OOCI am really sorry for the delay. It will not happen again.While Landon did not have any need for a room in the Shooting Star Inn, he could not deny a call to their wonderful food. Perhaps he could call it a gift to himself for finally getting a job. It had been about time! As he walked into the inn, he tried to relax his mind. Others had said it would be in his best interest if he started to meditate.
"It's only so long before your own magic backfires on you!" He was finding it extremely hard though. Not only could he not get his thoughts in order, it was near impossible to try to get one's thoughts together when walking. He gave up, at least for now. Perhaps he would try again once he was seated and waiting for food.
When Landon walked into the inn he could feel her, Ivy that is. It was not a strong feeling. Landon was not the expert Spiritist he wished he was but there was a slight feeling. He looked around the reception room, watching to see if there were any things that seemed out of place. These were the times when he greatly envied the aurists. It would have been helpful to know a bit of that magic. It would be a good art to try to study at some point but at the moment, future plans did not help him.
Before him he saw the flash of a running girl. She would have been almost invisible past the crowds of people but that feeling… The strange feeling Landon had gotten when he had entered the inn seemed to come from her. Food could wait. Something more interesting was going on.
Pushing past the crowd, Landon mumbled his excuses and pardons. He could be a bit of an jerk at times but for the most part, he was polite. Reaching the girl seemed to be a slight effort within itself but once he was getting closer he knew he needed to speak up. The girl looked scared, possibly even horrified. A hand reached out to touch her.
"Excuse me, are you alright?" That feeling… It was not coming from her. At least Landon did not think so. It seemed to be around her, possibly next to her, or above her.
The next words he spoke were thought after. He was not sure if he should mutter them but still, the words left his lips.
"Do you feel it too? That strange feeling?"