7th day of Fall, 511 av.
Another day in Sunberth, another trek out to the Cutters and Carver Brothers.
Today, he figured it would be a rather pleasant day inside the shop; he was consigned to making an order of nightables which had come in to the Carver Brothers from Brega's. All to replace a few which had been broken by a set of 'unruly' guests before they had been put down by a pair Daggerhands who had 'happened' to be in the area. Antar snorted at that flimsy charade; brega was probably paying 'protection' money just like any other business owner in Sunberth. Paying out their nose for someone to protect their ass- ets.
But that was the nroaml scheme of things going beyond the public eye. It wasn't any of Noth's business though; his whole philosophy was to keep his head down as much as possible if he or his associates weren't in any particular immediate danger. He aimed to keep it that way too.
In sunberth; the best thing to do was to keep yourself out of as much trouble as possible unless trouble came looking for you. That was why these days at work were a small bastion of piece amidst the chaos. Sure there were bits of trouble one had to consider keeping an eye out for... wolves , bears, bandits, but all in all the good days seemed to outnumber the bad; and with a healthy dose of paranoia one could actually begin to appreciate the turbulence of a city with no ruling leadership or structure; even if a colder bloodier truth of vengeance sometimes acted in lieau of any singular armed force.
But not here, at least not in the cutter's and carver brothers. The pair of business owners possessed an essential business and few rarely would cross them. They paid their workers on time, and even ensured they weren't despotic in their teachings, though many of the temporary workers didn't get much more then how to hold an axe, more permanent workers like Noth whohad been present for three seasons was given ample support to hone his skills in carving , and other related endeavors.
He knew the use of tools, the variations materials and changes certain wood types would bring to a project. All it would take was practice and he was sure that eventually; eventually. He would begin to make things better for himself so long as no one from his past found him.
For now though he would sit and begin to lay out his tools for which to begin his work... on nighttables of all things.