[PC Plot Notes] Liandra

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This forum is an OOC forum for PCS and Organizations to work out plans in hardcopy. Each PC or Organization gets a single thread where their players can help work out plans for their PC. Quests, mini-sagas, and Trips can all be organized here as well working out timelines and points of travel and things PCs need to do along the way. Each PC however gets only one Plotnote for their individual PC. Groups get one as well. There is no limit on individuals posting saga or trip plotnote threads. Please denote [PC Plotnotes] or [Group Plotnotes] or [Quest/Trip/Saga Plotnotes] when titling your threads.

[PC Plot Notes] Liandra

Postby Liandra on January 2nd, 2012, 8:33 pm

Learn Malediction
Learn Auristics
Find an artifact
Kill something without wanting to
Last edited by Liandra on January 26th, 2012, 6:41 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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[PC Plot Notes] Liandra

Postby Liandra on January 24th, 2012, 11:29 pm

Suvan Sea Trident Goals

Get into a fight
Sail into a storm
EITHER: Experiment with magic and have it go wrong, OR encounter a evil/overgiven magic user.
Give up/lose something precious
Visit a local landmark (as in, a written-up location; easiest would probably be the Anchorage Flotilla)
Barter with a Svefra (PC or NPC -- Non-Svefra only)
Participate in the Nal'lyeo (Svefra only)
Learn a new skill
Train a skill in several (2-3) solos

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[PC Plot Notes] Liandra

Postby Liandra on March 1st, 2012, 11:16 pm

March (2012)
1. Experience the Djed Storm.
2. Lose something in the Storm.
3. Pray to a Deity.
4. Assist in rebuilding something.

April (2012)
1. Tell someone your true feelings.
2. Learn an exotic skill.
3. Rescue something or someone from destruction.
4. Do something in the moonlight.

May (2012)
1. Craft an article of clothing or something worn on the body.
2. Show remorse for something.
3. Laugh at yourself or someone else.
4. Mimic something that's wild.

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