1st Winter, 511 A.V. A part-time assistant had led Xelhes beyond the clinic, past the dispensary, and into the cave that began where the back of Master Jarret's squat building abutted an otherwise sheer rock face. The old man was tending his treasures, the delicate things that required less light than what grew in his herb garden or Theo's greenhouse. It was hot in the cave, the air hanging thick and moist, humidity condensing upon the moss-covered boulders and basalt blocks that made up its walls. Plants grew everywhere, from the beds hewn out of bedrock and filled with peat, in enormous chests, troughs, and flowerpots. They climbed up rocks, up wooden trellises and stakes. Some were rare specimens, used for medicines or sorcerous philtres and concoctions, and others were so rare they ought not have grown in Kalea at all. Sweet clover, which could be converted with the help of a few types of fungus into a poisonous anticoagulant. Sandworts with their blood-red berries. Mosses huddled against stone blocks among glistening tubers and delicate mountain orchids. In the shady part of the grotto bulged the heads of gray mushrooms like pebbles and more brightly colored toadstools. The center of the cave was taken up with aqueous plants, vats of hornworts and liverworts, glass reservoirs of gnarled rhizomes of hallucinogenic things, slender, dark green cryptocorynes, and clusters of nematodes. Muddy, silted troughs were breeding grounds for countless zygomycetes, algae, molds, and lichen. The old man looked from where he was carefully applying drops of water from a long, slender glass rod to the damp wood chips that rooted a strange and beautiful cave orchid. The flowers gleamed in the light streaming from a block of crystal that made up that part of the roof, one of many, in fact, in this strange part of the building that few rarely saw. "Mm," he grunted. "Bring me anything I asked for last week?" He turned back to his task, muttering. "Someone needs to catch a Zith. Their turds are supposed to be just the right fertilizer for... mm..." |