Ezriel Waveraider ![]() Basic Information Race: Human, Svefra Birthday & Age : 16; Spring 40, 495 AV Gender: Male Languages Fratava: Fluent Common: Basic Kontinesse: Poor Physical Description A young man that could be described more as beautiful rather then handsome. Among the generally robust and healthy Svefra he was considered a runt. His father being a smaller man that had wandered into one of their parties, it's not surprising that Ezriel is smaller then his fellows. While he is of finer features then most of his fellow Svefra, he is still physically fit. His body is that of a swimmers, broad(proportionally) shoulders taper down to a narrow waist. His skin has a pale tone to it that has been tanned by his life under the sun on the sea's. Training (Skills, Arcana, Gnosis, Lore) Swimming:30(20 start, 10 race) Weapon Skill(Tiger Hook Sword): 10(start) Massage: 5(start) Seduction: 5(start) Sailing: 10(start) Lore of boarding ships Lore of Ship Parts Equipment and Possessions Twin Tiger Hook Swords made of Steel [Heirloom]A sea-chart showing the oceans and currents Along the eastern coast of Sylira: Marked is a hidden cove near zeltiva The Waveraiders stash the extra ships they have taken from merchants Toiletries Backpack full of food(start) A pair of swim-shorts made of silk with intricate designs Two cotton outfits Casinor Tavan: A Striped Dolphin named Risk. Size: 7 feet 3 in Weight: 220 lbs Skin Color: Whereas most Striped dolphins have a white stripe down their sides, Risk was born with a black stripe. Where the main skin color is black, Risks's is a ruby red that shines espescially beautifully during sunrise and set. Risk is as he is named and is a dare-devil. Always seeking a thrill he doesn't hesitate to explore new channels. Risk has been known to swim through shark-infested waters for the thrill, and survive, he is reliable and smart. He seems to be able to always find his way through the most dire of situations and thrives in the challenge. Ledger Starting Package: + 100 GM Casinor: (Housing) Two steel Tiger Hook Swords: - 40 GM Silk Swim-Shorts: -10 GM One cotton Outfit: - 5 SM Total: 39 GM 5 SM Thread List |