Almech laughed "How is that unfair to me? I only keep my things in my room. I pay rent for it and i don't even sleep there, if anything is unfair, it's the fact that you're staying at an inn, I don't know of the one you speak of, but, when there's a perfectly free, vacant bed you can use, how can you pass it up?" his logic made sense to him anyway. Then her question came "So, if I wanted to find a library, I would just walk and take the routes the city leaves open to me?". Almech knodded his head for a moment as he thought about the question "Come to think of it, i'm not sure if i've even seen a library, but then again, how can i notice one if i don't know what one is" he chuckled to himself. The buildings had writing on them, he didn't understand this, he recognized they were used to distringuish different buildings, but he didn't know what they meant. The few places he'd visit regularly, he'd simply recognize a pattern of squiggly lines and know what the building held, he knew the symbols for tavern, and Ionu's mercy but that was the extent of his knowledge when it came to written words. He then cleared his throat as he began explaining a bit more about the streets of Alvadas.
Almech turned to her and smiled a bit "Well, I wouildn't say that, nonetheless, you want to walk with the streets, not against them, things like what just happened to me are usually the outcome, but I enjoy living a bit dangerously. I'm a warrior afterall, being in a city that constantly has you on your toes is perfect for people like myself, just like a fight, you never know what's going to happen". The streets shifted again, they walked past a flower stand, Almech could smell them, one type in particular caught his interest, he stopped and looked at the vendor. He held out some coin and pointed at the flower "How much for one of those?" he asked, the woman looked at the mizas in his hand and grabbed a few copper pieces, she smiled "Have a nice day". Almech turned to his new found friend, or atleast, he hoped she was his friend, he was still a bit sketchy with people but his time in Alvadas had lightened him up quite a bit. He turned to Amarhyl and presented her with the flower "I had to get it, it smells like you, please accept this gift" he said cocking his head slightly and a grin formed on his face. His hand shook nervously as he awaited for to take it, and a question popped into his head "Amarhyl, what exactly is a library?.
His ears perked, showing genuine interest, but food was now on his mind, something he didn't like to ignore for very long. His stomach growled and he kept blinking as he looked at her, trying to keep himself from salivating. He couldn't help but picture himself out in the wilderness, maybe feast on a rabit, he liked rabit a lot. He had an anxious look about him as he unconciously sunk one of his teeth into his lip, a droplet formed and had it not been for Almech licking the blood away it would have fallen on this woman's coat. There was a look of tension about him again, his compulsive dog mind was trying to take him over, suddenly his body shivered like a dog trying to dry off, his eyes then opened wide. He didn't like being so impulsive, but he couldn't help it "Hungry" he said simply "Food" he paused for a moment "Water too" he snorted, on accident. He had startled himself doing this in front of Ama, but he could only hold out so long before his animal side came to try and take over, his nose flared sniffing at the air, his eyes dialated. His mouth opened and he began panting, something he always tried to keep under control, the Akalak Iktos taught him breath control when they were prisoners together. He looked at Ama "I, I really want something to eat, please, show me which building i should go into, you know those symbols right?" he kept blinking rapidly, all the different smells that filled his nose, he could smell food being cooked nearby, he just hoped they'd be able to get to it.