The lithe and slender acrobat's stance was free, his movements flowing and fast. In sharp contrast the big Lyner simply remained firmly planted where he stood, one leg behind the other exactly a shoulder's breadth apart. He looked at his opponent with a calm smile and a look of cool confidence in his eyes. Lyner was breathing through his mouth in a measured rythm and he held his sword with both hands, his grip neither too loose nor unforgiving. His was a stance of neutrality, his sword simply hovering in front of his to guard his center line while it's edge slightly fell in the direction of his opponent's.
The stance was enough to put a dent on the acrobat's confidence, he still wore his sardonic smile but there was something off, a tension in his steps where there was none before. He held his slim sword one-handed and jogged around Lyner, trying to get behind him. The swordsman turned his feet, pivoting on the lead foot to keep his opponent well within his vision.
Now the rest of the members of the merchant's guard were watching. This was an unusual development, two fighters who could look no more different who used styles that were equally contrasting. Someone unpredictable and quick against someone who favored a completely conventional style and a firm unyielding guard.
The older mercenary had joined the small group of boys watching. They were grinning, their eyes taking on a hint of a their pleasure at seeing something familiar in one of the fighters before them.
The acrobat was the first to strike. His impatience led him to bee-line towards the swordsman and spring forward, his blade sweeping in from a reverse-handed grip. Lyner simply adjusted his stance, drawing the lead foot back since that was where the attack was coming from and he'd always been told to respond to attacks by retreating on the side being challenged.
The power of the reverse-handed swing was dispersed at the bigger fighter permitted the smaller and faster one to push him back. Then the counter-attack came. Lyner would put his superior leverage to work, with one hand near the hilt and the other near the pommel he was able to generate great fine motor control and he rotated the blade's edge in a circle.
It was a technique meant to disarm the acrobat if he challenged. The strange sensation the acrobat felt as the bigger sparring blade tried to pry his smaller one from his hand scared him and he retreated.
His swordsmanship was poor but his instincts incredible. Lyner would not be able to win this fight easily despite his advantage in training and discipline.
So this is talent... he mused lightly.
He envied the acrobat's speed and his ability to react just as quickly. He had yet to begin the training his knight instructor suggested to him to improve his own speed, he didn't have the money to find an instructor.
Lyner didn't want to lose though. Were his opponent talented or not he had worked hard to get to his level of proficiency. If he would lose it would be after he milked all his training for all it's worth.
He would test himself properly here. Since the acrobat was hesitating it was Lyner's time to advance. He moved with measured and small steps, a foot moving forward and gaining stability before the other followed. His stance was never being compromised for speed, that was his opponent's forte, he would use strength and stability as his swordstrokes flew. He used wide far-reaching strokes, trying to take advantage of his reach combined with the weapon's own.
The effect was remarkable, his opponent had to roll out of the way, ducking under the path of the wooden blade because he had miscalculated the range and the size of the arc. Lyner was quick to cease his attack however, he retraced his motions favoring a steady stance with a guard in the neutral position in the heart of his center line. A flurry of attacks had its place, but if he allowed the opponent to get used to them then there was no question that the talented acrobat would eventually figure out the rhythm of Lyner's assault.
The acrobat waited, running around again and feinting charges only to veer off back into the orbit he was creating around Lyner. The swordsman simply remained vigilant, willing his body to relax and not tense up.
When the acrobat felt that it was time to strike again Lyner caught him in a conventional trap. He noted that the boy was moving faster than ever before and he retreated from the side he was being attacked, then applied a textbook technique. He dropped his legs, his knees flexed and he placed his sword's guard into the fool's guard position where it's blade almost touched the soil.
The acrobat looked like he was going to impale himself into the waiting fangs of the solid bladework but his instincts allowed him to kick himself away, throwing his body to one side where he awkwardly hit the ground and rolled in dirt. He recovered quickly and had his blade raised but Lyner was upon him.
Swiftly, he brought his wooden longsword down, striking the point of the soil in the direction where the acrobat wanted to move. He yet had his short sword between him and steel but his breathing was growing faster and faster he was soaked in sweat. Meanwhile Lyner's steady rhythmic intake of air and the cool but humble confidence he wore made him seem a well of endurance and stamina.
The acrobat didn't want to push his luck, he could still use the excuse of being tired to his advantage too. "I yield."
Lyner's blade lingered for a few seconds before he put it away into it's standard neutral guard. "Well met sir."
The swordsman relaxed and dropped his chin in a big nod. "I am pleased to have your hand supporting this mercenary squad, it was a good fight."
The older mercenary clapped their hands, the other boys weren't pleased at the premature end of what could have been a long fight however. Lyner returned to Kalim's side and the man was clapping his hands loudly. "Who taught you again?"
"An old knight," Lyner gave the mercenary the sparring sword back. "My lessons were simple... I couldn't afford more."
"My people taught me a different form of swordsmanship, I would like to learn yours." the Benshiran flashed Lyner a scimitar. The curved blade's design was not something Lyner had ever encountered before.