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Postby As'Fien on March 12th, 2010, 6:46 am

(All Seeing Does Not Mean All Knowing)


Basic Information

Race: Konti
Birthday & Age : Winter 488 AV (21)
Gender: Female

Physical Description She is tall for her kind at 6'0", some say in part to her Akalak blood, but she is thin. Her long white hair is tied in a random braid here or there with beads. Her fingers are long and almost always adorned with some sort of jewelry. With her thin eyes and slightly sharp nose, she had been given the name "pigeon" for her bird-like face and near-obsession with collecting baubles. While not considered beautiful in the statuesque sense, she has a trusting face with a few blue freckles across her cheeks.

Character Concept
What if Charlie Brown had a past life of William the Conqueror? A spacey girl who has a thing for collecting shiny baubles was, in one life, a legendary military tactician who stood next to her beloved young warrior. Upon sacrificing her life to protect him, she re-entered the flow and was reborn as... this weird girl who like experimenting with food... particularly candy.

While she plays a lovable fortune teller while she's not cooking, her head is somewhere between the sky and the clouds. While not a klepto, she has a passion for collecting shiny trinkets and decorating her small room with them. Her tall lithe form is perfect for getting the dust in hard to reach places with a feather duster. A far cry from what she once was, her world is simple; baubles, trying to remember things, and making new friends by spoiling them rotten with her cooking.

Character History

Kineva was the bride of a great warrior general of the Akalak who even before his first century won many army battles with her tactics on the battlefield. She even sired him a son. She was taught from a young age the ways of war, knowing she would be the wife of a warrior tribe. Alas, she would meet her end protecting her husband from a stray arrow... her last wishes to her husband was to live a much more simple life away from war, as she felt that this wasn't the first lifetime she spent in conflict.

The gods who favored the couple heard her dying prayer, and reincarnated the warrior soul into a simple girl. Though she was intelligent, she often times lacked common sense. One of her coined sayings which made her popular with worshipers of Laviku was "I know why they call them 'waves'... I just don't know if they are waving hello or waving goodbye...". Her odd and airy perceptions made her loved by her Konti sisters in Riverfall. Though she was a little eccentric, she had a sweet charm about her and people quickly forgave her blunders as a child. As she grew to be a woman, females outside of the Konti would often look down on her because she wasn't the pretty type. Though not ugly, her sharp nose and blue freckles were often the point of ridicule. Her memory was not very sharp, and she would have a hard time remembering names.

It was then she started to realize her innate ability of Divination. The reason that she was able to be the charming airhead was that she knew what made people happy. Despite not being able to carry her weight sometimes, she knew how to make people warm and fuzzy inside with the right words.

Taking this revelation to heart, she decided to go into a practical trade in Riverfall. Everyone had to eat, and the big burly Akalak had to eat often. Realizing she had a talent with knives, her father pushed her hard to learn the ways of making food. When she could focus on making people happy, she had a decent talent at it, learning things here and there about making the perfect snacks for her friends. Her memory was rather shoddy, however, and she took up writing to help her write things down. It was when her older sister came back after her husband passed away that she learned a few tricks about Glyphs and Fortune Telling. Most Konti who did fortune telling were sober and mysterious, but As'Fien actually had a warm and fuzzy aura... and an eccentric costume with a silly sense of humor. Only the most terrible of news could not be blunted by her airy wit.

Coming of age, it was time to get her out into society and working instead of making more friends. Kind and obedient, she sets out on her own in order to learn the secrets of cooking and making people feel better about themselves. With the dark side of the Akalak, she knew deep down that she would be good for something despite forgetting people's names.

Training (Skills, Arcana, Gnosis, Lore)

Avalis- Divination (Konti)

Writing- 5
Cooking- 10
Fortune Telling- 25 (+10 Racial)
Philtering- 5
Food Preservation- 5
Knives- 5

Glyphs- 5

Bungler's Charm- (How to smile and laugh to charm people after making a mistake)

Decorative Knife Skills- How to cut food into pretty pieces to make a dish more pretty.

Equipment and Possessions
Sojourner's Cookbook- Cooking tips handed down through three generations, as her grandmother was a traveling gourmet. Her daughter settled down with her husband early in life, but learned much while on the road with him. Between As'Fien and her two older sisters, she was the only one interested in keeping the tradition alive.

Arcane Robe- (55gm) Her "Sanguine Seer" outfit. She seems to drown in these robes, but combined with her various baubles attached in her hair and on the sash, she actually looks rather cute.

Crystals (10) (10gm)- Quartz helps with the Fortune Telling

Cards (Tarot) (10gm)- For all your fortune telling needs! ^_^

Dress (Average) (3gm)- Plain dresses, but durable for working in the kitchen.

Boots (High) (2)- (1gm)

Sugar (10lbs)- (10gm) Ever the candy maker!

Inscribing Paint- (10gm)


501 left (she is getting out of her parent's home to go on her own, so she needs to find a place to call home).

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Character sheet

Re: As'Fien

Postby As'Fien on March 13th, 2010, 3:33 am

* General Information

1. What is your Name?

"As'Fien... pleased to meet you!"

2. Do you go by a nickname or pet name?

"Friends call me Fien."

3. How old are you?

"... You... really shouldn't ask a girl that. Particularly us Konti. Some of us are really sensitive. I'm 21, by the way."

4. What is your height?

"I'm pretty tall, aren't I? ... Hard to tell, but I know I'm pretty tall."

5. What is your weight?

"Wow... you're nosy."

* Aesthetics

1. Describe yourself as you see yourself.

"Tall... thin... long hair. Sorry, I'm not in front of a mirror."

2. Describe yourself as others typically see you.

"As... myself. Of course."

3. What is your favorite body feature?

"I... have a thing about arms. Most girls like other parts on a man, but something about his shoulders and arms make me feel more at ease about them. What? ... Oh! You meant myself? Uhm... I suppose my long legs. I'm rather waifish, but I like swimming, so... I think they are nice."

4. How physically fit are you?

"I can't lift much, really... but I'm healthy, so that is always nice. Father is always strict about health, particularly with his girls. Oh... yes, all he has is girls."

5. How do you typically dress and what is your style?

"Whatever I feel like at the time. People do not understand my tastes... if it catches my eye, I will wear it. It's not my fault that a lot of things catch my eye!"

* Family

1. Who are your parents and what are they like?

"My mother is Aslyn and my father is Karush Tala. My mother mainly takes care of the household while my father works at the docks. It was his love of the sea which got the attention of my mother. He used to be a successful sailor who hunted pirates, but now he works on the docks to train new sailors."

2. Do you have any brothers or sisters?

"I have two older sisters, both Konti... poor father. Lem'Asl is married to the son of my father's old captain and has a good stake in the trade that comes in and out. Ta'Lyn was married to a human merchant who traded with the company often, but he passed away five years ago. With as much stock as my family has in the trade in and out of the city, she can afford to be picky with a new mate. She is a wonderful Seer, and I try to learn from her as much as I can. She has the ability to forsee trends in the market. Lem'Asl can predict the weather, so she is always planning with the boats."

3. What is your extended family like?

"I met some of Ta'Lyn's in laws before her husband died. He was old when I first met him, but she is also a century old. They are good people, but they mostly kept up with Lem's side of the family. I have met the elder Tem a couple of times, but since father doesn't have a son yet, it is a little on the strained side. We are really hoping Lem can have a grandson. Father is really pushing me hard to find a certain someone... but..."

4. Do you consider close friends as important or more/less important than family?

"It depends on the friend, I suppose. My sister Ta'Lyn is my confidant for the most part. I... really don't have a friend I'd trust with some secrets... too many people outside the family think I'm... too odd."

5. Do you treat animals like family?

"I had a pet dog once, but he died... I don't really treat them like family, but you never know. I have a thing for cute!"

* Location

1. Where were you born?

"Here in Riverfall!"

2. Where do you live now?

"Here in Riverfall!"

3. If you could live anywhere in Mizahar where would that be?

"Here in Riverfall... wait... I said that already."

4. Do you have a favorite place to vacation or spend leisure time?

"I always wanted to visit the resort one of these days... it's close by Riverfall!"

5. Where do you fear to be?

"Hmmm... good question. I don't really remember being in a place I was afraid of being. I fear people more than places. All the sidewalk can do is exist when you trip and fall... it's the people who stick their toes and make you slip!"

* Traits

1. Do you have any physical weaknesses (disease, scars, and missing limbs?)

"Well... I don't lift much weight. I can't really think of anything too horrible... partially because I don't remember things very well..."

2. Are you right handed or left handed?

"... I have two hands, silly."

3. What languages do you speak? What do you sound like? Do you have an accent?

"I speak common well, and a little bit of Tukant, but I know Kontinese very well."

4. Do you have any odd mannerisms, annoying habits, or other defining characteristics?

"... You haven't looked at me hard enough, have you? All I have to do is shake my head and my hair starts sounding... pretty. I love trinkets. Silly things of that sort. I tend to fidget a lot too. I also don't know where I got my blue freckles... somehow I think someone was playing with me in my past life."

5. Do you have (or want to get) any tattoos or piercing? Why do you have them (or will get them) ?

"I might... it all depends. It might give me more room to put more pretty trinkets on me, but mother says I'm still a growing girl. I think I'll wait another fifty years."

* Occupations

1. What is your occupation?

"I'm learning to be a cook... I do fortune telling too, but both of that is mostly for my friends."

2. Do you like/dislike your work? Why?

"I'd love it more if I could get paid for it!"

3. If you could be anything you wanted to, what would you be?

"... I'm exactly what I want to be, silly! Myself!"

4. What occupation do you admire the most? Why?

"Hmmm... I like librarians! They know all sorts of interesting things! I can sit for ages listening to someone talk about something new."

5. What occupation do you lest like? Why?

"Well... not that I hate kids, but I hear that some Akalak babies start raging at infancy. I really wouldn't want to be the person to deal with that. That would be... really heart wrenching, the poor kid..."

* Childhood

1. What sort of child were you?

"... I'm still a child to some degree. I need to support myself... somehow."

2. What is your favorite memory from childhood?

"When I made lunch for everyone at the house for the first time! Father was so proud of me!"

3. What is your worst memory from childhood?

"... I was made fun of a lot when I was younger. I'm... not a looker like most Konti. I'm cute, but I'm not... you know... curvy."

4. What sort of relationship did you have with your parents?

"Father's pretty stern... but I understand why. When he's having his bad days, he leaves the house for several days until he cools down. He's a really good man, though! Mother is always there for the girls. Our grandmother traveled the world, but mom stayed put for over a century. She loves it when I get books for her."

5. Who was your most influential rolemodel?

"My older sister, Ta'Lyn! She really knows how to get the guys, and she's a really good fortune teller!"

* Education

1. What sort of education do you have?

"I learned a lot at home. Mom loves books, so I got to read a lot. It's the practical experience that father says I need which kills me."

2. Do you like/dislike learning?

"I love learning... sometimes the doing in learning is a little rough, but... I still learn, right?"

3. Where or how did you learn most of your skills/abilities?

"... By messing up... a lot."

4. How do you learn best?

"Trial and error."

5. What are your educational goals for the future?

"I want to cook. Everyone here eats a lot, so I can make a decent coin from it, right? If I can't make enough doing that, I suppose I'll brush up my fortune telling skills."

* Relationships

1. Do you form close bonds with people? Why? Why not?

"I'm... a little off, so sometimes I scare people. If I don't, though, I try and stay friends for life!"

2. Do you trust people easily? If not, why not?

"Well, around here, if you do a crime you get sent to the arena... soooo, since doing crime tends to lead to dishonor, a lot of people here are pretty straight forward. If they want to hurt you, you know they want to hurt you."

3. Do you consider yourself straight, gay, bi, or something else?

"Eh? ... Well, nobody's really asked me that before! Well... I look at breasts a lot, but that's more because... well... all I have are tea cups. I really like arms... and shoulders... and backs! Oh, you're making me blush! Yes, I'm certain I like men!"

4. Have you ever been kissed? If so, describe the first time.

"On the cheek... nope! No interested guys for lip action yet..."

5. Have you ever had sex? If so, describe the first time.

"... My father wishes..."

* Drugs and Alcohol

1. Have you ever been drunk? If so, describe your first time.

"I've been accused of being drunk before... but no. I have had wine before, but I'm really careful to sip."

2. Do you like to drink on a regular basis?

"I'm looking to cook, so it's important to taste different drinks and know what goes with what."

3. What sort of alcohol do you prefer?

"Beer is a little too fizzy for me. I'm a wine girl... I have expensive tastes, though, so I don't have it often. I really like the berry-based wines!"

4. Have you ever tried drugs (mood altering substances)? If so, which kinds and what did you think of them?

"I've been accused of being on them, but no... that's just me."

5. What do you think of drugs and alcohol? Be specific.

"Well... as long as your not addicted, I suppose. There is such a thing as being reasonable with both of them. I'm just not interested... there's more interesting things to do, like... collecting things!"

* Likes and Dislikes

1. What are your hobbies?

"I'm a junk collector... well... maybe not junk. Cheap and pretty things are my passion! I have everything from little statues to brooches, and bangles, and bracelets, and scarfs, and... oh there I go again! I also like to spoil what friends I have rotten with my cooking."

2. Do you like to read?

"That's my other hobby!"

3. What annoys you more than anything else?

"... Having a flat chest... I'm an ironing board!"

4. What do you find the most relaxing activity to do?

"I like swimming and looking for baubles at the bottom of the waterfall! Sometimes I find really interesting things down there!"

5. What kinds of things embarrass you? Why?

"Well... talking about what I like in guys. Everyone around here is so open about it... a girl ought to keep some secrets, right?"

* Favorites

1. What is your favorite color or colors?

"I like whatever catches my eye... if it's bright and pretty, I want it all to myself!"

2. What is your favorite time of day?

"Lunch! I love food! People wonder how I can eat so much and keep my figure..."

3. What is the most beautiful thing you’ve ever seen?

"... Well... That's a secret... but... you see I'm blushing, right?"

4. What do you like to eat? What do you hate to eat?

"I love fruit! It is so hard to find it around here! I also love bread. I... really get tired of fish, but I know how to make it in enough ways that I don't loathe it. Ugh... but I hate using fish oil for cooking!"

5. What is your favorite type of weather? Does any kind scare you?

"I love the rain! I love the Spring festival! I can dance around in puddles and splash things!"

* Outlook

1. Are you optimistic or pessimistic?

"I can see what makes people happy... I really like it when people are happy around here, so I try to be that way myself!"

2. What are your religious views?

"Avalis, of course, but... I find it a little uncomfortable sometimes with my father being Akalak. I'm sometimes worried because the Goddess Akajia is the goddess of secrets. If I have visions of truth, does that make her angry?"

3. Would you be able to kill?

"Well, I'm a cook, so I likely have to kill fish and stuff. People? ... Well... if it was to protect someone, I think so... I really wouldn't know how to hurt someone unless it was with a knife or something..."

4. What are your views on sex?

"Uhm... we wouldn't be here without it, right?"

5. What, in your opinion, makes a successful life?

"... Finding what your supposed to be doing and doing it."

* Actions

1. What is the worst and best thing you’ve ever done?

"Wow... that's a tough one. Best thing I ever did was realize what my gifts were. It makes it easier to find my place in the city. Worst? ... Well, there were several times where I got really flighty and wandered away from my mother and father... I'm much better about that now, though."

2. What is your greatest regret?

"Hmmm... I wish I could have gotten to know my outside family more. Maybe even treat my current family better. I tend to wander a lot..."

3. What is your best/worst memory?

"Wow, you're nosy... Uhm... I have a hard time remembering things, but... I think my favorite memory is making lunch for the first time for my family. It was one of the few times I had some of my in-laws over. Worst? ... Getting beaten up by a bunch of girls who caught me looking at this one pretty boy... My father got them good, though! He knew the parents of two of them, so they probably got an ear full."

4. If you could change one thing about your past, what would it be and why?

"Well... I don't remember a lot of things. Maybe... spending more time with my family instead of reading books."

5. What are you the most proud of doing in your life?

"Finally striking it out on my own... or at least making the effort. I'm known to be a klutz, so... it's really really good that I can do something on my own!"

* Emotions

1. How honest are you about your thoughts and feelings with others?

"... I'm a Diviner, silly... why would I lie?"

2. Do you have any biases or prejudices?

"Well... I kinda trust my fellow Konti more than other people. They always welcome people! Akalak, even though they are honest... they can sometimes be mean. It's not their fault, I know... but... I just wish I could make them happy sometimes."

3. What makes you happy?

"Sweets! And Pretty things! And making other people happy! And laughing! And dancing by the waterfall! And... Ahhhhh! I love being happy!"

4. Who or what, if anything, would you die for?

"Well... if I really had to... I'd die to protect someone I cared about."

5. What makes you angry?

"... A lot of things, actually... I just don't like thinking about them. People in general can really frustrate me sometimes."

* Relationships

1. In general, how do you treat others?

"I tend to get clingy sometimes... particularly if I don't put them off in the first five minutes."

2. Who is the most important person in your life, and why?

"I... don't think I've met him yet. Right now, it's my father, but I know I'll have to live with a special someone someday."

3. Who is the person you respect the most, and why?

"Respect? ... Hmmm... Well, I respect the gods for the most part. Wysar reminds me of my father, so I would say him. I never met him, though, so... I'd be excited to meet him!"

4. Do you have a spouse or significant other? If not, describe an ideal lover.

"You're from Riverfall, aren't you? ... Only someone from around here would be that nosy about my love life! ... Well... I guess an ideal lover would be someone who could protect me and accept me even though I don't do everything right. He'd eat my lunch every day and take me on secret adventures!"

5. Do you trust anyone to protect you? Who, and why?

"Father's always been a great protector! ... Sometimes, I feel like he's a little too good, though."

* Group Situations

1. Do you tend to argue with people, or avoid conflict?

"Well, I have to take in everything... if I don't know the facts about something, I make a point to read up about it and come back to the argument later. I try to be fair about it..."

2. Do you tend to take on leadership roles in social situations?

"If there is no other leader... If a place starts to get boring, I try and stir things up with something fun, but if someone's being entertaining, then I let them take the spotlight."

3. Do you like interacting with large groups of people? Why or why not?

"If I'm performing or something, sure. When I'm the Sanguine Seer, it's always fun to have an audience!"

4. Do you care what others think of you?

"Sometimes... respect-wise, it's really important. If it's something silly like what I'm wearing then... not really."

5. What do you think of others, in general?

"People are people. I'm a person too, so that makes us all okay, right?"

* Self Image

1. What is your greatest strength as a person?

"Uhm... I'm cute!"

2. What is your greatest weakness?

"... Not remembering things..."

3. If you could change one thing about yourself, what would it be?

"I should really believe in myself more often... I guess."

4. Are you generally introverted or extroverted?

"... Why are you so nosy? ... Is someone trying to get you all this information to ask me out? Well... I guess it depends. I don't like talking about myself, but I'm fine with other things."

5. Are you generally organized or messy?

"... Well, it looks like chaos, but I know where everything is."

* Beliefs

1. What God or Goddess do you find most appealing, if any?

"Avalis, of course! That's why I try to be so honest!"

2. Which God or Goddess do you fear, if any?

"Well... I always worry that Akajia wouldn't like me... I'm not a dark person. I... don't like dark things, but I'm willing to accept them in people."

3. Do you have any Gnosis Marks? If so, how did you receive them?

"Yup! I'm a Konti, after all! ... I... can't show you where it is, though. We're not dating."

4. What lengths would you go to to please your deity?

"Well, I'm practicing my craft as a fortune teller, but I'm not sure what else Avalis finds appealing. Hmmm... I'll have to find out!"

5. Where do you draw the line at pleasing your deity? What is too much?

"She's our mother... I don't think I'd draw a line because I don't think she'd ask me to do anything too horrendous."

* Life & Death

1. What do you absolutely live for?

"... That's pretty deep... Hmmm... Well, for now... trying to make people happy."

2. What is the best part of life?

"... Someone wants to ask me out, don't they? If they want to date me, they should at least ask my father first! ... Oh well... I suppose the best part of life is the parts you enjoy."

3. What is the best part of death?

"... Well, since I don't remember anything about my past lives, I really couldn't tell you."

4. If you could choose, how would you want to die?

"Hmmm... as painlessly as possible... and hopefully with my kids grown. I'd hate to have them without a mother."

5. What is the one thing for which you would most like to be remembered after your death?

"Well, if I've been around the court a few times, there's a lot of things that people remember about me after death already. After this death? ... Hmmm... so long as I'm remembered, I don't really care. Are you finally finished? You've asked me, like... a hundred questions!"

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