caused… But there was no avoiding the burden that now lay within her! Veldrys baby would never go away… as much as she wished it! So Lucette sulked and did not move, even though she wished for so much more from the man beyond his touch upon her shoulder. Stubbornly, Lucette refused to admit that she wished him near, and instead said simply and politely, as if he were only another Temple patron offering her a compliment, “Thank you…”

Her head bowed sadly, and she felt Justus’ hand lay warm upon her hair. The touch combined with the one at her shoulder, served to distract the Kelvic, for she adored the Priest as well as the Symenestra. Between the two men, Lucette felt protected… And Justus praised her for the choice she had made - as if it had been the right one. Looking up, tears glimmered in her eyes, and Lucette felt the small puff of pride at his words – even if she knew it was not truly deserved. But those men, those healers and doctors, they would know what to do. Surely they would help her! Lucette’s eyes narrowed in sudden, sly thought…those learned men might inform Veldrys and Justus that she couldn’t do it! That it would be best not to birth the deadly cub!

She was not strong… not strong enough for this! Lucette saw Veldrys’ concern, and almost her heart went to him, but the betrayal was too raw. There were no words to speak in order to relieve his guilt, not yet. Between trial and sickness the slave had nothing left within to offer. Utterly confused, worn and frazzled, Lucette was bone tired. And she shook her head and denied her heart the comfort it so badly needed, and answered, “Justus. I wish to rest.” It was one more choice she made, and this time, it was made unaware. With downcast eyes, the Kelvic could not face either of the men any longer, “May I go? Please?”
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[Temple of Nikali] Dusk (Lucette)

Postby Tabarnac on July 22nd, 2012, 9:56 pm

XP Award!

XP Award: Seduction +2; Intimidation +2; Interrogation +4; Observation +3; Teaching +2; Storytelling +1; Medicine +2
Lore: Diagnosing Pregnancy in Kelvics

XP Award: Observation +2; Interrogation +5; Seduction +5; Storytelling +2
Lore: Symenestra Children; Symenestra Eating

Additional Notes:
So sorry for the delay in grading this! It was extremely well done, and I’m sad that mean old Colombina won’t let us have a live birth that doesn’t kill Lucette. (Really, my fault for not checking all bases before drumming up the idea and selling it to y’all.)

Veldrys did get some Medicine skill for diagnostic work even if he couldn’t really do much for her other than bedside manner, which I consider to be a part of the skill. Lucette should be a Master Seductress in a few more threads... ;)

Feel free to PM me if you have any questions or concerns. I am more than happy to alter awards if you make a good case for it.

Keep writing!
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