Timestamp: Winter 85, 511 AV Time: Late Night Location: Black Beach Cavern Who: Gabrielle Seawind Liandra and Kylayia were delighting in the surprisingly easy travel of the day. The strange tides and storms of the area seemed to be taking a day off. But the pair would never utter a complaint. This season seemed full of intent to banish them from this inland sea. So today would be a nice, relaxing day. Liandra decided she was tired of riding around, and dismounted from Kylayia. She could use a good swim. She grabbed one of her coral torches from the saddle bags and strapped it tightly to the upper section of her right arm. This would allow her to see down deep, without it taking up a hand or flopping all over the place. She swam around to Kylayia's front and patted him on the flute. "Love, go find us somewhere to rest tonight, I'm going to go explore a bit. I'll bring you back some goodies." Kylayia wouldn't have been worried if they'd been back home, but these were foreign waters. But he knew Liandra couldn't be convinced otherwise, so he nuzzled at her neck, and swam off without looking back. Kylayia watched her best friend go, wishing him well. She needed to stretch her limbs. She could feel that they were close land, the currents' collision against the solid rock nearby were evidence of that. She began to swim downward, in hopes of finding the sea floor. Her webbed feet kicked powerfully, her arms pushing the water behind her gracefully. The light from the coral allowed her to see several feet ahead of her, while also scaring away several of the smaller creatures. She quickly reached the sea floor and began floating just above the sandy bottom. This didn't have the good feel of pearl country, but maybe she could find something else. Not all treasures are jewels after all. Liandra scooped her fingers down into the silt below, and brought some to her mouth. She rolled the grits over her tongue. This was very fertile sand, there had to be some coral near by. She lazily swam along the bottom, constantly sweeping the area in her search. She found herself nearing the area where the seafloor rose up sharply into a rock face. She huffed to herself. No coral here. There was nothing here. No fish, no plants, nothing. That didn't make any sense, none at all. The sea should be teaming with life. She suddenly felt very nervous. She began looking around, worried a dangerous predator was nearby. She should've brought Kylayia with her, he could always sense these things before she could. She began to cautiously swim upward along the rock face. As she began moving further up, she noticed the face was pocketed full of holes. She continued skirting upward, a hand resting in one of the holes, when she was filled with a sense of dread. She quickly withdrew her hand, an instant before something stormed past it. The rush pulled her arm back and she twisted her body so that she faced away from the rock face. And to her horror, she saw why no creature came to this area. Streaming out of the wall were countless lengths of yellow and brown. Liandra knew that color, that smooth skin, and that writhing mass. She had stumbled upon a giant eel nest. And they were hungry. She quickly began swimming like mad for the surface, which now seemed like an ocean away. As she pumped upward she finally saw the tail ends leave their nests, showing the horrifying size of the the eels. The eels were already turning back toward her like a flurry of deadly spears. She knew their teeth weren't large but could slice through flesh and cartilage like the weakest of kelp. They were faster than her, but weren't nearly as agile or nimble. As the swarm drew closer, Liandra saw that she wouldn't be able to fully clear the path. So she angled herself upward but also toward the swarm. As the eels neared, she saw the razor sharp teeth as their mouths opened. In this instant, she knew they were confident, but also blind, just for a brief moment. She stopped her forward movement and curled up in a small ball, her hands now gripping the glow coral, that was on her arm a moment before, out in front of her. Her diminished size only allowed for two eels to possibly be problematic, though it only took one to kill her. The first eel's bottom jaw collided with the glow coral and sent the Charoda Ball spinning backwards. The second eel, however, had found some purchase as it's top fangs scored shallow grooves into her back. The swarm of eels continued to speed their massive bodies by as she began swimming for the surface once more. Now that she was bleeding, the risk of death increased a hundred fold. Her back burned in pain, but the fact that she could still swim meant that the damage wasn't as severe. She let out a shrill whistle as she swam in an almost crazed fervor. She didn't know if the whistle would be heard or not, but she knew her survival relied on it. As the swarm returned, their spread was much wider, so as to better capture her. Her options were now extremely limited. She was lucky to have only sustained the injuries she had now. She continued her rise, finally being able to see the surface above. Then she felt her gut drop. Her instincts told her it no longer mattered, but she didn't know why. Then several deep, bellowing roars filled the sea around her. The hierarchy of the sea always triumphed, but could she survive? A small pod of Velispar were making quick work of the eels. Liandra knew from Charbosi that Velispar were highly intelligent, and often unmatched in ferocity. She didn't know what attracted them, the smell of her blood, or the shrill of her whistle. But upon their arrival, they quickly determined that the eels would be a much more satisfying meal. Liandra knew she was out of the Myrian net, but was now possibly in the cooking pot. As she swam away from the terrifying display of predator and greater predator, a single eel was darting after her. Liandra heard a whistle similar to her earlier one, and felt a slight hope. She let loose a matching one once more, as she swam toward to source. As she sped near it, she could see the spotted outline of Kylayia, her darling seahorse companion. He trumpeted worriedly as he closed the gap between them. She knew that sound. She was still in danger. She snuck a glance behind her and saw the single eel nearly upon her webbed toes. Kylayia zoomed past her, giving her only an instant to snake a hand into his reins. Her shoulder was nearly jerked from it's socket as Kylayia's form crashed into the eel's body. Her companion was assaulting the eel with tail, head, and flute. The eel managed to get a couple bites in, but the seahorse's scales protected him from the worst of the damage. Eventually, the eel determined that fight was no longer worth it, and made it's way back to it's nest as the sole survivor of the massacre. Kylayia hauled an exhausted Liandra back to the resting place he had found earlier. Unbeknownst to them both, it was a small cove called Black Beach Cavern. As he neared it, he hopped the two of them over the rocks that provided protection from water predators on the outside. They found themselves in a moderately shallow pool just within the cavern. Liandra slid from his back and tiredly grasped the scraping shell from her saddlebags. Kylayia whistled a complaint, but Liandra would not be stayed. "Mama always said to tend to your flock before the sea shepherd could rest." She began to scrape the buildup of grime and slime the sea accumulated on Kylayia's scales. If she didn't do this, he could get sick or infected by barnacles or other parasites. She slid it down the scales with the grain, then beneath them as she worked her way against it. She made special care to clean around his gills, eyes, and ear slits. Satisfied she checked his injuries, but knew they would heal up quicker than her own. She drug herself onto the sandy entrance and sighed. At least now she could rest. She doubted anyone else would be in this cavern. After all, Kylayia was quite adept at finding hiding places others couldn't find. |