Active Threads
Sword and Starlight - Kamalia meets Rhuryc Naravane, Syliran Wildlands
A Konti's Passage - Kamalia meets Antar Noth, Syliras
The Night the Towers Cried - Epic thread with Tarot, Aquiras' Sanctuary
Spark of Literacy- Kamalia meets Kendall Saarinen, Zeltiva
Sister Act- Kamalia learns Auristics, fun with Marishka Timandre
Inscribing Destiny- Magical learning with Arianni D'Sorn(on-hold)
Pillow Talk- Reunion with Jaeden Kincade, The White Swan Inn, Syliras
In Search of Acumen - Kamalia receives a mysterious letter.
- Write the first post for a quest thread with Tarot, at Sahova, for the Sword of Severing and/or learning Unity.
- Establish the fellowship against Sagallius with Jilitse, Jaeden Kincade, and possibly Gromhir, at Alvadas.
- Arrive at Alvadas safely, work for Sun and Stars as a songstress for a season.
- Dream with Talen Stirling.
- Slatternizing with Naama of the Shadowhand.
- Burn Saggywrinkle's hair.
- Summon stuff with Seven.
- Plot with Legion/Tabarnac, travel to Denval.
- Pulverize three-months old creative block.
- Apply as a Guest Storyteller for Serrif's threads.
- Timandre family
Long-term goals:
- Establish a new order of true wizards, complete with tests, apprenticeship programs, and a mage charter.
- Learn the Static
- Seek the True Way
Character Motivation: To learn different disciplines of the arcane art, including the Lost Disciplines, and find allies seeking to prevent Sagallius from ascending into a God of Magic, which is a terrifying thing.