Abura was a city like no other in Mizahar. It had the look of a city that had been designed in a fever dream; massive spires, arches, and towers dominated the skyline. They were not stylistically harmonious, and indeed, it was hard to imagine what possible functional utility many of them could have. As one approached the docks, it was difficult to shake the impression of walking into a forest of hallucinogenic trees.
The docks themselves were remarkably prosaic. It had the same wooden wharfs and the same plank buildings that one would find in any other Mizaharan city. When a ship arrived, the unloading of cargo and passengers took place in the same way it did anywhere else. Security was noticeably lax, however; a few guards, some Akvatari, but the majority human, observed the goings-on, but no one checked any paperwork or asked travelers what their business was.
Almost none of Abura was at ground level; outside the immediate era of the docks, the wooden boards gave way to the sand and rock that dominated most of the island of Akvatar. If a visitor was interested in visiting the rest of the city, one had to hire a chair-flight: a sort of elongated seat that was carried through the air by a pair of Akvatari. The cost depended on where one wanted to go, but it was quite reasonable.