Hoarding (Solo)

Job thread. A charoda scavenges.

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Center of scholarly knowledge and shipwrighting, Zeltiva is a port city unlike any other in Mizahar. [Lore]

Hoarding (Solo)

Postby Warden Thrice on December 25th, 2011, 4:29 am

8th of Winter

It was cold. Eorar was used to the warmer waters of the Falyndar region, and the mere few degrees change felt like a snowstorm. Still, he couldn’t hibernate, and compared to the surface world he was quite comfortable. Up there it was absolutely freezing.

At the moment he was flitting around the docks, looking for things that fell into the ocean from moving ships. He did have a large nest egg saved for staying alive, but he knew that it wouldn’t last forever and that he needed to find a way to make money. He had heard of a shop on the docks, Treasures or something, which bought odd things. Maybe Eorar would be able to sell things there once it warmed.

He heard the tell-tale plop of something falling into the water. He immediately powered forwards, scanning and chirping to locate whatever it was. He found it without too much trouble, eye catching on the fist-sized spot descending through the murk. He followed it gracefully, catching it before it hit the floor.
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Hoarding (Solo)

Postby Warden Thrice on December 25th, 2011, 4:30 am

It was a box, and a fine one at that. It was perhaps the length of his pointer finger, with a leaf design on the top. Eorar traced the edge with a finger, and though he was no expert he was perceptive when it came to things of a watery nature. He was pretty sure that it was watertight, and he pocketed it with glee. He’d find out what was in it later.

His gaze was drawn upwards as a boat passed above him, wood groaning, and he instinctually moved away. After nearly being flattened by an anchor in the Fall, he had decided to stay away from the undersides of ships and avoid anything similar.

Once he was satisfied that there were no iron showers imminent, he turned his attention to the floor. There were always bits of interesting things here and there if one could stand the unimaginable filth. Eorar hadn’t quite learned to stomach it, and as such stayed to the cleaner areas of the city’s dump. He could hear the clicking steps of prawns and bottom-feeders inching through the piles of refuse eating anything that they could chew, and shuddered involuntarily as he swam lower and lower, finally settling into a path three or so feet above the junk. He ran his eyes over everything that stuck out, naming what he could and ignoring what no longer had a description. Most of it was worthless: boots, clothes, broken furniture, even a bit of a sunken ship in a couple of places. Interesting to look at, but overall, useless.
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Hoarding (Solo)

Postby Warden Thrice on December 25th, 2011, 4:30 am

There. A telltale glimmer came from the darkness, and the charoda immediately swam to investigate. He moved a heavy something and felt around for whatever had shone. His hand closed around something rough, and he pulled it into the light. He chirped with joy. It was an abalone shell, and a large one at that. The outside was very rough, as shells generally were, but the inside glittered with a layer of mother-of-pearl. Eagerly, Eorar dug around more, ignoring the filth, until he found the second half. He swam upwards and held them into the light with glee, turning them this way and that to catch rays of sunlight dancing over their surfaces.

He nodded, satisfied, then turned to the open sea and started forward. He probably wouldn’t give away the shell, at least not all of it. It was hard enough knowing that he’d have to part with the rest of the things he’d begun to accumulate. Charodae were habitual hoarders, and it was not going to be easy at all to sell his precious things. He’d do what he had to to survive, but adjusting to his new home would take time, and he was nowhere near the end.
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Hoarding (Solo)

Postby Paragon on January 14th, 2012, 1:35 pm


Eorar :

Skill XP Reward
Swimming +1
Observation +1
Investigation +1

Lore: A Change of Climate, Avoiding Anchors

Other: + 1 Abalone Shell

I love you portraying Eorar as a hoarder, it's nice to see a Charoda as there aren't many of you around. Good work - if you have ANY questions or concerns about this grading, don't hesitate to PM me.
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