Alana's Plotnotes
Constant Empathetic: Alana seems to have a very strong sensitivity to the emotions and to an extent, the though processes of others, both human and animal. She is by no means a mind reader or a hypnotist, she simply picks up on them almost sub-consciously. When a strong or overpowering emotion is present, Alana feels it as if it her own. Pain, both mental and physical seems to affect her the most since that is the emotion that people often express the strongest, though other emotion can have an equal effect if it is strong enough. Occasionally she will get so caught up in the emotional state of someone or something that she looses focus, however she tries her best to distance herself in situations such as that. empathy (n): 1. the ability to understand and share the feelings of another (syn: compassionate, empathic, feeling, sensitive, sympathetic)
Virtuous: Alana has a very strong sense of what is right and what is not, and will refuse to take or do anything that she sees as morally wrong. Of course, this can be mistaken for stubbornness; if something needs to be done and she does not agree with it, it can take a lot of persuading for her to even consider changing her mind. virtuous (adj): 1. having or showing high moral standards 2. concerned with principles of right and wrong and conforming to standards based on those principles (syn: moralistic, good, ethical, pious, honest, righteous, principled)
Situational Impulsive: Alana is prone to changing her mind a lot, and acting on things very quickly. This can be both good and bad depending on what situation is presented to her. When someone is hurt or ill, she will often rush to aid without thinking, and when she becomes a professional healer in the future, this may very well be a lifesaving action. However, this same trait can lead her to rush into something that many would take a long time to deliberate over. She is very prone to agreeing to the spontaneous ideas of others. impulsive (adj): 1. acting or done without forethought 2. done as a result of spontaneous wishes and needs (syn: instinctive, hasty, headlong, changeful, whimsical)
Conscientious: Alana is always very careful and thorough in what she does. She hates to leave a job half-done; if she does it will nag at her till she has the opportunity to go back and do it properly. She is very reliable and hard-working because of this. This also ties in with her sense of virtue; her conscientiousness allows her to keep to her morals more easily. Of course, her scrupulous nature does mean that she will often take longer to complete a task, though it usually offers a better end result than that of those who have rushed it. conscientious (adj): 1. done in accordance with one’s conscience 2. to take care and be thorough in one’s work (syn: scrupulous, precise, meticulous, diligent, cautious, thoughtful)