Hey everyone! This thread still alive? ^^; I'd just like to say hello and get your thoughts on my character idea, if it's okay.
So, I'm a Chaktawe, Kalanue, and well, my c-sheet is linked on the side. But here are the main details:
Saivone Masaiken, a Chaktawe male, cannot remember his Kalanue name. When he had embarked on his Rite of Searching at an early age (13 instead of 15 because of his enthusiasm and skill), he arrogantly ignored praying to the crow god, Eywaat. This should have resulted in death, but it would seem that Eywaat had something else in mind. Saivone was allowed to be stolen by a Dhani rattler named Maahleosaleni (first name is Osaleni) who had been in the area. Therefore, Saivone was never given a prophecy or a family guardian, but a different fate altogether. He has been her slave ever since, and this union is approaching 11 years now as they head to Ravok. During this time, the slave and his master had traveled the lands for knowledge and power. Saivone eventually came to understand his place and the cost for his youthful arrogance-- he no longer detests being a slave, but serves Osaleni willingly, as she is a rather kinder Dhani.
There are a few things about Saivone, as far as how I'd like to see him developed character-wise:
-- During an encounter with the real Saivone Masaiken, who was an aurist and magesmith, Osaleni realized that Saivone had an affinity and talent for the auristic skill. Therefore, she (and he as well) is keen to see this skill developed, especially for use with her own magesmith skill.
-- Saivone suffers reoccurring dreams and nightmares about his homeland in Eyktol. He can only remember a few things about his past, none of which he is proud of. He is afraid of claiming his heritage out of fear and shame, and actually tries to make himself not look Chaktawe in case they run into one somewhere. Eventually, though, he is going to have to return to his homeland, because he wants to know if the crow god (and his Kalanue tribe) have forgiven him.
-- Saivone is 24 years old... and a virgin. Now, stay with me here... lol... during his service to Osaleni, he never really had a chance to be a boy with a normal teenhood. His body has long since passed puberty, but he is still attracted (strongly) to female species that he sees and meets every now and then. Though his master is a beautiful, seductive female herself, he is possibly going to ask her about these 'flushing' feelings and if he could, well, meet a girl. Because it is completely beyond his understanding of going to her for those needs-- she's his master.Well, time to head to bed. Later, Chaks ^^