Lightning cracked around Nya's possessed form, bending and flashing grimly like a dog leashed but certainly not tamed. She was utterly beautiful right now, naked and motionless and encased in a cocoon of thunder and force, her hair loaded with electricity and standing like a fierce crown of snakes. Abashai could see now that she was but an extension of Zulrav's will. The god was inside her with every breath she took, and in many ways she was much further down the road to divine servitude than he was.
The suvai looked razor-sharp now, almost twitching in the Benshira's hand. It wanted the essence of Galan'nas, for it was its purpose. Centuries prior, escaping the harshness of the Valterrian, the Relic had paid a visit to the early residents of Mura. When the Konti became capable of fighting back, the creature left again as stealthily as it had come. The suvai carrying its own name was passed down through the generations, for the Konti seers were ever watchful, and never forgot. Powerful magecraft infused into the whale horn, the suvai was driven to go wherever the Relic hid.
Abashai doubted. Nya didn't. The Relic itself seemed surprised at how she was able to stay calm while it devoured her. Never before had it met someone as focused and strong. And of course, when the suvai dagger made itself known, Galan'nas understood… for it was a highly intelligent being. Suddenly the plan laid out for its demise was crystal clear, and the creature stopped trying to assimilate Nya. It tried to get out instead, to pour out of the Kelvic that had served as the perfect bait for the trap. But it couldn't. The lightning and the storm formed an impenetrable barrier, and no matter how hard it tried to force itself out its efforts were in vain. Galan'nas was getting desperate, and even more brutal to its current host. Its last hope lay in killing her off while her partner looked indecisive - then the gnosis would subside and it would be free to finish him off, too.
The Relic redoubled its efforts to eat away at Nya's Djed, causing her to drift in an ocean of torment and pain. It felt like her soul was being torn apart, each piece disconnected from the rest. Thankfully, it did not last long - and she wouldn't have lasted much longer, truth told. Abashai overcame his doubts and, maybe just out of mercy, he called upon Yahal's Ennervism and threw himself at the lightning barrier surrounding Nya. Had this been a normal weapon, he might have incurred lethal damage, but a suvai was bone and not metal. Everything was falling into place.
He was forced to see Nya with the handle of a suvai dagger sticking out of her chest, darkened blood staining his hand and trickling down the corners of her mouth. The barrier went down with a final flash, and the storm died off in a matter of seconds. A feeling of stillness fell upon the courtyard. Nya's eyes were again her own, but they were growing distant, rigid, lifeless. He had pierced her heart. He had killed her together with the Relic. Yet the woman stood, as if the electricity that had coursed through her body were still keeping her limbs straight and planted on the ground. She was a statue now - the statue to her own sacrifice.
Nya's awareness was minimal. She was vaguely conscious that she had killed the thing, that Abashai was out there - she sensed him without seeing him. She was vaguely aware that she had died. Her heart wasn't beating. She was merely… lingering there, a soul ready to move on yet strangely locked in place. Something was off, not right, not natural.
"You did well, Ardrem," said a female voice addressing Abashai. To Nya it sounded familiar, like a dejà vu. A woman stood by the Benshira's side, wearing a long dark dress. Her hair wasn't yellow and her looks weren't free and her skin wasn't as white as leprosy, but she still was… "Right, you call yourself Abashai in this life. I still miss the old times though. You were much more devoted then… and to me." She smiled, dark but honest.
The woman stepped close to Nya and looked her over briefly. "A brave soul, though unlucky. How many times has Zulrav given you this quest of his? I lost count around six. Looks like this turned out just like the rest. But of course, you are special so it has to be you in the end." She extended a hand and opened Nya's jaws, reaching into her mouth to extract a small dark orb that she held on the palm of her hand. "And this is our long overdue Galan'nas. It is quite embarrassing that my own marked couldn't find you in the past five thousand years. To think I'd have to strike a divine deal over something so ugly. You will be spending a few centuries inside a bunch of coins as a punishment, I am afraid."
Dira turned her head to face Abashai. "It wasn't her time to go but I should take her too… 'reap' her if you like big drama words. However, I kind of struck a deal with your current patrons. You should know I have a strict no-resurrection policy - her own life is gone and is not coming back. But say, I wouldn't mind if you wanted to give her half of yours to support her body and fix the wound. Only because your gods asked and it's you, Ardrem. The sooner you die, the sooner I get a chance to win you back." She smiled. That was some flawless logic, if not necessarily reassuring. |