Alea had no clue what Coren and the other Vantha were saying, since they were speaking in Vani, but she doubted it was particularly important. It seemed to her that these Vantha got riled up over the most trivial things. She followed them anyway, because she was still trying to annoy Coren, but was quickly growing bored with how things were progressing. She hoped she could find a way to annoy him quickly so she could go off and do more entertaining things.
When they stopped near the ice-sculptures and the other Vantha began yelling at Coren in their native language, Alea zoned out a bit and her gaze began to wander. Most of the sculptures were quite elegantly and perfectly designed, but her eyes just slid off them without a licker of interest (she never claimed to be a great appreciator of art). For some reason the man she wasn't particularly listening to was gesticulating wildly at the nearby tiger statue.
Upon closer inspection... Alea could not see anything particularly interesting about that statue which set it apart from the others. The conversation, being in a different language, was also not very entertaining. She was inclined to just wander away at this point, but Coren still had a hold on her arm. Just as she was debating whether to break free, he shoved her in the general direction of the other Vantha, which weakened his grip.
She was suddenly gripped by terror; would she be forced to engage in dull conversation with someone whose language she couldn't understand?! Never! She instantly threw her hand in a downward motion, twisting it out of Coren's grip, and sprinted in the opposite direction, weaving through the crowds and making a break for the back of the nearest building. Once she was out of sight, all she'd have to do was make sure she kept moving until she'd lost any pursuit. She'd never run so fast in her life.
She could hear Coren pursing her, but she didn't dare slow down. Unfortunately, despite her speed, she had virtually no stamina. She decided her best plan was to try to lose him in the crowd. She was smaller than he was, so it might work. She turned to look over her shoulder to see how far behind her Coren was. That turned out to have been a mistake. She immediately ran into someone, sending them both toppling to the ground. She hadn't thought she was that close to the crowd yet! She scrambled to her feet as quickly as she could, trying to simultaneously apologize (which came out in Denvali) and to see whether Coren was too close for her to get away at this point.
OOCIN case you didn't catch that, Cara, that's you I ran into