Alea was not entirely sure how to feel about the new beverage; it was quite unlike anything she'd ever tasted. There were so many flavors, all different, she had trouble sorting them out. She liked that it was sweet, but there were other flavors too, and the overall combination was to confusing for her to make sense of. In the end, however, she decided she liked the beverage.
While she was drinking, she was also mulling over what Justus said. Kindness is a force of healing? Was that true? It seemed obvious, but Alea wanted to make sure, rather than accept the easy answer without thinking about it. "So, are you saying that kindness is a thing that most people need? Does that mean my parents should be nicer to me instead of making me help them with chores all the time? Because that's definitely something I want." She somehow doubted an adult was going to endorse not doing chores though, so to give the man a chance to get out of the hole he was about to dig himself into (by her reckoning anyway), she added one last question. "Are there any circumstances where kindness is the opposite what someone needs?"
OOCHave a concrete example to work from! You're welcome.