by Avi on May 17th, 2010, 1:35 am
Avi had paid close attention to the map when Skroth had shown it to them. She recognized a good deal of the Talderian geography, if only by vague memory - she had flown these skies for the better part of her life, and had come this way often, passing from Avanthal to Syliras, and vice versa. This was not much new to her. Figuring out where was where on the map had taken some doing, but once she found her stride, she didn't think the navigation was too difficult. Taldera may have been partly a deciduous rain forest, but there were certain landmarks you learned to recognize from a bird's eye view. Sharpened eyes had taken in the map, even as she glanced around from time to time, watching warily, her face pointed and raptor-like, human though she may have appeared to be. She nodded in agreement to scouting. She hadn't explained how big she was, naturally, but she was a regional native, and, at least, so was her animal side. Even if she was a dire mutation... she was still a Talderian Black Owl.
She'd left with Nimvahlis, her steps quick and businesslike, yet mindful of the flora she stepped on. Once outside of Grath's, she was already removing the feathers from her hair. Those that didn't know better hardly ever noticed them, much less that they were carefully tied in with cords. These pearlescent black feathers, the Akvatari may have noticed, were as long as her forearm... if not longer. If they were hers, one had to wonder just what kind of a bird she was. Her spear was tucked under her arm, and her pack was in that hand as she placed the feathers inside. Booted feet trotted with the sureness that came from being comfortable with nature itself. She stepped between the trees, then, pack on the ground, her spear beside her as she actually proceeded to strip down. Avi was perfectly happy to go without clothes, but there had been many, many lectures on what was termed societal decency, and they had eventually been drummed into her skull. Her simple garments, one by one, were put in her backpack, and the spear was fixed into a network of slots and straps. The shoulder straps of the pack were lengthened, loosened, and Avi drew them on before stepping out from the trees into a more open area. She crouched and transformed, then, before launching herself into the sky.
There had been a reason she had needed a more open area to achieve liftoff, and that was simply that Avi's wingspan was massive. The enormous owl's wingspan was similar to that of a Kalean Wind Eagle - they were forty feet if they were an inch. There had been a reason she had said she could carry someone, and Nimvahlis was right to keep his distance. The shadow cast by the bird over the Spires was somehow fitting - she fit in well with the giant trees. Amber-gold eyes flashed until she found Nimvahlis, and he was quite aware of just how much of a predator she was. And to top it off, she was antsy from his attempt at hypnotism, and very much on the edge. Satisfied with his presence, and picking up the proper sound of his wingbeats, the owl headed in the direction that the map had indicated, content to get away from the Akvatari. She knew where he was. It looked strange if they were flying together. She could fit in here, after all, big though she was; but she was close enough to turn around in a heartbeat and come after anything that approached him. Her eyes scanned the trees and the air, keeping an eye out for anything amongst the trees and ground that might indicate a threat or a clue.