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Moderator: Liaisons


Postby Tulyn on November 24th, 2011, 9:24 pm


General Information

Name - Tulyn
Race - Human
Birth date - 30 Fall 487 (ages 24)
Gender - Male

Languages - Fluent Common
Basic Vani
Poor Fratana

Physical Description

Standing at an impressive height of 6' 2'' tall, this figure stands tall and proud. Broad well built shoulders holding up lean yet well muscled arms and a well worked chest. His long thick mop of dark brown hair brushed backwards to hang down his back well passed his shoulders, leaving revealed his hard worn face, cold blue eyes sat in his sockets showing emotion only when it really seemed to need to. A large scar sliced down his left cheek notably from some animal claw, leaving behind a vicious and ugly pinkish wound. Leaving only his well grown beard left to cover it up, a longish beard mostly tied up in a know of it's own hair sat at this chin and spread upwards over his lower jaw and round his mouth.

At his side he would always wear his bastard sword, with a long handle allowing him to use it in both one hand as well as two equally well. When ever needed Tulyn would be wearing his set of Scale mail armour which sat snug against his substantial physique, though while not wearing it a simple set of basic clothing would suffice. A cloak wrapped around him when ever outside hood sitting just over his head, and hanging from his shoulders obscuring what's underneath.


Character Concept

For this guy I was going for something very basic, so I thought of a typical run of the mill guard or sword for hire. Someone who would be interesting to play, yet be more combat orientated or at least a little less polite then my other character.

Tulyn is a someone who is heavily interested in the art of combat, not simply the ability to kill someone, but the art form used in it's execution. He is by no means a novice with his sword, as he's been on the road a good few years, picked up some scars and interesting stories along the way. Originally he was a quiet type when he started out, but over the years he's become a lot more confident as his skill as grown, which ended up making him rather brash and up front about things, he has a clear idea of what he can and can not do so aims to take jobs that are within his ability.

Honour was not something that plagued him in his early years, all that mattered was the coin, but now he gives his vow and oath that any contract he takes on will be completed or he'll die trying, though fighting dirty to attain his goal is a perfectly allowable course of action.

Skills, Lore, Gear & Ledger

(Bastard)Sword 25 10SP +15RB
Short bow 10 10SP
Wilderness Survial 10 10SP
Fishing 5 5SP
Riding (Horse) 5 5SP
Horsemanship 5 5 SP
Cooking 5 5SP

Fishing spots around Sunberth.
Best ways to sharpen and clean a sword.

=>Scale Mail
=>Fathers Bastard Sword (Heirloom)
=>Shortbow + 20 Arrows
=>1 Belt Pouch

=>Backpack (1 set of Brush, razor, soap, food for 1 week, eating knife, flint and steel, Travelers stock (10 uses), Iron pot)

=>1 Large 4 person tent
=>1 Large Tarp
=>100ft of Rope
=>2 x Torches
=>Bed roll & Blanket

=>Full set of Tack
=>Large set of Saddle Bags (10lbs of Horse Feed, Fishing tackle & Hooks)
=>' Merith 'Riding Horse *Gilding breed*

+100 Gold Mizar (starting currency)
- 85 Gold Mizar(Gear at creation)

Current = 14 GM / 4 SM / 3 CM
User avatar
Hired Sword
Posts: 5
Words: 1534
Joined roleplay: November 24th, 2011, 7:37 pm
Location: Sunberth
Race: Human
Character sheet

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